Thanks, curious why the bigger PSU though?
Some explanation for the other changes. The whole idea was saving money where it counts and investing in other places.
Mobo: The Deluxe is nice... but way too expensive. Unless you plan on utilizing all of its features... there is no need to spend close to $300 on a mobo.
CPU Cooler: $20 more and vastly better cooling. Also, with the Noctua fans I added, much, much quieter. Corsair Link Software is also great.
Memory: Just saving some money and keeping the red theme from the mobo. Higher memory speeds are hardly ever worth it.
Storage: The Samsung SM951 would act as your boot drive and hold any critical programs like Creative Suite. The Crucial is about the same as the Samsung and cheaper. The WD Black is a loud drive, I would advise getting some rubber washers or adhesive foam to act as an extra barrier between the drive and whatever you mount it to.
Video Card: Outside of maybe the Lightning, K|NGP|N, and Matrix Platinum there isn't much separating 980 Ti's. The Hybrid is nice because it is dead quiet and as long as you don't lose the silicon lottery, performs within 99% of any other 980 Ti. The 3rd Noctua fan is a MUST though if you get this GPU as the stock fan is loud as hell (personal experience).
Case: Gotta show off those new parts! Window all the way. Also, "blackout" keeps everything aesthetically cleaner.
PSU: Well, I have a 980 Ti and 850W is just in that spot of more than enough for a single card, but not enough for SLI... so considering a 1000W PSU is only a little more, it is a sound investment.
Optical Drive: Saving money
Case Fan: IMO the best fan on the market. At 3000rpm is will be stupid loud but you won't need to run it that high. 1000-1200rpm during gaming should be fine (and quiet). Also, the black and dark brown color is much better than the poop tan of the fan you originally selected.
Compared to your original build you are only up $12 and have put yourself in a much better position. The PSU will give you the option for SLI, for this system, or any future one. The CPU cooler, GPU choice, and fans should combine to keep your system running cool and quiet even during heavy gaming.