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I think I may have a problem, guys. With a girl.

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Lisa Lashes said:
After reading that and assuming it's legit I can surmise that this lass has your balls in her purse. If you ask nicely you might just get them back.

Can someone please tell me the point of this thread?

Lisa Lashes:

Seriously now, I guess if people haven't seen the recent girl "problem" threads ("my boss wants to pay me for sex", "my damn hot coworker wants to fuck me", "is it ok to have sex with a 29 year old?") they may not have caught on. It was just satire (like Chipopo said in the third post of this thread).


NetMapel said:
How does me being HAWTGIRL224 have anything to do with me going to Western ? OH NOZ, MY IDENTITY HATH BEEN REVEALED ! Close the gate, protect the hive !!!

It has nothing to do with the fact that you're at Western. I just thought it would be a random thing to say. And Western has hives to protect?...:p


Makura said:
Three stars.

Robertsan does it better IMO.

This began almost like a robertsan thread. I actually thought that Socreges was doing a parody of him and not the girl trouble threads in general.


Queen of Denmark
This thread was fucking hilarious. Socreges is now one of my favorite posters.

My only complaint is that he shouldn't have ended it so soon (well, for most of us, not counting Lisa Lashes ;)).


I give this thread my approval. I have to admit I was laughing circa the "Do people still believe this thread is real?" line.
This thread is a modern day realization of the "Who's on First" sketch, with rabid monkeys on fire and stupid people added into the mix. Well done.
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