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I hate shaving

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miyuru said:
I shave both up and down. How the hell can you only shave down and get rid of everything? Explain that one.

Don't know how, but I do. I've tried shaving upwards, but it does absolutely nothing. For the most part, I keep a little chin strap, and keep it low, but once the hair grows to the point where it starts to stick out and look scruffy, I shave it all off.


Wow, some of you guys are really lucky then. I'm pretty picky about shaving though, I shave up after shaving down just to make sure there's no left over hair, and there always is. Even after I shave up, I still go back for more :p
I find shaving with the grain (or down) catches on my hair and pulls it leading to more cuts then shaving against the grain. Doesn't shaving against the grain, get the blade to travel under the hair and cut it at the point where its coming out of the skin whereas going with the grain just catches on the tips of the hairs?

I really hate shaving my neck around my adam's apple. Worst. Place. Ever.

My facial hair is really corse. (sp?) And I usually have to shave at least every 2nd day. I usually use an electric shaver to trim the hair down short and then finish with a razor. I'll have to try this Mach 3 Power. I'm using a Turbo atm and its pretty good.


I hate shaving, since I get some unattractive looking razor bumps on the side of my face. Every night I have to use several different bump prevention products to make myself more presentable. Sadly the stuff eats through the skin on my fingers, which can't be a good sign of the long term effects it might have on my face.

Also the mach 3 turbo sucks! The vibration does nothing but drive the price up by a few dollars. I find the schick three blade disposable razor to be better.


I'm a the point where I'm almost growing a beard but not really. It's all patchy-- if that's what they call it. It's not thick enough though not thin either. It just doens't grow evenly. lol. But I try to shave once a week when I go to school but in summer days like these, I RARELY shave.


More Tips on Controlling Ingrown Hairs
• When you shave, never shave against the grain of your beard – instead shave with the grain and use a good quality shaving prep which gives you good lubrication.
• Using a face scrub is also vital in removing dead skin cells and loosening hairs from the skin surface – helping to preventing ingrown hairs.
• To encourage hairs to grow through without any difficulty, you should use an effective moisturiser or shaving balm.


On the original topic of "I hate shaving":

Have you tried an electric razor?

Works best (easiest) for me. I use a Braun.
Tekky said:
On the original topic of "I hate shaving":

Have you tried an electric razor?

Works best (easiest) for me. I use a Braun.
I've been thinking about getting one (for job interviews and whatnot) but the price range scares me. They cost anywhere from $50 to $350. How much should one pay for an electric?
trippingmartian said:
I've been thinking about getting one (for job interviews and whatnot) but the price range scares me. They cost anywhere from $50 to $350. How much should one pay for an electric?

Electric razors are ridiculously overpriced but very good if you want a quick easy shave. Unless you what automatic cleaning, cordless or those ones with the nifty looking lcd screens then don't spend too much. I'd spend at least $100 though.


trippingmartian said:
I hate shaving because I look 10 years old without stubble, a beard or chinstraps.

Same here.

But a girl friend of mine came back recently and she hates me with a beard...so it'll have to go, admittedly I was already thinking of shaving.


Bad Art ™
muncheese said:
Shave with the grain to get most of the hair off (longer portions), the come back against the grain to finish off and get a close shave.* Hot water to open the pores.

*Retards need not try this, you will cut yourself, first time being the only exception.



I've been shaving for.. probably getting on for 10 years. And I've really only just got to a point where I can say i shave properly. Up until recently, my neck would get a lot of nicks and cuts, not from me using the razor funny, just that I must be really sensitive round there. The result is like trying to cross a mine field with a steam roller.

Not any more though. My advice (and most of it has probably been said already but nevermind): Use a sharp blade, at least two of them (Sensor excel, Mach 3 etc). I shave before I shower (in case of cuts and what not, it's easier to shower with cuts because they'll close up while you're showering. Finishing washing on your neck and face and you'll avoid any blood on you clothes :p) but YMMV. Hot water on the face and then apply shaving foam. The most important part is short, light strokes. Press too hard - cuts. Drag the razor for too long - cuts. I usually drag the blade for a few centimetres - when i remove the razor, it leaves a square in the foam on my face.

I shave with the grain though for a while, I went up when doing my neck. This is because when my stubble is short it feels like the grain is going up (in some parts). So if you want to go with the grain, spend some time finding out what way the grain goes - with the grain means it's somewhat smooth to run you fingers over it, against it means you can feel inidividual hairs.

Start on the cheeks, move onto the neck and do the chin/upper lip last. If you're not smooth enough, it might be best to apply a little bit more foam before going back over it again. I just wet it a little bit and give it a quick going over. If you're going to have to take your time, aply more foam/gel whatever.

Just take your time and experiment, shaving is different for everybody, ask 5 people how to shave, you'll get 5 different answers, try different things and see what works best for you.

PS. Possibly my best shave was when I had grown a beard over easter. It took a *long* time but I was smooth and cut free. I'm convinced this was because simply putting the blade to my face meant washing out the hair I'd "shaved" off (note: yes, I had trimmed my beard with scissors!)

PPS. Anyone else wondering how many people got the "Go with the grain" from Lethal Weapon 2? :)


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I just shaved. Up, down and sideways. It was easy as hell. :p


Out of curiosity, has anyone tried the new Schick Quattro?

FOUR blades, I want to know if it does anything special? Does it give you a closer shave, etc...etc...

It's interesting, surely 4 blades is the end of it!!!


Have to shave with the grain. I once shaved up, got the worst razorburn ever. Took WEEKS before the redness and bumps went away.

And all accounts have said the quattro sucks.


I haven't shaved in 3 months. I am now mountain man! I'm most likely going to cave in though because everyone around me keeps complaining that I look like a taliban member. Oh and it's crazy because some parts of my hair are now growing in blonde and white. Does this mean I'm dying?
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