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I think i got a job today

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I've been helping this family friend out for a few months when he's needed to help him out with his computer and stuff for his construction firm. He and his buisness partner payed me for some services that i did over the March/April/May time period. And asked what it would take to get this planning table up and running.

Well it looks like they listened to me and want me to head up the planning and databasing needed for individual plans and proposals. They didnt want to pay for having me be trained in this stuff. (trust me its almost over my head) Its like using Excel with Quickbook and a 2-D map maker and marker system all in one.

So i get this call up today from my friend and he's like i've got a job for you i want you to start tommorrow morning at 8. Due to family reasons (my grandfather going through a bi-pass operation) i'm unavailable till friday. So i ask him how long this will be for, as i thought i would just be setting up the databases and then teaching the lead planner/architect.

Well we continue our conversation and he tells me that it would pay 7 bucks unless i thought i was worth more. And that i would be payed weekly. I've never once had a job where i've had to show up every day on time. So i'm totaly shocked.

I dont want to disapoint, but if i cant perform the desired task then i'm gonna be up shit creek with-out the paddle. I would be working 8 to 5 M-F. now i too can be on gaf from work like many of you.

I'm happy yet at the same time not relieved, in fact i'm stressed almost by it. As i dont have a car so i have to worry about getting there in a timely fashion. Plus this is a family friend. My mother talks with this person and so does my father. So if i dont do a great job that reflects kind of badly on me. But i can only try.

El Papa

Working for family friends sucks because you can't quit if you don't like it, you acually DO have to have a reason for it, unless you want to dissapoint. Unless you really like the job description, I would think twice. Just make sure you're willing to work your ass off.
I've never once had a job where i've had to show up every day on time.

you know im quite the opposite up untill uni I had the standard HS scheduled rigid shifts at my jobs, now im doing a bit of Web Design and PC tech help for a department in my colleges education area and its like so laid back and "just come in when u feel like it" I dont know how I am going to function when I graduate and have to join the real workforce again.


Well i know i am going to have to perform, i just hope they arent expecting results in the first few days. Its gonna take sometime to learnt he program and learn what planning and ordering is like and crap. They have a relaxed pokicy on things there but i know i'm gonna be more looked at as i'm gonna hold up some people most likely. And i'm not a family member of the main buisness partner.

its a small office of 8 people. but they are mainly family.

I'm gonna see if i cant at least get 9 to 11 bucks a hour. As i will be working my ass off trying to get this worked out. Its a massive system that no one is acustomed too at all. And takes a 6 month training course to learn how to use just the software. Thats got nothing on the actual planning part of the operation.

I'm doing the job of two people basically.


Unless you really need a job, I wouldn't do it. Mainly because it sounds like you could be in over your head. That can sometimes be a great learning experience, but at that salary and with the family connection I'd pass on it. If you do take it, I'd sit down with the employer first and have a very thorough and open talk about what is actually expected of you.


yeah thanks for the tip there. I think i will have to sit down about it and talk about it. I've really been looking for a job and its been hard since i've not had any previous experiance to even find a job williing to hire me. Heck burger joints woouldnt hire me over some other type of peoples (the white boy get screwed again) who get those jobs due to other reasons.

I'm a little aprehensive due to the sheer size and scale of the project but if i've got acess to a training line on the phone i would hope that it would maybe make a difference. I know what the employer expects out of there investment with the planning board but they have no clue in how to accomplish these things.

One of those we show you everything we want to show you types of shows, but dont tell you how or train you how to use it wintout spending more than half you pay on the equptment and software.

Oh well i'll give it a night and think on it. Then make a phone call and talk to them a little more in what they expect out of me.
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