It’s just my opinion mannnWhat is this? Why is this a thread? Where am I?
Goku used his grandpa’s balls as a pillow and was surprised when Bulma didn’t have balls to use as a pillow.What is this? Why is this a thread? Where am I?
Dragonball GT > Super
the current state lf Dragonball is laughable at best, it's literally just "which hair color is next?" with the dumbed story beats imaginable
The year: 1998What is this? Why is this a thread? Where am I?
I honestly did not see a lot of GT. But just the OP is worth all the bullshit that was in it.The only semi-good arc in GT was the Baby arc. The first arc is the worse non-filler story to ever appear in the Dragonball franchise outside of Evolution, Super 17 arc was insanely rushed and wasted tons of potential, and the Omega Shenron arc was more wasted potential and also the worst power scaling ever (SSJ4 Goku is around Omega Shenron’s level, and then later base form kid Goku holds off a blast from Omega Shenron? WHAT?!!!), and an out of nowhere mindfuck ending that also tries to cash in on emotions involving characters (Piccolo and Krillin) who were barely present in GT so it feels forced as hell. Also it was revealed later that the writers were forced to make it so Goku always saved the day so Trunks and Pan were also wasted potential.
Also contains a scene where a deer starts sucking Pan’s breasts…who is 10.
I think even most hentai writers would WTF at seeing that.
Super has problems, but at least they have Goku AND Vegeta constantly contribute to victory, and even the supporting cast get more love than the nothing that GT gave them. And the new characters, BY GOD, they are far, far, FAR better than GT’s new characters who are….pretty much all villains who are forgettable (except for Baby) and Pan who is wasted potential. Plus Toriyama actually had some story involvement with Super, whereas with GT he threw some character designs at them and walked away.
They're just different flavors of awful. Super has better comedic writing and the new characters are mostly good additions. The problem is toriyama is completely over trying to write anything dramatic or true to the characters so when things need to get serious it never works and nobody really gets built up or makes meaningful progression since he's having too much fun undercutting everyone and everything in service of a joke.SSJ4 design is objectively superior to SSJ Blue.
That said, Dragon Ball Super was not good but it was still better than whatever the hell GT was.
They're just different flavors of awful. Super has better comedic writing and the new characters are mostly good additions. The problem is toriyama is completely over trying to write anything dramatic or true to the characters so when things need to get serious it never works and nobody really gets built up or makes meaningful progression since he's having too much fun undercutting everyone and everything in service of a joke.
GT had some good ideas, more classic dragonball adventure, Baby, overuse of the dragonballs having major repurcussoons, but they almost all go wrong for one reason or another. The big exception is Super Android 17 which might be the worst DBZ storyline ever. The Goku worship is also worse than super, although Super is still freaking awful about it, which results in no new good characters or meaningful screen time for the existing ones.
Why do people hate super btw? The power creep was stupid but was fun to watch and was quite funny in parts.The only semi-good arc in GT was the Baby arc. The first arc is the worse non-filler story to ever appear in the Dragonball franchise outside of Evolution, Super 17 arc was insanely rushed and wasted tons of potential, and the Omega Shenron arc was more wasted potential and also the worst power scaling ever (SSJ4 Goku is around Omega Shenron’s level, and then later base form kid Goku holds off a blast from Omega Shenron? WHAT?!!!), and an out of nowhere mindfuck ending that also tries to cash in on emotions involving characters (Piccolo and Krillin) who were barely present in GT so it feels forced as hell. Also it was revealed later that the writers were forced to make it so Goku always saved the day so Trunks and Pan were also wasted potential.
Also contains a scene where a deer starts sucking Pan’s breasts…who is 10.
I think even most hentai writers would WTF at seeing that.
Super has problems, but at least they have Goku AND Vegeta constantly contribute to victory, and even the supporting cast get more love than the nothing that GT gave them. And the new characters, BY GOD, they are far, far, FAR better than GT’s new characters who are….pretty much all villains who are forgettable (except for Baby) and Pan who is wasted potential. Plus Toriyama actually had some story involvement with Super, whereas with GT he threw some character designs at them and walked away.
Why do people hate super btw? The power creep was stupid but was fun to watch and was quite funny in parts.