If I were a kid into Call of Duty this cake would make my day.
Personally I see no issue with it.
This is such a bad argument to me given how far games have come in terms of violence and realismDepends on the kid.
At 7 I remember I was playing Counter Strike, Mortal Kombat 4, GTA 2. Turned out just fine.
Videogame-themed birthday party on the other hand sounds a bit nuts, but hey, what are you gonna do.
Thankfully the content of modern CoD is just as much fantasy as Lego Marvel.
It's just like playing cops and robbers though?
Because it's not normal and shouldn't be normal. If a parent decides to put on porn for their 5 year old and shoot up heroin, yeah it's the parent's decision - but it's also a shitty one and an example of bad parenting/child neglect.
Because not wanting parents intentionally ruinnibg a childs view of the world and giving them possible trauma later in life puts me on a high horse. Okay. Sure. Gotcha
You know, i wish all the time someone had spoken up to my mother from letting me watvh and play whatever i wanted. But nobody did. Because everybody thinks "parents know best and can do no wrong"Do the parents seem loving and attentive? Does the kid seem to be respectful and happy for the most part? Is either the parents or the kid causing harm to you mentally or physically? If you answered yes to any of those maybe there's an issue but then again most likely there's nothing wrong. Parent your kids how you want and stay out of other parents business.
You are forgettong we are talkong about 5 to 7 year olds. Even if you explained things to them, the likelihood of them understanding is mimimal, plus on explanation youre going to end up showing them how shitty the world actually is, especially when explaining war games.I didn't say it was normal or ok. Let's go back to this kid. How is it neglect if the parent is involved?
May I ask something? Do you have kids?
I do. They don't play video games like I do and that's fine. But when they see something on TV from a game I'm playing, you know what I do? I explain what's happening to them and answer their questions. Their view of life doesn't seem ruined from what I've seen.
When I say being involved I don't mean, "hey, what you're playing?" It's the time you spend to make sure they know and understand that's it's just a game and the real life consequences.
I'm apologize if I offended you.
I might as well also mention GTA. During those times they were good. But I am sure if I was growing up now, I would still be playing the same games.All of those games are jank enough to be able to easily seperate fact from fiction
Call Of Duty is photorealistic to a common child, theres a world of difference
This is such a bad argument to me given how far games have come in terms of violence and realism
As much as it sounds weird and such, cod is a kids thing and blame on the parents by allowing it but let's give it the benefit of the doubt and celebrate the fact the kid had fun and a very special bday party.
Gloryfication is wrong as fuck, shaming a kid for having harmless fun too
You think call of duty is bad, I worked at Gamestop for nearly a decade. I'd have to ID people buying Grand Theft Auto and many parents would send the kids in by themselves (some as young as 4) and have them buy the game which I couldn't do without a parent and they would get SO upset...
Not because of the game they were trying to buy but because they had to come inside and show ID. When I'd tell them why I'd have to ID them (M rating) and with GTA I'd always warn the parents what was actually in it. Murder, drug use, sexual content, ect. Almost all of them would either say they didn't care or would say some excuse like 'oh they see that on TV all the time anyway' and it would just baffle the fuck out of me.
Very few would ever say 'oh no you can't play that' and most of the time when that actually happened the kid would throw a tantrum and the parent would buy it anyway. Hell I had one parent who held his ground, they left and like 15minutes they came back and said they couldn't take it anymore and bought it anyway.
Again, this wasn't teenagers this was like the OP 7, 8, 9, but again some even as little as 4 and 5 years old.
Hell some parents were stupid as hell and the kids would convince them 'oh they never do any of those bad things they just drive around' and I'd roll my eyes as the parents fell for it every.freaking.time.
Completely inappropriate. Kids under 12 shouldn't be playing or watching the vast majority of mature rated games and especially not play ones that could kill brain cells (mindless fps like COD). So why exactly is the kid a huge enough fan of COD to have a birthday themed party unless they play the game or watch it played on YouTube.
One series that I don't understand why it is mature rated is Halo. There is some blood but it's mostly alien blood and the gun violence is all futuristic and against alien creatures. No bad language I can recall for any game staring the Master Chief.
Telling other parents how to parent is a good way to earn a well deserved "fuck off".
Halo has its moments where an M rating is ubderstandable
"You forgot to tell her that you murder pedestrians and police and kill prostitutes and take their money.." That lady's jaw about hit the floor and that kid gave us the death stare. Lol, sorry kiddo.
Why don't people just read the back of the dang box?? You're welcome, ESRB.
You - like a majority of GAF people - are overthinking this
Violence in games is very fantasized and unrealistic. I don't think there's anything wrong with people or kids being entertained by it.
There are horror games that I think could really mess a kid up though. Not arcade twitch shooter stuff.
You are forgettong we are talkong about 5 to 7 year olds. Even if you explained things to them, the likelihood of them understanding is mimimal, plus on explanation youre going to end up showing them how shitty the world actually is, especially when explaining war games.
That boy ain't right, I tell ya what
If I were a kid into Call of Duty this cake would make my day.
Personally I see no issue with it.
Dude are you pro big brother programs? Lol...
No matter what I say your responses to me will be the same.
My personal opinion > then any actual parent who's actually involed with their children. There's what you think and feel (personal opinion) and what really happening. 5 or 7 ALL kids are born as individuals. What flows with one kid won't with others.
I currently know a 6 year old who watches all old school and new school horror movies like my 4 year old watches Disney Princess movies and my now 13 year old who can't stomach any of it at her current age and when she was 6 no matter it's horror or Disney Princess.
Are the 6 year old parents wrong for allowing him to watch those horror movie? Fuck no! They watch it with him and they allow the 6 year old to be himself instead of making him feel like he's weirs or not normal.
Is it really controversial that a 7 year old shouldn't be having a COD themed b-day party? Or playing the game in the first place? It says 18+ on the box lmao
Dude are you pro big brother programs? Lol...
No matter what I say your responses to me will be the same.
My personal opinion > then any actual parent who's actually involed with their children. There's what you think and feel (personal opinion) and what really happening. 5 or 7 ALL kids are born as individuals. What flows with one kid won't with others.
I currently know a 6 year old who watches all old school and new school horror movies like my 4 year old watches Disney Princess movies and my now 13 year old who can't stomach any of it at her current age and when she was 6 no matter it's horror or Disney Princess.
Are the 6 year old parents wrong for allowing him to watch those horror movie? Fuck no! They watch it with him and they allow the 6 year old to be himself instead of making him feel like he's weirs or not normal.
You - like a majority of GAF people - are overthinking this
I thought the last few CoD games hadn't been as popular as they used to be.
Why not just wait until their kid was older? Why show him movies like that now when they could wait for him to actually understand what he's watching?
There's a difference between horror movies and pro-military garbage like CoD.
It's just like playing cops and robbers though?
You - like a majority of GAF people - are overthinking this