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I need a good online game


GAF's Bob Woodward
I have only recently got hooked up to ADSL, and being honest, have played very little online at all. In fact, I own no online-orientated games. So today, I wish to break free and join the online gaming masses - but I don't know what game to get. I've been thinking of one of the following (and I can only get one, for now):

City of Heroes
Eve Online
or one of the older, MMORPGs.

I would consider FFXI also, but I don't think it is out in Europe yet? Do any of these titles jump out ahead of the others as a must-have? I have a good PC (2.5Ghz, 9700Pro, 512mb RAM), if that affects the decision any.

Diablo 2



GAF's Bob Woodward
I'll have to look into Diablo 2, hadn't really thought of it. I've seen a lot of love here for UT2K4, and mod-scene for it looks to be vibrant, so that'll be tempting. Thanks for the suggestions! If there are any more, I'd love to hear them.


Grandma's Chippy
Diablo II = Old oudated shit in a box.

If you are going to get that type of game, get one of the newer 3d/Isometric Action/RPGs instead.

If you are thinking of an MMORPG though I would have to say avoid anything too old because you will be way way behind for one, and living amongst power gamers for the most part. Jump into something a year old or less to fit in better. City of Heroes is a good choice, especially since a lot of people here play it.

Musashi Wins!

I'd get UT2004. You'll be suprised at how much content is in the box not to mention all the lively community bonuses. That said, with online shooters there is a certain lack of variety of experience and the truism that your really going to have to devote yourself to be competitive. I think they lend themselves well to short but common periods of play. How you play (time-wise) should probably make your genre decision.
UT2K4, without question. Get it.

Avoid Diablo II, it's too old, plagued with cheating, and not a very good game to begin with.

As for an MMORPG suggestion, even as an avid player who enjoys the game a LOT, i can NOT suggest Final Fantasy XI unless you have a LOT of time on your hands. You simply can NOT play this game unless you play it in 4 or more hour blocks at a time. But if you do have the time to dump into this game, then go ahead.

You don't need the European version though- you can get by with an American version I believe, but there's some workarounds (like providing addresses and credit cards- only american/canadian ones are provided) that you'll need to do. Very much possible to play the American version in Europe though.
I support the Subspace and ET movements.

Out of curiosity, has GAF ever had special events and such for these games similar to what's going on now with UT2K4?


Grandma's Chippy
Been debating on UT2K4 a while now...got a couple of questions though.

Are the maps bigger that previous games in the series? Or just mid-size with lots of nooks and paths all over (in other words does it feel cramped?)

What kind of system would be best for quality like the above screens? (I have P4 2.8 overclocked with 1gb ram and a FX5900XT)


Did anyone ever play Battlecity? I think it was one of the greatest games ever made, then one of the first pay to play services bought it and then went bankrupt in a few months =(


GAF's Bob Woodward
Could a 2.5Ghz, 512Mb RAM, 9700Pro play UT2k4 with all bells and whistles, specifically with texture detail up high? Not to be a graphics whore or anything.. ;)

I will have a look at subspace. Though I did intend only to get one..I have a huge backlog of games as it is.
fjord/Gofreak, both of you could run UT excellently. Both of you oculd get that quality of the screens and playable framerate. Except the 5900, because that card doesn't like FSAA/Anistropic filtering on, but you'll get everything else maxxed.

I wasted many years of my life to subspace when I was in 4th/5th grade.


Mr Pockets said:
Diablo II = Old oudated shit in a box.

Thats good stuff. Even though I enjoyed the game. If I hadn't played it already, I probably would start after this discription.

I have heard Dungeon Siege is alright, might want to give that a try.


I got the DVD version of UT2k4 for $20 from amazon.com, it might be back to $30 now though.


Also, 7th Anniversary Edition of Ultima Online is coming out in a week or so. Includes Ultima IX and is only $20.


Mr Pockets said:
Been debating on UT2K4 a while now...got a couple of questions though.

Are the maps bigger that previous games in the series? Or just mid-size with lots of nooks and paths all over (in other words does it feel cramped?)

What kind of system would be best for quality like the above screens? (I have P4 2.8 overclocked with 1gb ram and a FX5900XT)

The maps are as big as the designers want them to be. Onslaught maps are generally huge outdoor enviroments.

I wouldn't worry about performance with your computer.


Unconfirmed Member
If you have WCIII and the frozen throne expansion. Go play the map TidesOfBlood.

it rocks \m/


Diablo II and UT2004 are MUST HAVES

Diablo II over Battle.net (the standard online mode) is more addictive than most MMORPGs (I prefer LAN play, personally)

UT2004 is a great investment even if you don't like the game...it's got mods that drastically change the gameplay...thriving mod community is always good :)


My vote would be for UT2k4, although you have NO excuse to not get Enemy Territory, since it's free. The only reason I stopped playing ET is that I've having some weird conflict between my video card drivers and the game. It's a wonderful game, and the community is pretty damn cool if you get on the right server.

Although I can see how people can think of UT2k4 as "just" a first-person shooter, the truth is that there is a lot of variety, even without the mod scene. Yeah, Deathmatch requires you to kill, kill, kill. But Onslaught, with the addition of map control and vehicles, feels like an entirely different game. Assault is also a challenge where you tackle objectives as a team -- even a novice can feel like he/she is contributing to the team's success. I haven't played Bombing Run very much, but it's an interesting game mode that doesn't get enough consideration.

And yes, there are lots of mods. In fact, I was about to write a thread about that very thing...

The two systems mentioned earlier in this thread should be able to run the game adequately, though not at max detail. I have my system (Athlon64 3200+, 1 GB RAM, Radeon 9800 Pro 128 MB @ 1280x1024) running UT2k4 at "holy shit" settings (when you get the game, pull all the sliders to the right and you'll see what I mean), and although I usually get 80-90 FPS in Deathmatch, there are certain maps (Onslaught and some of the CBP2 add-on maps) which drag me down to 50-60 FPS. If you're running at a lower resolution, you may be able to have nearly everything maxed.
jinx: I play on a Athlon 1900+, 512mb RAM and a 9800 Pro at "Holy Shit" @ 1024x768 and 2x AF at a pretty steady 50-60 on Onslaught, DM, CTF, etc. Assault drops down to 30-40.


Good to know! They should be fine, then. Since my LCD monitor is natively 1280x1024, I have to run in that resolution for the game to look its best.


Tre said:
jinx: I play on a Athlon 1900+, 512mb RAM and a 9800 Pro at "Holy Shit" @ 1024x768 and 2x AF at a pretty steady 50-60 on Onslaught, DM, CTF, etc. Assault drops down to 30-40.

Baloney. Athlon 2800+, 1GB of RAM, and 9800 Pro, holy shit, 1024x768, and just 2x AF here. ONS is usually just fine (40+fps), but it's not at all unusual to see it dip down to 25 fps. Maybe it's just because I always played on 32 player servers.
"Baloney. Athlon 2800+, 1GB of RAM, and 9800 Pro, holy shit, 1024x768, and just 2x AF here. ONS is usually just fine (40+fps), but it's not at all unusual to see it dip down to 25 fps. Maybe it's just because I always played on 32 player servers."

I don't play on 32 player servers, so yeah, maybe that's it :p. But ze numbers, ze do not lie.


Grandma's Chippy
Well I tried the UT2K4 demo and put everything on max settings and had zero slowdown or any other issues on any of the levels in the demo...so is that a good sign that the real game will run fine? Or is the demo a "weak" version of the full game.

My screens that I took looked fine when I compared them to the ones here


Tre, you're telling me your system is gonna run this faster than I am?


Pockets, the full version of UT2k4 is capable of higher detail than the demo. If you run the full version at the same settings as the demo you'll get the same speed.
Yusaku: No, I'm just saying I haven't experienced frame rates that low, but I haven't played onslaught with as big a number of people as you either. Also, you have a 256-bit 9800 Pro, right?
I too would suggest buying Counter-Strike. It is indeed the greatest online game ever concieved, and it still holds up to this day.

I would suggest getting Counter-Strike: Condition Zero since it's a little "prettier" and has a single player mode.


Hmmm, I actually quite enjoyed UT2k3 plus this PC is pretty decent but no games are played on it, maybe I should get back into it with UT2k4...


Grandma's Chippy
Ok I got (with full settings on everything)..

90-115 in open areas...

85-95 in open areas and mild fighting...

62-69 in open areas with heavy fighting...

75-92 in closed in areas and mild fighting...

56-72 in closed in areas with heavy fighting...

Lowest FPS I saw at any time was 47 and there was a ton of shit going on. Also even when it dipped that low, I didn't really notice any degredation in gameplay.


Did they improve latency and netcode any on ut2004 from teh demo. I want ot play it sooooo badly but I got horrible ping with the demo even on servers with only a few people.


Mr Pockets said:
Ok I got (with full settings on everything)..

90-115 in open areas...

85-95 in open areas and mild fighting...

62-69 in open areas with heavy fighting...

75-92 in closed in areas and mild fighting...

56-72 in closed in areas with heavy fighting...

Lowest FPS I saw at any time was 47 and there was a ton of shit going on. Also even when it dipped that low, I didn't really notice any degredation in gameplay.

Were you playing Onslaught?

whitechoclate, I get like 60ms pings to my favorite servers. I have no problems with their netcode.
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