Exact same thing as the previous poster did. 404 pages lead to the main website, you can put anything at the end of the link in their games section; /games/goldeneye-3000 or /games/buttcream-corps, it all works.
Yes, but that does not happen with /games/battletoads, /games/donkey-kong-country, games/killer-instinct or other old titles. They have their own fake game pages.
I don't get forwarded to any website if I access those pages via Google or change the link in the browser.
But if you search explicitely for the website of those games like I did you won't find a link to Rare's website.
You will find it for all old Rare games. Try "blast corps rare.co.uk" or "jet force gemini rare.co.uk".
I expect Battletoads to happen and will eat crow if it won't.
Might still happen, but I cannot see how you find evidence in something that's been there since 2010.