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i just saw andrew vestal on g4


hyperbolically metafictive
some final fantasy documentary. previously i'd only ever seen that picture of him in the moogle costume. anyway, the clip had him saying "i don't think there will ever be a final, final fantasy," totally out of context, which made him look a bit silly. but this isn't the point: his hyperenunciation, glasses, and cubiform head make him my one cousin's doppelganger. it's uncanny.
I think that if I were going to have a TV cameo -- and no offense, Mister Vestal, you rock and all that -- I'd rather be remembered for being something other than a talking head offering a glib remark about a painfully geeky RPG series. Like being the dude who kicks Sean Hannity in the testicles, or getting caught giving feverish frottage to Tommy Tallarico with a stupid David Cross manchild grin on my features. Something that would be the subject of countless Photoshops to come. "Oh yeah, he's that dork who likes Final Fantasy" isn't exactly my idea of a quality epitaph for my potentially insignificant media career, for certain.


hyperbolically metafictive
well, the editing was uncharitable. i'm sure his total remark wasn't as inane as that snippet. and it's entirely possible he did something grossly sexual that was left on the proverbial editing room floor. in fact i'm confident that only g4's prudish sensibilities came between us and the sight of andrew vestal doing something unspeakably vile and prurient. possibly involving that moogle costume and several feet of rubber tubing.

still. he came off better than most game journalists turned talking heads -- generally they just shrink in their chairs and look bashful and mutter. he came off more like a completely uncool anthropoplogy ta who won't accept late homework. which is exactly what my cousin is.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Drinky Crow said:
I think that if I were going to have a TV cameo -- and no offense, Mister Vestal, you rock and all that -- I'd rather be remembered for being something other than a talking head offering a glib remark about a painfully geeky RPG series. Like being the dude who kicks Sean Hannity in the testicles, or getting caught giving feverish frottage to Tommy Tallarico with a stupid David Cross manchild grin on my features. Something that would be the subject of countless Photoshops to come. "Oh yeah, he's that dork who likes Final Fantasy" isn't exactly my idea of a quality epitaph for my potentially insignificant media career, for certain.

*cough* Gatorade bottle *cough*


drohne said:
some final fantasy documentary. previously i'd only ever seen that picture of him in the moogle costume. anyway, the clip had him saying "i don't think there will ever be a final, final fantasy," totally out of context, which made him look a bit silly. but this isn't the point: his hyperenunciation, glasses, and cubiform head make him my one cousin's doppelganger. it's uncanny.

Andrew Vestal, if you post on this forum please don't take this personally, but for some reason you really pissed me off in that episode of icons. Nothing you said, really, just how you said it. Your voice pissed me off. Your look pissed me off. Your general aura pissed me off. I have no idea why. Why (I asked myself) why is this human being pissing me off so? He's certainly not done anything to wrong me. Why? Well, Why does a human being cringe at the sound of fingernails being scraped on a chalk board? Something in our universally shared genetic material makes it so, i'd imagine. This is the only explanation I have for my negative emotional response towards this Andrew Vestal. I am sorry.


hyperbolically metafictive
well, i don't think aversion to andrew vestal is necessarily in the human genome -- i swear i like him twice as much as i did before i saw him on tv. but then i was always the kid who'd scratch the chalkboard.


Being on TV sucks. I was all over that SNK Icons thing, and I looked like even more of a goober than normal, which is fuckin' saying something.

I can sorta blame short notice, but nevertheless, I believe the lesson is to never put yourself in front of a camera if you can help it.

Yeah, for all of you criticizing Andrew's demeanor on television, I'd like to see you be in front of the camera and act and "look" better.


JoshuaJSlone said:
To tie this in with the recent pronunciation thread... Ves-tawl or Ves-tel?

The latter. The "a" sounds kind of like a schwa sound, actually. Light accent on the first syllable.



FortNinety said:
Yeah, for all of you criticizing Andrew's demeanor on television, I'd like to see you be in front of the camera and act and "look" better.

Also, no matter how bad any of us look, we'll never look as awful as Dave Halverson on CNN back in 1999. Dude looked like a terminal glandular case on camera.


MC Safety

They put me on the teevee for the Dead or Alive Icons thing.

I don't want to talk about it.

And my mother, bless her heart, made copies! Copies!


Disco Stu said:
They put me on the teevee for the Dead or Alive Icons thing.

I don't want to talk about it.

And my mother, bless her heart, made copies! Copies!

Thankfully, my mom cut off her cable ages ago.

One of the unexpected upsides of 1UP's current design, actually, is that it loads so slow on my mom's computer that she's given up reading my stuff anymore.

Coincidentally, just as the AV episode of Icons was airing, I was doing a taping of Pulse. Watch it tonight to see me stumble over my words and make sweeping generalizations out of complex issues! Also you'll get to see the cover of my book.

And I did indeed get taped for Icons, too, on two subjects that I wish I knew more about.
Yeah, last year before the FFXII unveiling, there were literally seven hours to kill between the lunch meeting and the evening footage. So Justin Keeling cornered me and dragged me off to his hotel room (which had been converted into a makeshift interview studio) and made me talk about the FF series for like, two hours. They have so much footage I'm gonna be in any tangentially related Icons show for the next seven years. They got Ray, too, but Ray's just color commentary. Somewhere along the line, they thought it would be great if I fucking ANCHORED the entire show. What the hell.

Of course everything you see there is totally out of context and re-edited from the order in which I said it, the questions I was asked, and completely out of character for the way I usually act. Basically, people not used to being on camera have two possible defense mechanisms: you can either shrink into your chair like an embarassed slug or become a overly gregarious smarmy git. I chose Option B.

Also: I went nuts!!


Wait, JackFrost is andrew vestal? Dammit. Now I feel all kinds of bad. You don't piss me off as a poster, andrew. You're actually one of my favorites :)

Just never go on icons again...


And even i am moderately surprised
Vestal going nuts : is that akin to when you were shouting down the phone at the Pizza guy during our Zelda 4 swords session? ;)
Lost Weekend said:
Wait, JackFrost is andrew vestal? Dammit. Now I feel all kinds of bad. You don't piss me off as a poster, andrew. You're actually one of my favorites :)

Aww, why thank you.

Look at it this way: when you watch icons and I'm a git, you think, "that Andrew Vestal - what a git!"

When I watch it and think I'm a git, I think, "holy crap! I'm a git! my life is a lie."

DCharlie: let's not talk about that!!
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