IThe S22 has a better screen (including brightness and refresh rate) than the iPhone 13. It also has a camera that is equal to, and in some way is superior to, the iPhone 13. Stating that the iPhone camera is the best may be your opinion, but that is definitely not a fact.
While the iOS is more secure, it also comprises far less of the market share (meaning the people making viruses and malware wouldn't be targeting it as heavily since they would be putting their time into targeting the OS with the greatest market share). In addition, iOS is closed-source and Android is open-source. And finally, while Android users have a higher chance of getting a virus or malware, let's not pretend that viruses and malware is absolutely rampant. That same excuse is given for PC vs Mac, and it almost always comes down to users not being smart about what they're putting on their device. You can't fix stupid.