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I hate you alcohol

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God, I don't know how much I puked last night.

And then this morning when I got up 6 hours later.


I drank way too much, especially seeing how I was super tired and didn't eat anything except 8 hours before! Not a smart move :-\

So it's been like 15 hours since I was drinking, and I don't feel like puking anymore. I just ate a banana and I don't think it'll come back up, I think I should just get food in my stomach.

Anyone know what I should do to make my stomach feel better?


Still smiling the whole way through! :p
When I got like you (and it happened a LOT) a nice GREAASY meal helped me. McD's, or a big breakfast with eggs, bacon, hashbrowns, pancakes, etc...



Chili Con Carnage!
im going to a Summer Ball on Monday, 8pm till 6am with BBQs, free flowing booze, tux's and Supergrass playing live, so expect another one of these threads on Tuesday.


You drink warm beer to get over hangover stomach problems, everyone knows that. :p

If you're out of beer, gatorade works too.
Gatorade, speeds replenishment of water, and less shameful than buying pedialyte at the supermarket.

Or forcing yourself to throw up first, then drink Gatorade.

EDIT: BTW, saying such things is grounds for banning. Hating alcohol, what's wrong with you!
This is like the 3rd or 4th "I got drunk last night" thread today... was there a GAF Thursday Everyone Get Krunked Tonight announcement yesterday or something? If so, I didn't know about it... yet got krunked anyways hehe.



Yeah I'll stick it with the Gatorade, think I'll pick some up right now.

So the puking bit is over, though my stomach feels a bit uneasy. I'm just pretty hungover right now. Work was fun I guess. It was like if I went to work high or something, totally just zoning out every 3 seconds. I even forgot to place my parking pass on my dash (it was in the glove compartment) so I hope I won't get a ticket in the mail or something.


Next time you get drunk, before bed drink 2 large glasses of water, and take 2 ibuproufens. You'll be sluggish the next day, but chances are no headache or nausea (Both are a result of dehydration)


When you drink untill your vomiting there is nothing you can do. You just have to pay the piper. If you can manage to get your ass to bed without vomiting, liquid and food will do wonders.

The thing that works for me is listen to your body. It will tell you very clearly that it has had enough. Don't argue with it dont have one more for old time sake just stop or it will punish you.


You'll learn just like everything else it takes practice. Next time you'll be more aware and trust me it's allot more fun to be laughing at your friends while they puke there guts out then it is to be up-chucking yourself. Another rule of life is a women will always be impressed with the amount of alcohol her man can consume and still perform.
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