This is what seems to be the crux of the situation. The new Tomb Raider draws alot from UC imo, with the exception of certain thematic elements that I will address later. But for the most parts, the grunts during exertion, needing help in jumps and climbs that are just a bit beyond them (human ability, remember Drake and Lara are still human). Characterizing Jonah as some unstoppable unfeeling guy, if you watch the video he does cover himself often, He is less perturbed by the wind obviously because of his size.
For the most part I don't think Lara is weak nor really needing help for most of the game. She seems a little bit silly some of the things her character does, but I am going to chalk that up to reboot.
But with that said, the original reboot was odd as hell. Like other posters pointed out, it had that "descent" type of feel from the movie. The game for the most part seemed more like thriller/horror with adventure elements in between. That and all the gruesome possible deaths, just didn't remind me of any Tomb Raider I played before, I was feeling more like an action based Resident Evil. Imo, RoTR was the better experience of the two. Both are playable and fun, just the first one was off tonally.
Well from one business being a business to another being a business, devs tend to try and copy/emulate what has success elsewhere. After how bad a place TR went to commercially after a few "failed" games, and sales nose diving, it is on a business front understandable why they tried to chase that UC success.
As for the reboot feel/horror and what not, in many regards I think that was them trying to emulate other games as well. You get your Gears of War, massively successful franchise, and over the top gore and brutality. You get the UC success but wish to try and carve out your own spin on UC and hey, presto, you have the TR reboot trying to take from UC but one up it with the Gears of War violence UC doesn't have. Change GoW for any other game that is visceral, lauded as "realistic" violence and rated 18.
I mean that is completely my 2 cents, but knowing how game businesses work, especially when trying to become relevant again, they often mix and match from other successful franchises and try to throw it all at the wall and see what sticks.
Personally I loved the TR reboot and the violence didn't bother me, but hey, on individual taste fronts I have no issues with gore and in film, I love horror movies. I know others don't though, and therefore I fully understand why many fans criticized the shit out of the reboot after not having all this violence as graphical in the previous games. As the poster above has GIFed TR has always had violence, but yeah, the reboot took it to the oh hey there is brain parts level of gore.
I don't quite understand though why a character who used to be even more sexualized and one dimension, that has actually gotten better, is now under the microscope for "grunt noises" because after losing the "big tits" criticism what else do we have? I mean I'm being facetious there, but my point overall supplemented with all my views prior is are we really at the point where people cannot control their urge to sexualize moans and groans? Hence why I'd throw Tennis carelessly into the debate to if I'm completely honest say how on earth do some of you watch a Tennis match without muting your TV in disgust?!!? You can at least for audible noises from climbing/jumping/etc and violence shown as hey, a shotgun really does do that to someone, accept these are in varying ways, realistic. Big tits for big tits is harder to sell as realistic because let us face it, the marketing and reason for them was teenage boys. I covered this earlier in the topic, yes, shock horror, some women have huge breasts. However when you looked at why the reasons a videogame character, completely fictional had them, it wasn't just because "hey guys, biology is a thing".
At the end of the day though discourse of all sorts is good, and the best developers take viewpoints from as many people as they can. Living in a echo chamber never really improves anything. For better or worse I just felt like contributing my thoughts to this debate, as there are times where I think well intentioned people end up eating themselves when they try to use Lara to over politicise what is a fairly benign game all things considered. Especially as it has tried to dump it's shackles of this is polygon boobs for teenage boys, and IMO has done fairly well at doing that. The character, Lara, will always have the legacy, but there is no point in living in the past as a gamer for the sake of it, or to constantly regurgitate an argument. We are where we are now, this Lara is not the Lara of the PS1 days.