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I Have Seen the Light - SF3 Third Strike


DarkGiygas said:
Is that you? Nice. I can't use Makoto for shit but everyone thats good with her is really good. Have you seen the Super Battle Opera videos with Izu dominating everyone, even KO?

Ya nothing incredible, basic makoto SA2 combo... yet my favorite.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Just finished playing with Necro, I've never used him before. He's pretty different but I think I can work with him, feels kinda like a mix between Dhalsim and Terry Bogard, very cool. Man I need something better than a DC pad though, this sucks.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
I think Q is that bot in the SF2 movie. His ending in 3rd Strike sucked. Makes me think he's some type of super hero. I personally use Ryu, but I have gone through the game with Q using 0 continues. Q makes Gill look like a rookie.


Makoto is one of my favorite characters in the game, but she could use a SF3 update. She always seemed a tad bit limited to me compared to some other characters.


Saturnman said:
Makoto is one of my favorite characters in the game, but she could use a SF3 update. She always seemed a tad bit limited to me compared to some other characters.

Limited how so? Give her some more stuff and she'd easily be too strong.



Kudos for The Princess Bride's Inigo Montoya's quote...


Ferrio said:
Limited how so? Give her some more stuff and she'd easily be too strong.

Since they both appear in 3rd Strike, I always felt Chun Li was more versatile than Makoto. One or two moves in Makoto's arsenal seem completely useless you want to show off.


Saturnman said:
Since they both appear in 3rd Strike, I always felt Chun Li was more versatile than Makoto. One or two moves in Makoto's arsenal seem completely useless you want to show off.

I can't name a single special/super move of makoto's that isn't useless. (Well SAIII stinks). Some of her normals are useless, but that's true with all characters. Chun Li is also the overpowered bitch of the game, so of course makoto is going to look a little sad.


Ok seriously, internet bragging aside - who here can beat Gill on hardest difficulty consistently without using AI tricks?

It might be that I'm new to SFIII but it is lookin' pretty tough...


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I have trouble with beating Gill on default :( But then I am stuck with a crappy DC pad... but I don't think that is enough to excuse me, I suck :( The pad certainly kills my passion for the game and getting better at it, that's for sure.


I use my DC pad too but I actually like it. If it only had 6 face buttons. As soon as I figure out where to order, I will be getting this:

I've been playing Ibuki/Dudley a fair bit in prep. Man, some of the Dudley combos on GameFAQs are sick. THERE WILL BE BATTLE!

Unrelated, but do you need me to run your apt. app fee by The Mill tomorrow morning?


Drinky Crow said:
I've been playing Ibuki/Dudley a fair bit in prep. Man, some of the Dudley combos on GameFAQs are sick. THERE WILL BE BATTLE!

Unrelated, but do you need me to run your apt. app fee by The Mill tomorrow morning?

Good luck doing the really good dudley juggles on the dreamcast, damn near impossible.
doug: im faxing it in today or tomorrow, its difficult straddling two cities in a day, specially when I have stuff to do. If it must be faxed today ill do it after class before aliens vs predator starts ;P

If you could handle the fee ill zip the money your way asap.
Nah, it can be faxed in by Monday, according to Ian. Just give me a heads up when you need me to run the app fee by the office.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
So I played with Necro more, turns out zero of his moves have priority over anything else in the game. I had an especially hard time against Sean, he's like a Necro killing machine. Then later when I fought Ken it wasn't quite as hard but I was tired of playing with a piece of crap, so I switched to Ken and did a perfect on Necro. He's just a big blob of waste frames, I do at least twice as well with Q.

That said, I just SCHOOLED Gill with Ken, I mean I have never beasted him so hard. I crushed him with my might like a saltine cracker, he even tried to resurrect on the second round and I just beat him into an even bloodier pulp. Sorry Gill, no Van Damme tactics today. I like to think maybe shoto's really are superior to other characters, but I know thats not true so I guess I'm just plain better with them, I'm no shoto scrub though.

Elena, geez you're crazy.
I played with Elena for a good while after I first got the game, she can be pretty good but Ibuki is kind of similar and way better.
I miss the old arcades. They had such a 'feeling' Hearing stupid ass captain america screaming from one corner, Ninja Turtles theme blaring from another, and the sounds of rapid punches coming from the machines at the entrance.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Asbel said:
It's not shoto's, it's just Ken.

3S matchup chart
Wow, I knew he was better than Ryu in this game, and he had Akuma combos without taking as much damage, but I never really thought about it much. That's pretty sweet.


Dice said:
Wow, I knew he was better than Ryu in this game, and he had Akuma combos without taking as much damage, but I never really thought about it much. That's pretty sweet.



Middle top:

Dudley ?

(lots of people in the middle)

Q ?

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Neo_ZX said:
Also, does anyone know the lyrics to the SFIII title screen song? It's been bugging me.

If I am remembering correctly:

"Make your first move, so what's it gonna be? You're trapped in the new world of Street Fighter III. Fight for the future, so what's it gonna be? The third strike Ya'll it's Street Fighter III. Make your first move, so it's gonna be? Fight for the future, so what's it gonna be? The third strike Ya'll it's Street Fighter III."

And let's not forget:

"Let's get it on now, select and make your first pick, let's get it on yo, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, let's get it on yo, choose and pick the best one, let's get it on now, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...[repeat]"

I usually use the 3s intro as my ring tone. :)


I am practising with Chun Li right now...Never liked Charge Characters but since the SUPERS of the SFIII saga are easy to perform in comparison to the ones in Alpha series (for Charge characters that's it), there are no major problems.
It's a pity but I tried and tried to be good with Yang...but no luck. Yun is a much better character and I don't like him...
Makoto was kinda cool but was too slow for me...


Well...it's easy to parry too...At least that's what happens to me when I get Makoto...They always parry me the "shoutooooooooooo"...


ourumov said:
Well...it's easy to parry too...At least that's what happens to me when I get Makoto...They always parry me the "shoutooooooooooo"...

Fastest dash, (ie F,F), conjunction with her throw it makes her a beast.
Ugh, first round of T5 someone fucks up the brackets and we end up having to play like the best ranked player in Canada. That didn't turn out well, lol.


DarkGiygas said:
Ugh, first round of T5 someone fucks up the brackets and we end up having to play like the best ranked player in Canada. That didn't turn out well, lol.

aahhh poor elena.
Haha, yeah. Back to Urien I guess. >:)

There were some pretty good Makotos there but the team that was the most surprising was a beastly Sean, Twelve, Necro team, and all of them were really good.

A store here finally got in some Hori ps2 sticks, the Tekken 4 and SC2 ones, for $50 cdn each so I'm gonna grab one and practice on the Ps2 version. T6 = revenge tourney.


"Make your first move, so what's it gonna be? You're trapped in the new world of Street Fighter III. Fight for the future, so what's it gonna be? The third strike Ya'll it's Street Fighter III. Make your first move, so it's gonna be? Fight for the future, so what's it gonna be? The third strike Ya'll it's Street Fighter III."

AWESOME, thanks. It's been stuck in my head for a while. Damn Gill is pretty tough. Had to resort to Hugo's ass thump after a few crouching jabs. Works wonders.

Funny how the Daigo video has sparked so much interest in this game all of a sudden, me included. Everyone's goal now is to parry an impossible super.


Neo_ZX said:
AWESOME, thanks. It's been stuck in my head for a while. Damn Gill is pretty tough. Had to resort to Hugo's ass thump after a few crouching jabs. Works wonders.

Funny how the Daigo video has sparked so much interest in this game all of a sudden, me included. Everyone's goal now is to parry an impossible super.

Well lots more important things to learn before you get there.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Neo_ZX said:
AWESOME, thanks. It's been stuck in my head for a while. Damn Gill is pretty tough. Had to resort to Hugo's ass thump after a few crouching jabs. Works wonders.

Funny how the Daigo video has sparked so much interest in this game all of a sudden, me included. Everyone's goal now is to parry an impossible super.

No kidding, I went to the arcade and the SFIII scene was great. But of course Austin, TX has always had some pretty awesome Third Strike players.

I had an awesome match with this guy on Thursday. I was Ryu and he was Ken, classic setup. First round, he beat my butt something silly. Didn't even let me take 25% of his life away. Second round, he took me to about 10% of my life but I beat him with a very luckily placed punching combo that lead into Ryu's first Super Art. Third round, real nailbiter. We both got down to about 25% of our life. But this guy was awesome at parrying in the air, and eventually got the best of me.

Great experience because he gave me some tips on parrying, I forgot most of them. But I did get the timing down on parrying some of Dudley's punches and basically all types of fireballs. Something I can't say I had before. That video really sparked me to get back into the fighting game scene. I've already signed up for two tournaments within the next month, and I'm practicing my technique like crazy. Of course I'm trying to learn how to parry as well...something that wasn't part of my strategy before. :p


Grizzlyjin said:
No kidding, I went to the arcade and the SFIII scene was great. But of course Austin, TX has always had some pretty awesome Third Strike players.

I had an awesome match with this guy on Thursday. I was Ryu and he was Ken, classic setup. First round, he beat my butt something silly. Didn't even let me take 25% of his life away. Second round, he took me to about 10% of my life but I beat him with a very luckily placed punching combo that lead into Ryu's first Super Art. Third round, real nailbiter. We both got down to about 25% of our life. But this guy was awesome at parrying in the air, and eventually got the best of me.

Great experience because he gave me some tips on parrying, I forgot most of them. But I did get the timing down on parrying some of Dudley's punches and basically all types of fireballs. Something I can't say I had before. That video really sparked me to get back into the fighting game scene. I've already signed up for two tournaments within the next month, and I'm practicing my technique like crazy. Of course I'm trying to learn how to parry as well...something that wasn't part of my strategy before. :p

psst Makoto > Ryu


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Ferrio said:
psst Makoto > Ryu

That little girl is annoying. Great speed, but I don't really play a heavy ground game. I tend to jump around a lot. You still think Makoto would have anything to offer for me?


Well jumping a lot isn't good even normally. (suseptable to anti air, parries, and juggles)

Let's see air stuff good for makoto.

Tsurugi [qcb+k] (used for juggles in combos, EX version on opponents on the ground, air to air is a gamble but good if it pays off [starts a juggle] )
Jumping HP (good stun, decent air to air)
Jumping HK (Decent combo starter, good air to air)
Jumping MK (Cross up)

Makoto is the Stun goddess too. She can kill Akuma in one super.
Grizzlyjin said:
That little girl is annoying. Great speed, but I don't really play a heavy ground game. I tend to jump around a lot. You still think Makoto would have anything to offer for me?
That axe kick move in the air is a damn beast.


Ferrio said:
Dammit, what's a guy gotta do to convert people to makoto.

How anyone could like Q is beyond me, ICK.

No need to convert here. I love Makoto to death. Q is interesting, but the struggle to learn him pisses me off after a bit, especially when playing against skilled Shotos.
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