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I think I just saw the final episode of Angel

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The ending was a bit abrupt I think. It ends in the alley way doesn't it?

Anyway I'm sad to see one of the best shows ever come to a end. Especially at a time where nothing on tv interests me. I think the writers of the last episode(s) are Matrix Revolutions fans. I couldn't help but draw comparisions between the two. That guy that Angel fought looked like he was doing his Smith impression or Agent impression at least. Then when the gang met in the alley with the rain pouring down I thought that was a nod to Revolutions. Probably just me.

Anyway that was the end wasn't it?

Awesome awesome show. Angel I will miss you.
no chance on a mini series or movies, David B does not want to come back. I think they just said that to give the fans false hope.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.


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Marconelly said:
More like - he was doing an impression of himself from his character in X-Files.

Holy shit I knew I saw him from somewhere else... I never bothered to find out the whole time I was watching Firefly... though you'd think his role In Angel would of reminded me :)
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