I wanna fuck Miss Puk
Still wouldn't go there though.
The young one was the spy.One was a young, excitable man who enjoyed just being around travelers. He had a boyish smile and glee about him and reminded everyone of William Hung. The second is the man everyone joked was the government spy. He was the government suck up, member of the People's Party, and thought North Korea was just the best thing in the universe. Even the other guides though he was a dork and people mostly made fun of him.
A photographer from London recently managed to take some prohibited picturesI'ts the same tour everyone goes through. Drew Scanlon of Giant Bomb also had basically the same pictures.
OP, you know your guide is fucked due to you writing about her here, right?
On the trip to Pyongyang we see farm land, farm land, and more farm land. It's actually really well kept and beautiful.
If you're wondering if our hotel rooms were bugged, yes, they were. However, we were told they really only bug them for diplomats and important people and probably don't even have them turned on for us.
They don't care what we do or say in our rooms. We can wander around the entire hotel and even walk outside but we can't leave the premise. They also collect our passports here and don't give them back until we leave.
The food we had was actually pretty nice. They give you a pretty wide range and it's all tasty.
They get free housing, free education, and everyone has a job, but in return they have to work 6-7 days a week and get paid very little. Enough to buy some supplies and food but the government gives them food and rations as well. They also get tokens for 5 liters of free beer each month at certain pubs and bars.
What was a nice surprise is not everything on the trip was on rails.
We were allowed to ride the subway with locals and even go to a department store. It looked like one you'd see in any other country except there was a lack of fresh meat, vegetable, and fruit. It was all freeze fried and canned.
We visited a microbrewery one evening. All I have to say is North Korea making some AMAZING beer. All of it is really good and probably the best beer I've ever tasted except for Belgium. It's incredibly cheap too
I hope one day they export it because I'd buy it in an instant.
Overall, it's a weird country. It's poor but not as poor as I thought. There aren't people eating tree roots or fully emancipated.
A photographer from London recently managed to take some prohibited pictures
The one of the almost empty supermarket is probably the most noteworthy.
OP, you know your guide is fucked due to you writing about her here, right?
I doubt that the party leaders are reading neogaf.OP, you know your guide is fucked due to you writing about her here, right?
North Korea is great place, best in world.
I wanna fuck Miss Puk
OP, you know your guide is fucked due to you writing about her here, right?
I rewatched Drew Scanlon's NK trip recently seems like a fascinating place to visit, if not slightly scary.
Trip not on rails -> pretty much describes trip that everyone that goes to North Korea does because it's all scripted.
Wait, if Americans aren't allowed to take the train, how did they take the tour? Or did they not?
Didn't we have a Gaffer who posted from North Korea?
On one final note I did find out one more thing while I was over there. Kim Jong Un is a Sonic the Headgehog fan.
North Korea is great place, best in world.
Pretty much the same pictures as everyone else's trips to North Korea...Don't be discouraged by the posts here OP, interesting pictures.
Fun-not-fun fact OP: that "fully intact boat" is actually still a commissioned US Navy warship (the USS Pueblo) and the oldest commissioned warship in the US Navy (ignoring the USS Constitution).
whats his deviantart account?
Amazing how both the NK travelogues here manage to sound like "EH IT AINT SO BAD"
Don't be discouraged by the posts here OP, interesting pictures.
He should be discouraged he seems to have happily bought into their propoganda.
On the trip to Pyongyang we see farm land, farm land, and more farm land. It's actually really well kept and beautiful.
We visited a microbrewery one evening. All I have to say is North Korea making some AMAZING beer.
If they took time setting up the bugs why wouldn't they use them?
Morally gray?
The 3 Americans were treated completely fine there. No one hates the visitors or said anything negative. Only negative comments are against the American government. The Americans were from Alabama and Texas so they were as 'Merican as you can get.
We visited a microbrewery one evening. All I have to say is North Korea making some AMAZING beer. All of it is really good and probably the best beer I've ever tasted except for Belgium. It's incredibly cheap too. As cheap as 25 cents for a pint. They don't name the beer either so it's just Beer 1 to 7. 1 being the lightest and 7 being the darkest. I tried 4 different kinds and they were all fantastic. I hope one day they export it because I'd buy it in an instant.
and you hope in their life times things will get better
Why are you acting like he said that the american government is evil? He said the people in north korea say that. Cut that stupid crap.Ah, yes, the evil American government. But tell us more about the riff raff from Alabama and Texas and how their punishment is justified. I trust there are suitable punishments for disturbing what must be an ideal society.
I wanna fuck Miss Puk
One thing I was unaware of that I found out when I was there is that the American who was arrested and jailed earlier in the year for trying to steal a poster happened in our hotel and he was with the tour company we were with.
. The guide was fully open about it and told us the story. What you don't realize is just how stupid it was what he did. You're clearly told "Do not go to level 5". In fact, there isn't even a 5 on the elevator. You can also buy posters at almost every gift shop for pretty cheap including the two in the hotel so there's literally no reason to try and steal one. The idea someone would do what he is is almost unimaginable. The sad part is other people have screwed up pretty big but the tour guides have fixed it. Normally the person and guide both write an apology letter and the visitor is sent home. It's embarrassing but you leave safely. This guy didn't tell anyone and the guides only found out at customs when he was arrested. The company got a ton of death threats and hate mail though when you're with them you realize they will do everything in their power to keep you safe and have fun.
I even got some North Korean money which isn't technically allowed out of the country