I'd recommend the new Asus Zephyrus G15 2022 edition. I have the 2021 version and it's a great laptop. It's a wolf in sheeps clothing, since it sheds all the "bling" that usual gaming laptop has with chirstmas tree lights etc.
But don't be fooled, the hardware is top notch for gaming as well as productivity/creative jobs.
It has a dedicated nVidia RTX 30x0 GPU and a Ryzen 9 CPU (with embedded Radeon for win tasks) My version uses the rather iffy Optimus to activate the descrete GPU at heavier loads, but that is not the optimal solution:-/ The 2022 version though, includes a MUX switcher of the GPU's so you have the whole bandwith of the descrete GPU at hand when you want. The MUX was the only thing I'm missing with this laptop, so you can't go wrong going for the 2022 version if you have the money.
If you do, go for the RTX3070 and not the '80 variant since in a laptop you really can't feed the GPU the required wattage to shine, so the '70 is the sweetspot.
Edit: Replaceable GPU's isn't really something to go for.. It just makes the laptop much more expensive and by the time you'd want to upgrade the GPU (2-3 y after purchase), it isn't worth it anymore. Probably better to just buy a new laptop at that point, since all the other hardware parts has evolved considerably since you bought it, it's not worth the askin price for just the GPU. (remember that the bus you connect it to don't change on your PC and will stay the same, probably further limiting the new GPU replacement.)