Star Power
Quit your bitching.
CVXFREAK said:Anyway, I cheat on every test at least once. In AP US History, my teacher would frequently leave to take care of some business. Being the nice AP people we were, he left and we all exchanged answers.
I think my finest test-taking achievement was blazing through a 110 question multiple choice midterm in AP US History in a mere 15 minutes. Aced it.CVXFREAK said:Anyway, I cheat on every test at least once. In AP US History, my teacher would frequently leave to take care of some business. Being the nice AP people we were, he left and we all exchanged answers.
Zaptruder said:That sounds 'devastating'
But then I've wasted 5 years chasing a degree I've always called a 'paper' degree and finally realised I don't want (I'll be putting it on hold, rather than trashing it).
That's alot of time by anyone's standards... but the fortunes of people rise and fall; you sound like you're talented enough (although unlucky in this instance) to do well in the world.
Just accept it (even tho in an 'ideal' world, such a punishment would be unjust), and try to find posititve things to do with your time while you take this class again.
MetatronM said:I think my finest test-taking achievement was blazing through a 110 question multiple choice midterm in AP US History in a mere 15 minutes. Aced it.
Now that I write that out, it really does seem impossible. :lol But it happened!
AniHawk said:And you got a 3?
CVXFREAK said:Yep, but I credit it to my frequent citation of the sources that backed my arguement. Besides, even thought we exchanged answers every chance we got, we didn't exactly ace those tests. :lol
In fact, my AP US History class's pass rate was 83%, which is overpar.
Date of Lies said:Hey, the dean was the one that fild out a plagerism report, he told me I was getting zero, I told him I wouldn't be able to into college and asked him to give me a chance, he said he couldn't.
The 4 other people that got zero were all girls, and they cried buckets, that didn't sway his decision either so, I doubt there was anything I could do at that point.
My mom is a teacher at my school (a math teacher in fact) and she talked to the principal, he told her "i'm really sorry for your son but if my daughter had done that, I would accept it"
LakeEarth said:Same thing happened with my chem teacher. People were passing around each other's exams!
teiresias said:I actually found college easier than high school, at least in terms of the math and science stuff.
I've decided its because most math and science high school teachers are bitter morons (except for my high school physics teacher - who was AWESOME) who get off on making you have to memorize formulas, whereas college professors (you know, the ones with REAL degrees) realize there's no reason for you to memorize a million formulas you'll never have to actually have memorized in real life, so they let you bring sheets full of formulas - just no sheets full of homework problems that are solved or stuff like that.
Hell if I remember.AniHawk said:Damn you. What'd you get, 95% or something?
sure but they're still mostly bitter and uptightsuaveric said:This is Suaveric's girlfriend writing. Occasionally I like to read the off-topic section of your message board; I think it's funny. I take offense to what you wrote, Teiresias. I'm a high school biology and chemistry teacher at a very demanding high school, and I have not only an undergraduate degree from a reputable university, but a master's degree as well. I'm sorry you had a bad experience with most of your high school science courses, but in my experience, as a teacher and as a student, high school teachers care a great deal about their students and their teaching methodologies.
Yeah, my experiences have been the exact opposite of what he wrote. Most of my high school teachers were awesome, and while the uni lecturers seem to know everything, they just can't teach properly (barring a few of course).suaveric said:This is Suaveric's girlfriend writing. Occasionally I like to read the off-topic section of your message board; I think it's funny. I take offense to what you wrote, Teiresias. I'm a high school biology and chemistry teacher at a very demanding high school, and I have not only an undergraduate degree from a reputable university, but a master's degree as well. I'm sorry you had a bad experience with most of your high school science courses, but in my experience, as a teacher and as a student, high school teachers care a great deal about their students and their teaching methodologies.
Orin GA said:You go back into that class and you beg and grovel. You beg and grovel like your life depended on it!
Date of Lies said:I am not blaming anyone but myself.
Date of Lies said:I think the punishment exceeds the wrongdoing, but I'm going to deal with it...The load of work is staggeringly high, easily college level really... [we] have [a lot] of pressure to get good grades
Date of Lies said:I told him I wouldn't be able to into college and asked him to give me a chance, he said he couldn't
Date of Lies said:It's an international highschool, sometimes ranked as the best in my city, 500 kids take the entry test, 70 get in. The load of work is staggeringly high, easily college level really.
There's no such thing as SATs in canada. Colleges, rather CEGEPS, look at the grades you got in 10th grade and the first half of 11th grade, where I got teh zero.
I think there might be a slight difference in the importance of typewriting class and Math.
open_mouth_ said:Just multiply that score by 100 and you'll have you're actual score!
fennec fox said:My friend in high school was suspended in senior year for changing his grades on the school's server (he admin'ed it) and he still got into the college of his choice. Penn, no less.
Gek54 said:Your senior year doesnt matter.
Tortfeasor said:Have an attorney write a letter to the dean advising him that you may sue if the situation isn't resolved in your favor.
teiresias said:I've decided its because most math and science high school teachers are bitter morons (except for my high school physics teacher - who was AWESOME) who get off on making you have to memorize formulas, whereas college professors (you know, the ones with REAL degrees) realize there's no reason for you to memorize a million formulas you'll never have to actually have memorized in real life, so they let you bring sheets full of formulas - just no sheets full of homework problems that are solved or stuff like that.
teiresias is doing an EE masters.Nerevar said:If the reason math classes in college are easier is because "you don't have to memorize formulas" then you're not taking very hard collegiate math classes.
Gek54 said:Your senior year doesnt matter.
Pfucata said:Dude, don't listen to this guy. Sue for what?
Date of Lies, make sure you only listen to GAFers who actually know what they're talking about.
Tortfeasor said:Are you an attorney? Do you know what you are talking about?
I didn't say to sue him... I just said to have a lawyer write a letter threatening to sue. The dean seems to have left little room for anything except to accept the punishment, writing the letter could perhaps open the door to the dean and you coming to a compromise. The dean may be afraid of litigation and may want to make you a deal to make it go away. As far as Pfucata deciding you do not have a valid cause of action, that is bullshit. Talk to an attorney.
Remember, most crimes require both intent and action. Ask to see the rules about cheating as they apply to your school as they were written when you were "caught". If there is nothing in writing, you may have a case. If there is something in writing see if there is any language of intent in the rules. You may be able to make a good argument that you didn't intend to cheat, that your actions were only negligent. You may be able to differentiate yourself from the other who cheated by saying that they intended to cheat while you had no intent to cheat and that while you did write a formula in your calculator, you had never indented to bring it to class or meant to erase it, etc... From your story it also seemed that you were caught before the test started. Did you actually cheat yet? Was there any act? Anyways... There is always an argument that you can make. Speak to a licensed attorney in your area.
fart said:i think we all agree that memorization shouldn't be an end unto itself (eg, the study of biology) but it's foolish to consider human memory optional in thought and study, so enough, let's sympathize with this poor guy.
fart said:i think we all agree that memorization shouldn't be an end unto itself (eg, the study of biology) but it's foolish to consider human memory optional in thought and study, so enough, let's sympathize with this poor guy.
tortfeasor makes a great point on grounds for petition