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I Have Seen the Light - SF3 Third Strike

I played a lot with Ken and the ilk in SF3, but I had seen a poster on this forum say Q rocked, so I tried him out, and he rocks. Why? Well first there's that badass trench coat and hat. that rules. His II super also kicks ass, it just looks like it hurts. His parry animation rocks, even his defeat animation can rock. Its rockage all around.

I have his basics down but im wondering if any Q fans can fill me in on his advanced strats. I have trouble against characters like makoto for some reason.

First thing you need to know is his taunt. It increases your defense each time you do it, up to 3 times which is like 163% increase or something. Once the screen shakes you know the taunt has been activated so dont worry about getting hit after that.

Use his slapping move for anti-air. Capture&Deadly Blow, jab clothesline cancel into SA2 is a good combo. Mix up the captures with normal moves when theyre in the corner.

Usually a capture&deadly blow, jab clothesline can get you 2 taunts, 1 for sure. You can cancel his standing forward kick into supers.

More info here: http://www.shoryuken.com/forums/for...astpost&sortorder=desc&daysprune=1000&x=8&y=8

PS: use his short or forward kick outfits.
Thanks, which is his best super overall tho? II rules lkookswise, but III is sorta neat but I seems I dunno, MARVELVSCAPCOM
I dunno, depends on your style really. SAII can catch them in juggles, etc, but if they're on the ground then SAI comes out really fast and does good damage also. SAI also has 2 bars (I believe). Both can be canceled to off of ground clotheslines too and let you get in taunts after them.


IIRC, SAII was preferred for the EX meter and juggle combos, but if you're just fucking around, SAI is fun to unleash on bitches.
MrAngryFace said:
I played a lot with Ken and the ilk in SF3, but I had seen a poster on this forum say Q rocked, so I tried him out, and he rocks. Why? Well first there's that badass trench coat and hat. that rules. His II super also kicks ass, it just looks like it hurts. His parry animation rocks, even his defeat animation can rock. Its rockage all around.

I have his basics down but im wondering if any Q fans can fill me in on his advanced strats. I have trouble against characters like makoto for some reason.


What is the story behind Q? Is he a robotic detective of some kind? I have no idea what the story is behind SF III.
I have a Third Strike question too, don't want to start a seperate thread for it.

I have been playing Street Fighter games mainly with the same opponent (my best friend) since SF2, we only use Ryu/Ken/Akuma, and we've always been more or less at the same level of skill, but recently he's been beating the crap out of me much more often than I do to him... To the point where the whole thing is becoming more frustrating than fun for me.

The thing is, he knows my playing style and tactics by heart and that's how he manages to beat me, it seems that the only times I manage to win several matches in a row against him is when I drastically change my fighting style and routines, but he soon adapts to them and continues to kicks my ass.

So I'm thinking of switching to a character whose fighting style is drastically different from the Ryu/Ken/Akuma clones and learning to use him/her proper... Which Third Strike character would be best in your opinion? And if you can point me to a good online FAQ or guide that would be great.

In any case Q and Makoto rule. I wanna go home and play now :( I cant wait to get back up to WA and challenge people to fighters again. I was a decent GGXX player.
Haha, definitely.


Oh man, we had some great matches goin'. Shouta talkin' smack and getting schooled in GGX2, and the litany of excuses that followed: good stuff! BUTT VERSUS HOON. SARAH VERSUS SHUN DI. Maybe we should start a FIGHTER NIGHT and see if the other locals like Shouta/White Man and a couple of my other pals/relatives wanna get in on it.

No Soul Calibur 2, though, because no matter how hard I try, I always wind up sucking at it.
Yeah im totally for that. You and me tho drinky, our fighting rivalries get nuts. Some of our garou fights were fucking insane! same with Shun Di and Sarah haha.

Your brother always beat me at SC2, and he rarely played :(
Yeah, he owns me by mashing with Nightmare, and then he mocks me. I can parry in SF3 fine, but I can NOT consistently GI in SC2, which seems to be the only way I can beat an "expert masher" Nightmare with Cassie. My friend John also punks me in SC2 all the time, and he talks the worst crap afterward: SO HUMILIATING.

Thank God there's a moratorium on using Link when we play the GC version of SC2 at John's house; I don't think I could handle losing to a masher's take on a foppy Nintendo icon. :(


I wish I could parry.

I need to learn how to pull off Q's moves a little faster - I favor the mid to high powered strikes because of the controller I've got, and that leaves him wide open for counterattacks.
In the spirit of GOOD RIVALRY I shuld probably give up Ryu and pick a more interesting character, but I so love the Shin Shoryuken. Hm. Hugo looks too stupid, Urien has cool moves but wears a thong, Oro/Necro/Twelve are dumb, and Remy is gay. Yun/Yang have boring moves, Chun Li is gimpy, you play Makoto/Q, Ken is as bad as Ryu and Akuma is worse, Elena has lame moves, Sean is a retard.

DUDLEY IT IS. Guttertrash! Maybe Alex, but Dudley is faster and I've never been great with non-combo characters like Alex.
Actually, Q has no background whatsoever. Even Capcom knows nothing about him.

Oh, one little shred: "He witnessed the downfall of Shadaloo."
Id rather you play who you like doug ;P hah ha ha

I like Q, he's got that sorta rhythm that shun di and gen fu and gen have, its that sorta paced methodical type fighting. Its hard to explain.


shitting in the alley outside your window
I couldn't ever get into Q, Necro or Urien and always kind of grouped them together, but I do think Urien is pretty awesome. I've seen some pretty amazing stuff done with Q and Urien but I've never really considered Q a contender. I'm a Makoto kinda guy personally, with my backups being Yun and Yang.
I noticed Q's slap move deflects ibuki's throwing star, which is cool. I like Q's parry cause he does that cool 'brush it off' animation following. Looks cool for turtling projectile types.


I've never seen those character pics before. I tried to navigate to the site where they're linked to for more, but can't find a pictures section. Can someone help? Thnx.


MrAngryFace said:
I noticed Q's slap move deflects ibuki's throwing star, which is cool. I like Q's parry cause he does that cool 'brush it off' animation following. Looks cool for turtling projectile types.

Ibuki's shirukens can be deflected by any move.

Oh and
<-----Is the best


Gas Guzzler
belgurdo said:
Best characters:

Chinese people
Makoto (hard to use though)

Worst characters:

Twelve...that is all


Twelve can be fun. Worst case, pull out XCOPY and switch to a useable character. :D


Damn, that site doesn't have Ken's thumbs down entrance. :( That shall be my new avatarr when it shows up.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I wanted to like Q so much because he is so cool, but I just never got a hold on him because I always play with fast characters in fighters (even though they are often weak in giving and taking damage). Because of that Yang is probably my favorite, though I also really like Alex and for some reason and I actually do best with him, he's such a beast.

Makoto is another one I wanted to like so much but couldn't get a handle on, I think she is just too different so I subconsciously think one command is going to end up with an entirely different move and so I never got into that zen mode of natural reaction and play. I'd probably eventually get it if I gave her enough time, but I was having too much fun with other characters.

Oh man I can't wait for the SF Collection, I actually haven't played Third Strike for awhile because I never got a good controller for my DC (stupid reason but hey thats what happened). It'll also be nice to get better versions for the other ones, I only own them for SNES. Man, I am frothing for some tasty Street Fighter goodness, I'm probably going to play some Alpha 3 today.


Click for the rest, hilarious


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I played it today, oh man I love it too, I need to get better at parrying though. This game oozes with such a cohesive style it's just downright silly. All the characters, the fighting system, the art and levels, the music, I love it all!


MAF, you inspired me to bust out the DC and give SF3:3S a spin... I tried to follow your hype wagon on Q, but that guy is way too slow. I am giving Alex, Dudley and Yang some decent time though. I have always been a shoto player in SF, time for a change...

I still like Alpha 3 as the better game on the whole though
Makoto is probably the best character in third stike, and I used her a lot, but I tend to gravitate towards slower methodical characters.

and im glad you dug it out, this game is pretty damned fun.


I prefer Alpha too but 3rd strike seems to need more anticipation.

I wonder why there aren't many Alpha 3 tournaments? At least none that are big.

EDIT: Must be V-ism imbalancing the game.
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