Multi touch screen makes me feel like my fingers are made of marshmallowCherry reds make me feel like words are just appearing on screen out of my head.
...Cherry reds make me feel like words are just appearing on screen out of my head.
Ah, gotcha. I once had a big glass of milk and Strawberry Nestle Quik... I tell ya, I was flying!WA State man. It's totally legal here.
Ah, gotcha. I once had a big glass of milk and Strawberry Nestle Quik... I tell ya, I was flying!
*cough* *cough* well anyway, checking a few guides on SSD tweaks for a Crucial m4 (including everything in the OP). Is there anything more recent anyone has seen that is a must-have?
Going to want lots of VRAM and an i5/i7 running at 4.5+ GHz for the CPU constrained games like Hawken.
I think NVIDIA's 3D solution is supposedly a bit better than AMD's. Go with a BenQ XL2420T monitor, and a 4GB 670/680. If you aren't happy with performance, add a second.
I would say stick nvidia has their 3D support is quite a bit farther ahead AMD. That being said 3D support is very game dependent. I've never heard of hawken so you will have to research it's 3D compatibility. Dolphin and emulators are extremely CPU defendant and last I tried their 3D implementation (about 8 months ago) was useless and almost all games had rendering problems with overlays, menus, shadows, etc. but I hope it's improved since then.
I would suggest a 670 for its modern games because 3D is effectively doubling the amount of rendering that needs to be done.
Edit: I need to type faster.
I'm in Olympia, which is the rainiest city (of like 50K or more people) in the country. It almost never snows here. I had like two inches at my house 3 days ago, but I'm a good 750ft higher than Oly.Off topic but is it a winter wonderland in WA right now? Cause Vancouver is winter wonderland
I got it from Sunrise NanoTech (Amazon Store), 64 GB CT064M4SSD2 for $59.95, first store listed. Of course after I bought one they increased the price two bucks. Shipping was very fast.NoRéN;45628605 said:How much did you get your Crucial m4 for?
I've been contemplating going PC for the next gen (or at least until next gen consoles are on their last leg) so here's my criteria:
Your Current Specs: None, own a laptop and I'm gonna build a desktop
Budget: $2000
Main Use Rate importance on a 1-5 scale. (5 Being highest): Gaming = 5, Emulation = 3 (I wanna do Dolphin), HD Streaming = 1, General Usage = 5 (Word, Web, 1080p playback). Monitor Resolution: New monitor so whatever will suffice for most of next gen
List SPECIFIC games that you MUST be able to play: Dark Souls at Max Settings, I'm not even remotely sure what the max settings of a next gen game would be but I'd like to be able to do the first year's best with ease, if that makes sense.
When will you build?: I'll buy piece by piece most likely
Will you be overclocking?: I dunno?
Yep but if your buying 2560x1600 IPS or 120Hz or three screens then you can afford dual/triple high end GPUs. On another note I'm thinking I might go another 680 I want my 120fps 5760x1080 BF3
That's what I recommended to him. But this guy keeps coming back and countering my arguments with stuff like "I doubt he'd be using any type of AA, AA doesn't matter it just makes the game look better." which is leaving my friend Danny (the guy asking about building a PC), confused and conflicted.
I kind of agree, I always have AA set low. I only really care about smoothness and frame rate. I get that it is important to other people though, so I wouldn't dismiss it offhand like that.
It works pretty well for most games. Main game are BF3, various racing games and SCII. Starcraft doesn't work in surround (unfair advantage) and doesnt likevwin8 so I run it in windowed mode.How is nvidia surround? Is your main game just bf3?
I remember when Eyefinity was first announced. Bought a 5870 day one to get a bigger screen in HoN. It was the same image just stretched across the screens. Then I realized that yeah, they would want to prevent people from having an FOV advantage.![]()
if my monitor goes to sleep, the audio is disabled when it turns back on. i am using hdmi from the 7850 and the amd beta drivers. is this a known issue with a fix or am i just fucked? only way to get audio back is to restart
I saw mention of it in the release notes for beta 11 that it happened in Linux but it has been fixed, couldn't see anything else.
It'd be worth filling this out in the mean time
Try updating to the latest beta if you're not on it, and if that doesn't help maybe roll back to a release driver. I'm still sitting on 12.8 with my 7850 and I'm just gonna wait off until 12.11 is properly released before updating rather than faffing around with beta drivers and potential problems that could occur.
I already have the latest beta I believe. do I need to run driver sweeper or any shit like that or just uninstall the package and then install the 12.10 package?
Greetings Gaf, I need help picking a PSU. Something solid and good bang for the buck.
Going to build my pc in like 6 months hopefully but right now i need a PSU since the one I was using died in my old setup, so the question is
What is a good PSU that would serve me well in 6 months time when I decide to build my pc (building something modest like a 250$ or 300 video card)
Thanks gaffers.
Thanks to the SSD tweaks in the OP I picked up over 8 GBs of free space. Thanks guys! Still more work to be done.
Question: Should I just map all my programs from my HDD to the Start Menu of Windows 7? Which is better to have Antivirus (AVG 2012) stuff on? I know the bottom is that if I lack space, only putting Apps on the SSD that will benefit from the speed like games/multimedia need would make sense...
I guess I answered my own question then. I'll leave it on the HDD.
Sent back.Sent you a PM.
Hah, it is such a perfect url/name. Love it.Oh sk3tch.... I just realized his website URL
Greetings Gaf, I need help picking a PSU. Something solid and good bang for the buck.
Going to build my pc in like 6 months hopefully but right now i need a PSU since the one I was using died in my old setup, so the question is
What is a good PSU that would serve me well in 6 months time when I decide to build my pc (building something modest like a 250$ or 300 video card)
Thanks gaffers.
Hey GAF what's the best way to test the temps on your pc under 100% load?
Back again. Thanks to Ty4on, kharma45, mhayze, and especially x3r0123 and dinzy.
The build I'm with now, which I'm fairly content with, is mostly what x3r0123 put together.
PCPartPicker part list
CPU: Intel Core i3-3220 3.3GHz Dual-Core Processor (£81.65 @ Aria PC)
Motherboard: ASRock Z77 Pro4 ATX LGA1155 Motherboard (£84.61 @ Amazon UK)
Memory: Samsung 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory (£35.53 @ CCL Computers)
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (£45.54 @ Aria PC)
Storage: Samsung 840 Series 120GB 2.5" Solid State Disk (£79.97 @ Dabs)
Video Card: Sapphire Radeon HD 7870 2GB Video Card (£193.02 @ Amazon UK)
Case: Fractal Design Define R4 (Black Pearl) ATX Mid Tower Case (£89.29 @
Power Supply: SeaSonic 520W 80 PLUS Bronze Certified ATX12V / EPS12V Power Supply (£66.91 @ Amazon UK)
Optical Drive: Lite-On DS-8A8SH DVD/CD Writer (£20.68 @ CCL Computers)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 (OEM) (64-bit) (£59.94 @ Aria PC)
Total: £757.14
I've decided to forget about emulation, at least powerful/smooth emulation. One of the games I wanted to play the most is SMG, but it turns out it's one of the most demanding. That translates to paying roughly £100 more to play a couple Wii games with proper audio.
Thanks to that realisation, I've decided to go with an i3. The most demanding game at the moment seems to be BF3, and I have no plans to play that. Especially 64 player multiplayer. I know the trend will move more towards quad core CPU-requiring games, but right now I don't really want to spend close to a grand.
Anyway. As you can see, I threw in a 128GB SSD. The motherboard is still a Z77, and I'm not sure whether to stick with it and leave myself an upgrade path at the cost of [I can't imagine it's that much] or whether to downgrade it and spend the money on a better graphics card...
Which leads me to my final questions: I've noticed in some reviews that Radeons (well, at least the 7950) seem to suffer from render times that are all over the place. But Radeons seem to be recommended left right and centre in this thread, so am I paying too much attention to Tech Report's reviews? The other question is regarding drivers. I've always gotten the impression that Nvidia's drivers are much better than ATI's. Is there anything to this?
Actually, there is one more thing. Optical drives. Google provides me with cases of some of the cheaper drives not opening or failing fairly soon. Are there any cheap-ish drives (preferably DVD writing) that are reliable? PCPartPicker's list is tiny.
I've only got the one windows machine. Would I be able to put the SSD in an enclosure and just format it and reinstall windows, since I don't really know what else I can do.
Talk me down, PC Gaf. I'm thinking about getting a second 7850 to crossfire with my current one. $200 on Newegg for the same model I'm using already, plus code for Far Cry.
Is this even necessary? I haven't overclocked anything (I have a i5-3570K).
What resolution are you playing at? I'd say no tbh, if you want any more juice from your system overclock your CPU and your 7850, when OC'd it's not far off a stock 7950.
Playing at 1080, and tbh, most of the games I play are not super graphics intensive (LoL, torchlight, etc). I'll pick up Far Cry 3 at some point during the steam sale (hopefully), and if I'm not happy with the framerate I'll look into overclocking.
Thanks for the advice, I had a feeling it wasn't really necessary. Just got hit with a case of the Christmastime itchy buy-finger![]()
I'm buying a new PC.
Intel Core i7-3770 (non-K) (OC @ 4.1)
16GB Corsair Vengeance Low Profile 2x8GB Kit
Which CPU cooler to buy? Max. 65-70C full load (Prime/LinX!), and price is max. 52/69$!
Thank You!