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I hate beer!

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For a lot of guys I know, beer was an acquired taste for them. It was for me too at first, to a point. It was my least favorite alcoholic beverage out there.

But now, I order a Coors with practically every meal out on the town, or while I'm in a bar. I guess I just grew accustomed to it.

My advice: Force yourself to drink it, eventually it'll be the equivalent of a Coke to you.
I'm 18 legally allowed to drink alcohol in the uk but i don't. Its my cunning plan to have more money instead of spending it on booze. Also if you've never tried it you don't know what u are missing thus less likely to try it. I do think its a bit of a social disability though. It seems to be the norm to drink, those that don't seem to be shunned. But I'll fight the good fight


Smells faintly of rancid stilton.
MrPing1000 said:
I'm 18 legally allowed to drink alcohol in the uk but i don't. Its my cunning plan to have more money instead of spending it on booze
. Just a matter of time before you join the darkside...Mawhhahahahahaha


MrPing1000 said:
I'm 18 legally allowed to drink alcohol in the uk but i don't. Its my cunning plan to have more money instead of spending it on booze. Also if you've never tried it you don't know what u are missing thus less likely to try it. I do think its a bit of a social disability though. It seems to be the norm to drink, those that don't seem to be shunned. But I'll fight the good fight

I hate the whole "omg I refuse to drink to save a dollar and shun societal norms!" argument. Spending 2.50$ (and I'm sure it's just as cheap in pounds) for one bottle of beer isn't exactly going to make you broke. :p Drinking in moderation is easy for anyone to afford, speaking from a college kid's perspective.

The only people I know that do end up spending a week's paycheck on booze are the people that don't know how to handle it, a.k.a. people who are on the verge of being alcoholics.


Just keep drinking it, you'll start to like it.

I used to hate beer but then I tried a Corona and after that I started liking all the other beers except for Naddy, Milwaukee's Beast and Coors.


Tuvoc said:
Just keep drinking it, you'll start to like it.

I used to hate beer but then I tried a Corona and after that I started liking all the other beers except for Naddy, Milwaukee's Beast and Coors.
Are you stupid?


Beer sucks, but I guess its “manly” to drink things that taste like shit.

I prefer cider myself. Or liquor mixed with soda.
Tritroid said:

I hate the whole "omg I refuse to drink to save a dollar and shun societal norms!" argument

Save a dollar? You certainly can't spend a dollar on beer over a weekend to use it as it is intended to be used. Say if you even spend $10 a weekend on brew, this guy is saving over $500. It's not an argument that he needs to not drink beer. You don't need an argument. It's not like drinking is some required thing that he is backing out of.


Hollywood Square
To those that don't drink -- more power to 'ye. Not that I need to drink, but I certainly do like to drink at social gatherings and such.
Both my parents drink, all their friends drink. I just see it as a social norm, mayb im rebelling or something. I just figure since it doesn't appeal to me at all I won't even bother


If I am out I order 2 shots of Tequilla and a tequilla sunrise to knock me on my ass and then a coke from sipping untill the buzz wears off and then another shot to maintain once in a while. I really don't like any alcohol and I'm not gonna waste my time learning to drink beer...something I'd have to drink a lot of. Tequilla get's me good in a short amount of time so it's more like just taking a quick dose of medicine.


Idle Will Kill said:
Save a dollar? You certainly can't spend a dollar on beer over a weekend to use it as it is intended to be used. Say if you even spend $10 a weekend on brew, this guy is saving over $500. It's not an argument that he needs to not drink beer. You don't need an argument. It's not like drinking is some required thing that he is backing out of.
Whatever, you could use the same philosophy for Coke/Pepsi. If a person stopped drinking them, which are usually a 1.50$ on average, they'd save about 10 bucks a week, give or take depending upon how much they actually drink. No one is 'forced' to drink them, they could get water instead. Yet most people don't because Coke/Pepsi have become such a common beverage to accompany a meal.

But for some reason people strike out harder at beer/alcohol, even though it's practically the same principle. Sure, there are a lot of people who binge and go way over the edge on weekends, but to generalize that drinking beer automatically equals binge-drinking prices isn't exactly fair to the people who drink 5-6 beers an entire week (mostly with meals).

I'm not saying that he should drink beer if he doesn't want to, I just don't like to hear the cost excuse since it all depends upon how much a person individually decides to drink.

Coors sucks, IMO.
Let me guess, you think Miller is the 'king of beers'. :p


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
I've never understood the logic behind an "acquired taste." Why would I want to have to build up a taste for something? I'd just as soon drink something that actually tastes good to begin with.


I hate beer too, although in defense of beer, I have only had shitty american beers.

I haven't tried drinking since I tried nasty-ass beers like budweiser, although that's way more because so many people in my family drink, I'm afraid that I'd be a bit predisposed to being an alcoholic.
I've never understood the logic behind an "acquired taste." Why would I want to have to build up a taste for something? I'd just as soon drink something that actually tastes good to begin with.

I did it with V8 juice. I have a HORRIBLE diet and needed to get more fruits and veggies into my diet. Fruit was no problem but I really CAN'T stand veggies. I mean ANY veggies. I gag at the sight of them.

Someone suggested to start with V8 as its a sort of veggie smoothie (with a TON of sodium). So I tried it. I sucked down my first glass with a lot of gagging. Did 1 glass a day that way for 1 week. Then after the 1st week, I found I was not gagging. I month later, I now enjoy it very much.



Chili Con Carnage!
MrPing1000 said:
I'm 18 legally allowed to drink alcohol in the uk but i don't. Its my cunning plan to have more money instead of spending it on booze. Also if you've never tried it you don't know what u are missing thus less likely to try it. I do think its a bit of a social disability though. It seems to be the norm to drink, those that don't seem to be shunned. But I'll fight the good fight

I can be richer, smarter, funnier and more attractive than any man in the world and all it takes 5 or 6 pints a couple of chasers, and a good beat.

Be Rich in Life >>> Rich in pocket

Is any of this peer pressure getting through to you?!?

Arent you from Ireland?!? im supprised you havent been deported! ;)

P.s Beer Good Guinness better

p.p.s Especially if you are in ireland, imported guinness takes like sewage for some reason.
Ghost said:
I can be richer, smarter, funnier and more attractive than any man in the world and all it takes 5 or 6 pints a couple of chasers, and a good beat.

Be Rich in Life >>> Rich in pocket

Is any of this peer pressure getting through to you?!?

Arent you from Ireland?!? im supprised you havent been deported! ;)

P.s Beer Good Guinness better

p.p.s Especially if you are in ireland, imported guinness takes like sewage for some reason.

Are you American? I'm surprised you can get out of bed! :p


I've never understood the logic behind an "acquired taste." Why would I want to have to build up a taste for something? I'd just as soon drink something that actually tastes good to begin with.

Amen to that.

I tried to "aqcuire" the taste of alchohol, but I never could, also the fact that I hate how it makes people act. I stay away from the stuff.
When I first started drinking alcohol, I was a pussy to. All I had is little fruity mixed drinks that tasted like juicy juice. That's just the kid in us not letting go. Beer is definately an acquired taste, but well worth it. There's some great tasting beers out there. Just stay away from rat piss like bud, coors etc.. get the good imports.
Beer is an acquired taste, but that doesn't mean it tastes like crap. I love beer now though I also used to hate it. The beer that started me off is Guinness, so try it out. It will taste unlike any other beer you've had so far. Good but bitter on my first taste. After that, just try out different kinds to see what you like. One to try out after that is Heineken (smooth and bitter-sweet). I found that my biggest problem with liking beer was that a lot of it didn't taste very smooth.

Anyway, the more you drink the more you like it until you come to really enjoy beer. Then you can have fun trying out all kinds of different beer and start picking out your favourites. It's not like you have to force yourself to drink beer to like it. Just start off with some good brands (beer is definitely NOT all equal if that's what you're thinking) and you'll start liking it more and more. If you don't like mainstream beers then I don't blame you, as they usually suck.


Tritroid said:
For a lot of guys I know, beer was an acquired taste for them. It was for me too at first, to a point. It was my least favorite alcoholic beverage out there.

But now, I order a Coors with practically every meal out on the town, or while I'm in a bar. I guess I just grew accustomed to it.

My advice: Force yourself to drink it, eventually it'll be the equivalent of a Coke to you.

So true. I used to hate beer, then I drank a few different beers and found my favorites (Carlsberg, Heineken, Staropramen, Hell, Asahi). Nowadays I just love a cold beer.


Still Tagged Accordingly
DSN2K said:
WTF is wrong with me ? :(
Drink Australian or Belgium beers, like Coopers, James Squire, Leffe or Hoegaarden. And please don't drink Foster's thinking it's the epitome of Australian beers. No one here drinks it.

Willco said:
All American beers are shit except for Yuengling. Fact.
I agree with you... don't know what the fuck Yuengling is though.
of course it tastes like shit. You don't drink it cause it tastes good, you drink it to get FUCKED UP. If beer tasted like candy then everyone would be shitfaced all day every day.


You're not alone, I can't stand the taste. I've tried different brands, but it's all the same (shit) to me.


Ninja Scooter said:
of course it tastes like shit. You don't drink it cause it tastes good, you drink it to get FUCKED UP. If beer tasted like candy then everyone would be shitfaced all day every day.

If you drink it just to get fucked up, you're better off drinking something stronger, like vodka. :p


This thread makes me cry.


I drink beer because I love the taste, not to get drunk. In fact, I have a really hard time getting drunk off beer, I need me gin for that task.

Kiriku said:
If you drink it just to get fucked up, you're better off drinking something stronger, like vodka. :p

thats actually my philosophy on drinking. I usually go straight to the harder stuff. But sometimes beer is all there is and you have to make due.


My friend used to hate beer too and wouldn't drink it. That is before he turned 21 and we started going out to bars. Now that's all we drink when we go out since it's so much cheaper. Miller Lite for me!
Justin Bailey said:
If any of you are around the Greensboro, NC area, stop by a bar and get some Red Oak.

Best. Beer. Ever.

I wish I knew some people in Greensboro. I'm only like an hour and a half away and yet I never visit.

By the way, Coors light is the worst beer ever while Coors original is actually quite decent.



Labbatt Blue. Try it and fall in love.
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