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I was buying a watermelon the other day and suddenl realized we are alone in universe

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Most fruits and vegetables have been massively altered by humans to be even more desirable to humans. Strawberries for instance are resent success stories, they used to be tiny and we couldn't make them any larger because birds would so frequently eat them when we attempted to alter them that we couldn't select for size.
Yeah I learned about strawberries from NPR. But still. You can pluck 90% of the fruits that are in a market from a tree and eat them right away and that is amazing.



I still don't know how he does it. He can't possible be swallowing what he gnaws instantly, can he?

We evolved to enjoy these things. To another species they may be disgusting or poisonous. Another species may enjoy spiky thorn balls of death.

Sometimes we don't give a fuck. I mean if waht I read is correct hot peppers evolved to be undesirable to land animals by burning their tongues but we eat them anyway.


Unconfirmed Member
Are fruits delicious and we're lucky they are good for us, or did we evolve to like the taste of the food we eat to survive?

You have developed your taste for the fruit because the microbes in your gut thrive off of it. They have subconsciously taught you to enjoy it because they like sugar.
Fruit tastes good so that we will eat it and spread the seeds. That doesn't work if it tastes like battery acid.
Something like this, yeah.
Strawberries aren't even berries, nor is the red fleshy part the true fruit (as it's the "seeds" on the outside that are derived from the ovaries).


I want to say we were likely listening to that same podcast this morning!

Nature is also full of a zillion things that want us to die horribly so it's not like it's a paradise. It's a jungle out there.

If you also learned that eating 3 packets of Kraft Mac n Cheese powder then going out to drink will cause you to vomit profusely then yes, we were listening to the same podcast.

Though that knowledge falls somewhere well outside the spectrum of this thread.
Along with most everything else Dan teaches.


Yeah I learned about strawberries from NPR. But still. You can pluck 90% of the fruits that are in a market from a tree and eat them right away and that is amazing.

We are omnivorous and again, most of those fruits have been altered. I don't find that too amazing. Fascinating sure, we basically engineered tons of food items.


Also humans have done a ton of selective breeding to make modern fruits.

Ding ding ding. This has been on-going ever since men first started cultivating fruit for consumption, some fruit today are very different from their original wild counterparts.
If you also learned that eating 3 packets of Kraft Mac n Cheese powder then going out to drink will cause you to vomit profusely then yes, we were listening to the same podcast.

Though that knowledge falls somewhere well outside the spectrum of this thread.
Along with most everything else Dan teaches.
Who ate 3 packets of kraft cheese then drank to figure this out?
It's not coincidence. It's the Lord your God. Remember to thank him and his son Jesus when you wake up each morning. :)

Have you heard the good news?

He has risen.
And its our plain luck that its insides taste delicious and filling.

It is not plain luck at all.

The watermelons we have today are man-made through lots of artificial selection.

And even the natural source fruit was not plain luck. It evolved that way so animals would eat it and then shit out the seeds somewhere else wherein the seed has been planted in a new place and complete with fertilizer (shit) to help it grow.

What I think is truly amazing is that we figure all that out!

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
Coconuts are drupes, not nuts. Coffee beans are drupes, not beans. Olives are drupes. Almonds (part of the prune family) are drupes. Blackberries are aggregate drupelets.

Nothing is what it seems to be.

Minuscule fractions of my entire life are a lie.


The only thing about fruit that you need to remember. Anything with a hard pit center, stone fruit, is bad for your dogs.


This grain of dust is so lucky to be atop my TV here. I contemplate the 14 billion year journey into dust.

That dust is probably like the end result of a Dinosaur's fart as the asteroid smashed into it and it's been breathed in and out of a billion people throughout history and when the sun finally destroys the planet that dust will float through the universe until the end of time n shit.
And its our plain luck that its insides taste delicious and filling.

It's not, actually. Taste is relative. Humans have evolved to be able to eat such things and get energy from it. It may not be the case for other living animals. In fact, if Aliens ever visited this planet, it could very well be that watermelons are toxic to them.


It's not, actually. Taste is relative. Humans have evolved to be able to eat such things and get energy from it. It may not be the case for other living animals. In fact, if Aliens ever visited this planet, it could very well be that watermelons are toxic to them.

Signs 2 right there


Ding ding ding. This has been on-going ever since men first started cultivating fruit for consumption, some fruit today are very different from their original wild counterparts.

Almost everything we find to be delicious is a result of us altering things to be delicious.
Signs 2 right there


Reminds me of this funny bit. When I was in elementary school, in the 90s, I wrote a story as an assignment about aliens coming into my home. In the story, one alien had taken my sister hostage, and was holding her in a chokehold. I came up with the idea that water was their weakness. Contact with water would cause severe burns and in a big enough quanity, would kill them. So I grabbed a glass of water nearby and tossed it in its face, which horribly disfigured and killed him.

Imagine my surprise when I saw the ending of Signs. :p
Nature didn't happen by accident. Everything in the wild exists the way it does now because its ancestors had traits which were conducive to their survival within their local environment, and then bestowed those useful traits for survival to the next generation. Fruits for example are appealing to other life forms because when those lifeforms eat the fruit, they also eat the seeds and then spread those seeds over large distances through their waste products.



Reminds me of this funny bit. When I was in elementary school, in the 90s, I wrote a story as an assignment about aliens coming into my home. In the story, one alien had taken my sister hostage, and was holding her in a chokehold. I came up with the idea that water was their weakness. Contact with water would cause severe burns and in a big enough quanity, would kill them. So I grabbed a glass of water nearby and tossed it in its face, which horribly disfigured and killed him.

Imagine my surprise when I saw the ending of Signs. :p

Some woman is already suing Disney over the rights to Frozen's story, I'm sure you could rip a good part of whatever Shyamalan's last film earned. That's like $15 right there. Hit em up


Is it even safe to eat the black "beans" in watermelons? I always just swallowed them, but my sister she picks them out with a knife
Not just your nomenclature, but everyone's. All of our fruit and veg nomenclature is erratic and largely nonsensical. And watermelons are a special kind of berry, called a pepo, which have hard rinds and soft inner fruit, filled with seeds.

Don't get me started on drupes.
Thank goodness. I've been telling people tomatoes are the largest berries forever and for a minute there thought I was wrong.
I mean, we are incredibly, incredibly lucky to live on a planet that has thousands of different fruits all equally tasty and delicious just for our consumption. A watermelon is a giant fruit which you can open and eat. And its our plain luck that its insides taste delicious and filling. Have you ever eaten an alphonse mango from India? its aroma fills the air as soon as its brought in the room. You slice/squeeze and consume it and it very well could be the literal taste of heaven. Imagine if earth did not produce such magnificient fruits. Instead it produced acrid, acid filled thorny balls. Imagine world without sweet tasting fruits and substitute their versions from hell instead. How terrible would our lives be? No apples, oranges, melons, mangoes and coconuts. Is there any other planet in the universe that provides subsistence to its masters in such a tasty and delicious fashion? The amount of coincidnces that are needed to produce fruits of such splendor without poison in then, fit for our consumption. The mind boggleth.

I m sorry for bloggaffing here, but we take so many of our nature comforts for granted and are so ingrateful. We are so consumed by our daily lives that we forget the oranges and instead buy the tropicana orange juice. We just buy apple juice or cranberry juice and forget the real deal. Next time when you go to a market, take a moment to stop and admire the redness of a gala apple. Be amazed at the incredibly perfect symmetry of a pineapple and the delicious flesh inside. The brightness of an orange or the distinct shape of a banana, which can easily act as substitute for a lunch. Its wondrous.

Fruits and vegetables are our life. I cannot imagine living without them. Earth is a beautiful place. Teach your kids or your nephews of the amazing fruits earth is giving us, so the future generations may learn and appreciate them.

I love Louis CKs take on it;

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