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I self-diagnosed myself with misophonia. Anyone here have it?


Neighbours from Hell
I'm 99.9% sure I have it. It's basically where sounds and noises cause you great distress and anxiety and can totally destroy your focus on anything. I thought it was normal, but I was with a friend the other day talking and someone nearby was dribbling a basketball and it was driving me absolutely insane and I wanted to scream "SHUT THE FUCK UP" at the guy. I asked my friend if it was bothering him and he said no.

Then I've thought about all the times in my life even going way back to my days in school where I couldn't focus on work or studying because of some minor noises in the background. And random things like where I'm in a car as a passenger and they have the radio on and I just want to jump out of the damn car because it's driving me up a wall. Or someone having their nose whistle when they breathe bothering me.

People probably have it worse than me, but I can't believe in my mid 30's I just discovered now this was a thing. I suppose if I had it really bad, it would have affected my life to such a degree to where I'd have seen someone about it ages ago, but it has definitely played a small part at least.

Anyone here have this? I really don't care to get it officially diagnosed, because I don't even think it's an exact science, like it doesn't show up on an MRI or CT scan or whatever.


Neighbours from Hell
Self-diagnosing mental problems is more of a tumblr thing my friend
Well I mean, it's not exactly serious like bipolar disorder, and I'm not planning on taking any meds for it, so there's no real reason for me to see a doctor about it.

Everyone has that. (nails on the chalkboard)

Don't go looking for a crutch, it wont help you meet your goals.
Never have used it as a crutch, didn't even know it was a thing.
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Yes I do as well I believe it to just be a personality defect tbh, like yeah sometimes someone is legitimately making a super annoying noise over and over, but if things that shouldn't set you off frequently do, that's just you being an asshole or not being able to control your own headspace, and misophonia is just the name they decided to give this particular neurosis. There's no point in having it professionally diagnosed because there isn't a lot you can really do that isn't fairly obvious. White noise machines and other more pleasant distractions can help.
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Unconfirmed Member
Imagine if you actually had a hearing disorder of some kind. You'd kys.


Neighbours from Hell
Yes I do as well I believe it to just be a personality defect tbh, like yeah sometimes someone is legitimately making a super annoying noise over and over, but if things that shouldn't set you off frequently do, that's just you being an asshole or not being able to control your own headspace, and misophonia is just the name they decided to give this particular neurosis. There's no point in having it professionally diagnosed because there isn't a lot you can really do that isn't fairly obvious. White noise machines and other more pleasant distractions can help.
I can't sleep without them tbh. Any noise would keep me awake.

Are you a tense person?
Depends on the situation, I seem to alternate extremes to not caring about anything at all, to being very tense depending on the situation.
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I can't sleep without them tbh. Any noise would keep me awake.

Depends on the situation, I seem to alternate extremes to not caring about anything at all, to being very tense depending on the situation.

Things like misophonia are usually a symptom of a larger issue (how I see it), but modern people tend to view everything in a compartmentalized way and lose the bigger picture.

Have you ever done meditation or mindfulness exercises? It might help you create more awareness in the moments that you're being annoyed by sounds and help you refocus on what you want to focus on instead.


Neighbours from Hell
Things like misophonia are usually a symptom of a larger issue (how I see it), but modern people tend to view everything in a compartmentalized way and lose the bigger picture.

Have you ever done meditation or mindfulness exercises? It might help you create more awareness in the moments that you're being annoyed by sounds and help you refocus on what you want to focus on instead.
I've thought about doing meditation or yoga. I've noticed it's way worse this year, but probably a product of the anxiety ridden year that is 2020.


It sounds more like a mental issue than a actual sound that hurts your ears or is grating.
Do you have a short fuse ?
I've thought about doing meditation or yoga. I've noticed it's way worse this year, but probably a product of the anxiety ridden year that is 2020.

Meditation is definitely something you should try then. If you do this regularly in the morning after waking up and the night before bed you'll most likely see improvements. The key is consistency and to not skip days. Here's a nice guide:

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Neighbours from Hell
It sounds more like a mental issue than a actual sound that hurts your ears or is grating.
Do you have a short fuse ?
I'm very patient with people, but I have a short fuse with everything else. I'll yell at my phone/computer/etc if it doesn't load in under a second.

I think in general these types of things are all mental-related and not an ear problem.


Looks like OPs neighbor wasn't the asshole after all.


Hope he goes to see him and apologizes.


Yeah, for sure. My coworker used to eat his lunch out of ceramic cookware with a metal fork and the clinking sound would drive me up the wall. He would sometimes follow it up with an apple, and I would have to leave the area until he was done. Loud drinking/chewing or mouth noises in general get to me, but I think that applies to a lot of people. It's weird though, rather than attempt to drown the noise out, I'll just sit there and wallow in the irritation - and wonder who taught this person to eat, or why they're so inconsiderate, none of which are appropriate responses, I know.

A lot of it is predicated on your current/general mood though, so the people suggesting that are on point. I only really find myself pissed off at certain sounds when I'm in a shit mood to begin with. If you're always on edge, stuff like this will just push you over, though then again, so will a whole bunch of other things.
I personally would recommend you speak to a doctor or psychologist for a diagnosis. If you believe you have something you should get a professional opinion on it. Web MD and parts of the DSM hitting the internet is seriously one of the biggest headaches in my line of work. I have read a lot of your posts so I won't run off on a tangent and lecture you as you definitely are a reasonable adult so just take the info you have and roll around with it a bit but I recommend you go talk to someone in the field for an evaluation at least.
Yeah, for sure. My coworker used to eat his lunch out of ceramic cookware with a metal fork and the clinking sound would drive me up the wall. He would sometimes follow it up with an apple, and I would have to leave the area until he was done. Loud drinking/chewing or mouth noises in general get to me, but I think that applies to a lot of people. It's weird though, rather than attempt to drown the noise out, I'll just sit there and wallow in the irritation - and wonder who taught this person to eat, or why they're so inconsiderate, none of which are appropriate responses, I know.

A lot of it is predicated on your current/general mood though, so the people suggesting that are on point. I only really find myself pissed off at certain sounds when I'm in a shit mood to begin with. If you're always on edge, stuff like this will just push you over, though then again, so will a whole bunch of other things.
It's OK. I understand. At my last office there was this stupid trend of people eating their breakfast at their desks at 10am or whatever, probably for attention or so they could talk about their cosmopolitan cereals.

And there was this stupid, fucking permed hair old bitch who HAD to have this smelly bowl of shit on the desk opposite me like clockwork, same time every morning, Couldn't possibly eat it at home like a normal person, couldn't possibly sod off into the cafeteria to eat it.

Ohh noooo. HAD to clink the spoon against her bowl & take 15 minutes to finish it while she breathed heavily & slurped like an entitled beast in a deathly silent office.

Stupid dunce pig. How on earth can someone twice my age float through life thoroughly unaware she's a disgusting nuisance? I can't even piss into a toilet bowl without worrying I'm spoiling someone else's day on the other side of the building. These people are ignorant, unwanted slobs & the only people who fuck them are those with deformed genitals or terminal illnesses themselves.
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Yep. My brother and I are both that way. For me it’s hearing other people’s TVs and music. For him it’s chewing sounds. It fills me with a deep rage that anyone who doesn’t have it can’t understand.


Reseterror Resettler
I used to be one of those types that could read a page of text and have a verbal conversation at the same time and retain both sets of information without missing a beat. I had a stroke in 2016, and now if someone so much as turns on a faucet while I'm reading or listening to something, I have to wait until they're finished to resume the activity if I want to retain any of the information. It's like any kind of background noise completely supersedes anything going on, and those around me just think I'm being high strung or whatever, but it's a total sensory overload. I feel you, OP.
People I know always claim I have it, because I take issue with the piggish way that they consume food and drink. I can only imagine how horrified I'd be in Japan when they slurp their noodles. Disgusting.


I'm very patient with people, but I have a short fuse with everything else. I'll yell at my phone/computer/etc if it doesn't load in under a second.

I think in general these types of things are all mental-related and not an ear problem.

I think you should buy a gun and always carry it with you.
It will help you feel safe and relaxed.


That may be caused because your normal levels of stress and anxiety are already waaaay higher than they should be, and your body is ready to shot a spear at any bush that dares to make any noise.

That's assuming you dont have any physical hearing problems.

I would even say, that there are a lot of things in your life that you think they are normal but they arent, and you are getting anxiety for apparently no reason. Sometimes that happens.


Gold Member
I don't want to sound like an asshole but just a question: How are your eating habbits? Are you eating regularly and enough calories (for a day)? I can tell from personal experience that eating severely under your minimum calorie intake will make you extremely irritable.


My wife has it. It is associated with her PTSD. Loud music from passing cars or the neighbors can set her off. Even repetitive background noises can cause issues.


Elden Member
You might also be a hypochondriac, for sure should get yourself tested.
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this affects me as well so i drown noises out with the soothing sounds of brutal slamming death metal. Pretty sure that will work for everyone.
Never even knew this existed. I might have it. Thankfully, my job allows me to listen to music (or whatever the fuck else you can listen to) while working so I can block out whatever strange shit my coworkers are doing.
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Take even more pills, that should do the trick. In America there is a pill for everything.
The world has a “pill” problem and thinks everything can be fixed by taking one , not every American likes to pop pills when they are not necessary . Don’t be that guy that lumps everything into a thing by country, that’s just ignorant.


Unconfirmed Member
The world has a “pill” problem and thinks everything can be fixed by taking one , not every American likes to pop pills when they are not necessary . Don’t be that guy that lumps everything into a thing by country, that’s just ignorant.
Ew you are making good, rational posts.


Lil’ Gobbie
I have this weird problem that if I hear people eating with poor manners, loudly, open mouth, burping, obnoxious, etc it will drive me fucking mad, I think because of how inconsiderate they are being of others around them

However, if it's like an Asian or African person eating RIDICULOUSLY loud because they don't give a fuck in their culture, I find it rather enjoyable :messenger_relieved:
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