Hey man, do your thing. Stay safe and feeling safe.How's cleaning stuff that is exposed in supermarkets crazy? It's the most active and basic place, the products are sitting there all day long, 7 days a week...
There's no concrete information on how long the virus survives on surfaces... so yeah, I'm cleaning the shit out of stuff I bring home.
This is a really fun thread. I don’t know if it’s true or not (for what it’s worth, I feel like I trust you OP), but either way, I love reading about spooky stuff like this, and letting the imagination fire.
What’s kind of cool, is that I’ve seen this exact glitch before in Fortnite. A model reverting when smacked with collision hard enough.
I’m not exactly convinced we’re living in a simulation (and beyond that, have questions about what even a sufficiently advanced simulation is — is a complete reality created by a simulation, one that’s indistiguishable, even able to be considered a simulation from a philosophical standpoint anymore, or just another nested reality? What even is reality at that point? Does it matter how it’s made?), but moments like this make me wonder. I’ve had the moments others have described in this thread (missing thing turns up someplace you’re almost sure you looked for it), but I’ve never thought to connect them to simulation theory or glitches before.
Based on quantum theory, "glitches" should be very, very rare - though technically possible, it is extremely unlike for something to just appear/disappear.
So if that were happening, it suggests some other mechanism altered the probability of that occurring or impacting how it occurs. If, say, there was some sort of system in place that interprets reality and one-too-many electrons bound to an object just happen to be miles away from their atom with a certain skewing, maybe the system interprets that object as being at a different location from where it was? Sort of like it "triangulates" the object's location based on the position of the electrons to render it. Just a thought.
Out of two possibilities - it being a glitch or your brain doing a hiccup - I would go for the latter. I believe it is highly more probable.
Good story.
I agree with how you think and I'm open to all possibilities. There's absolute no certainty in anything.I hate when my certainty clashes with reality. The lesson I've learned is to be uncertain of everything. One result is that I usually speak in terms of what I perceive, rather than what "is." "I observed a new type of bottle, but now I observe the regular old bottle. Okay..."
I agree. It's like I said in another post:
I know what I saw, but I understand that it doesn't necessarily represents reality... it's all based on what my brain perceived as real, after all.
it happens to my Mom and her co-workers as well. Due to covid, they have shifts, like a few days working from home and some days at the office.
One day, there was this lady that‘s working as usual like passing documents, making copies etc but didn’t talk at all. if you try to talk to her, she ignored you. no one’s paying any mind, just chalk it off as a bad day.
Then, she suddenly disappeared. One of the coworkers called her to find out where she was, Because he need to Check on some documents and stuff.
CW (co worker) : “where are you? I need document X ”
Lady: “at home, I’m working from home today remember? ”
CW: “nice try. I saw you making copies half an hour ago. So you already went home?”
Lady: “Nope, never stepped outside. You sure that was me though?”
Then she sent him a photo of her at home.
Her house was 2 hours away from work, so there’s no way she could arrived at home By the time the dude called her.
So yeah, the entire office saw the “Lady” doing her work, but it’s not her. Like a doppelgänger ghost or something.
Maybe the gas was built up inside smoothening out any curves.
But again the bottle would have popped immediately when you dropped it.
Nah, I don't do drugs.
I'm wondering if higher levels of CO2 can cause this kind of distortion/confusion though...
We had sex before going to the supermarket, and we went and went back by foot (we live like 8 minutes away from it), we were wearing masks the whole time, and I brought by myself about 12 kilos (26 pounds) worth of groceries.
Just now. Got home from the supermarket and was cleaning the products with alcohol, got to the 2L Coke bottle and noticed it was different.
Like a different or renewed plastic bottle shape design, simpler and with different curves, no "crevices", just completely smooth, it was like another bottle completely, it reminded me of the old glass simpler bottles even, I even said "Did they change the bottle design?" to my wife but she didn't pay it attention.
She said "pass me the bottle, I'm thirsty" and as I did, the bottle slipped her hands and dropped to the floor and bounced... She got it from the floor, was a relief it didn't pop open, that would've made a mess...
Anyway, she filled her glass and left the bottle on the kitchen table as she helped me with the rest of the groceries, we finished, and as I reached to take the Coke bottle I noticed it was back to the original bottle design I'm used to. That confused me.
I asked "Is this the bottle we just brought from the supermarket?", she said "Yes, why?", I said "Are you sure?". She looked confused. I looked in the fridge to make sure. I said "It changed, the bottle shape changed, it's like the usual ones now"... She just rolled her eyes with a smirk like a "you're an idiot".
It's an idiotic story, I know, but I'm really really sure the bottle's changed, I'm convinced of it, because I noticed it right away, I remember the details of looking at the "new bottle" and noticing the differences, I have tactile memories, sight and even the fact that I asked my wife if she noticed it was different...
I'm even thinking the bottles could've swapped when it dropped to the floor, which was weird now that I think of it...
What do you think of it, guys? I'm not freaked out or anything, it's just plain confusing.
This was the most complex "guys guys i just had sex" story ever
What the hell are you talking about?guy couldnt last more than 2 posts before basically revealing thread to be stealth brag.
i feel sorry for his girl
Guys, as far as I know, Brazil is the place where this kind of stuff happens
This is the same country that had an alien invasion back in 1996.
I believe in Gameta! Are you from Rio? This seems like the only possible place for this kind of simulation bug.
I live in Curitiba, far from Rio, lol
Cant glitch if it doesnt existLet’s hear more about the sex. Any glitches there?
imagine it glitched and suddenly you're fucking a guys buttCant glitch if it doesnt exist
You mean the strangely “smooth“ coke bottle was just an analogy?imagine it glitched and suddenly you're fucking a guys butt
pics or didn't happenIn the bathroom inside my workplace, there are mirrors in both sides, mirror reflects mirror only 7 times.
Prove I'm wrong.
Dude, you were drunk, it's not a glitchimagine it glitched and suddenly you're fucking a guys butt
Two choices:
A)Your wife is dumb enough to immediately open up a bottle of soda that just bounced off the freaking floor and you are dumb enough to not notice your wife getting drenched in a fountain of soda.
Or B) your wife opened a different bottle of soda.
LOL, you're all making fun of the thread but it's actually a serious thread.
That was fucking weird. This will sound funny but if that's how those people that swear they saw aliens feel, then I guess they really believe they saw it, because that's how I'm feeling right now.
I know what I saw. What I don't know is if that was actually reality or just my brain messing things up... I'm more convinced it's the latter, but anyway, that's fucking weird.
lol fuck no
That's just going too far and is gonna set people up for a lifetime of germaphobia. Being safe during these times is smart, but going overboard is just gonna make people crazy for years to come.
You can't open a soda bottle slowly enough if it just bounced off the floor. Couldn't find a great video due to all the mentos ones but this shows how much pressure is built up.She did open it slowly and closed again, then again, to mitigate the pressure.
You can't open a soda bottle slowly enough if it just bounced off the floor. Couldn't find a great video due to all the mentos ones but this shows how much pressure is built up.
Hmm, then I was allucinating hard, man. It doesn't feel like a daydream.Maybe that whole thing with you thinking it was a new design at the start was actually all in your head and never happened.
Hmm, then I was allucinating hard, man. It doesn't feel like a daydream.
I can't. I fear the Agents will try to chase after me.pics or didn't happen
cleaning the products with alcohol
That’s why they say drinking a whole bottle of Nyquil/Purple drank is not a good idea?I used to live in a nice loft, an old factory turned into apartments. It had the nice exposed brickwork on some of the walls inside.
One day I was out on the char and ottoman in the living room staring at the wall, I legit saw it "pixelate" and distort like a lower resolution and have that Hexen/Doom look. When I closed my eyes I was tripping balls with all kinds of perfectly aligned geometric shapes and dots. Scared the hell out of me, made me feel very uneasy at the time, unsure why.
I was also running a 100° temperature at the time, however.
I used to live in a nice loft, an old factory turned into apartments. It had the nice exposed brickwork on some of the walls inside.
One day I was out on the char and ottoman in the living room staring at the wall, I legit saw it "pixelate" and distort like a lower resolution and have that Hexen/Doom look. When I closed my eyes I was tripping balls with all kinds of perfectly aligned geometric shapes and dots. Scared the hell out of me, made me feel very uneasy at the time, unsure why.
I was also running a 100° temperature at the time, however.