Our planet man... It's been good to us. it provided a place for us to evolve into what we are today, it's a shame we don't repay it with the kindness she deserves. Instead of trying to protect our grapes and fruits, our caretaker, we're too busy trying to churn out more oil, deforesting all the beautiful rainforests, flooding it with CO2, just to gain more for ourselves, when in reality, all we need is already given to us. Then in the not too distant future, the Earth isn't going to be able to handle all the damage we've done, and it'll wipe us out. That's if we don't change our ways.. I can't imagine a planet that won't allow us to grow bananas, strawberries, grapes, watermelon, and the numerous other fruits and veggies that make life sweet. Why people, why?!?!
Edit: And it gave us weed man!