Nah I was watching Aliens and Robocop when I was like 5 or 6, and turned out fine.
Yet here you are with the rest of us degenerates.
Nah I was watching Aliens and Robocop when I was like 5 or 6, and turned out fine.
Telling other parents how to parent is a good way to earn a well deserved "fuck off".
This opinion sucks, no offense.Kids do indeed play video games like COD nowadays, so what's the big deal? It's a video game, no way at all a representation of real life.
Someone post THAT image quick!Kids are the target audience for COD games.
I find this kind of attitude really weird. I want to do the best for my kids and if other people think I'm doing it wrong, or could do something different, I'd at least listen and quite possibly change what I'm doing.
The "I'm the parent and I know best" attitude is really dangerous IMHO.
No pic of cake? Cmon OP get it together
I am with you OP. I would be legit creeped by that.
If you made that kind of stuff in another non-American country people would react the same way as us.
If it was something like G.I. Joe (back in an era where that was a thing) it'd be fine, but CoD is...not a kids game.Yeah, military fetishism as a theme for a 7-year olds party is kinda weird. CoD doesn't really have characters or icons you would decorate and theme around, so the only real theme you could pull from it for decorations are guns and war.
Don't know if a seven year old would understand that. While not play The Witcher 3 and Mass Effect while you are at it?Seriously? There is nothing wrong with a kid playing a M rated game especially if there's a parent there putting it in context for them. If it's cool with the kids parents it shouldn't bother you. The rest isn't your business.
There are tons of games a kid could play that is not on a Nintendo platform.Blame the decline and almost complete fall of games for kids outside of Nintendo hardware.
Shit's tragic when you think about it.
I mean, I was playing the mortal kombat games when I was 7 or 8 just like all the other kids I know. Don't really see anything wrong with it. But now that I think about it, kids were smarter back then.
I mean, I was playing the mortal kombat games when I was 7 or 8 just like all the other kids I know. Don't really see anything wrong with it. But now that I think about it, kids were smarter back then.
I mean, I played MK at around the same age, but back then the graphics weren't very realistic at all. When I played it I thought it looked pretty goofy. Nothing like punching 3 skulls out of someone.
Nope, it's totally inappropriate.You - like a majority of GAF people - are overthinking this
This opinion sucks, no offense.
Were Army Men games on N64 inappropriate?
Lol it's actually rated T for Teen. America is unbelievable.
Don't know if a seven year old would understand that. While not play The Witcher 3 and Mass Effect while you are at it?
You expect an impressionable, developing mind to be able to fully accept that concept? Especially when the parents are actively taking elements from the game, such as guns and grenades, and integrating them into their daily life through toys and edibles. It's not the games fault, it's the parents who are normalizing violence that cause concern.Kids do indeed play video games like COD nowadays, so what's the big deal? It's a video game, no way at all a representation of real life.
Don't know if a seven year old would understand that. While not play The Witcher 3 and Mass Effect while you are at it?
There are tons of games a kid could play that is not on a Nintendo platform.
Oh, didn't know only real life stuff is affecting us. Thank you for clearing that up for me.Your opinion sucks and anyone else's that thinks they should overly filter what kids play. Do whatever you feel with your kid, but imo real life circumstances can effect kids, not a freaking video game which is far off from reality.
Wtf this way different than the situation here. Did you have Freddy Kreuger themed birthday party?I was a child of the 80's and 90's so I had Robocop cakes, Freddy Krueger cakes and even a Terminator one.
There's a lot of precious little snowflakes these days It seems.
Your opinion sucks and anyone else's that thinks they should overly filter what kids play. Do whatever you feel is right with your kid, but imo real life circumstances can effect kids, not a freaking video game which is far off from reality.