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I wouldnt mind a FF12 remake after 7 is complete

Yes, IX needs a remake. It has a great story but the visuals are outdated, I just hope they choose a more cartoonish look for the hand instead of going for realism.

FFXII The Zodiac Age still looks good today.

If they were going to pursue another full remake, which is very unlikely, they would probably start with FFX. But judging from the sheer scale that FFVII Remake has required, I don't think they'll try to do it again.



FFXII The Zodiac Age still looks good today.

If they were going to pursue another full remake, which is very unlikely, they would probably start with FFX. But judging from the sheer scale that FFVII Remake has required, I don't think they'll try to do it again.
It looks good but FF12 still has a lot of problems that could be fixed.


Likely not happening in this decade, but never say never.

Numbered Final Fantasy games need to get the hint and get back into being an RPG franchise again.


No, the game has plenty of content as is and the game's systems are fine. Some improvements to the latter parts of the story and further marginalizing Vaan/Penelo would be nice, but I don't think messing with one of Matsuno's babies when he's not around would work out well. There's not enough of a reason to revisit this (in production), and Zodiac Age is a fine enough capstone.


Season 6 No GIF by Friends


12 hours in, this game is torture. Bland story. Crawling pace. Obnoxious leveling scheme. Teach yourself coding to control party members.
Boooring environment. (FFX was all corridors as well? I never knew 'cause it actually looked fantastic..!)
Awful music.
Boring and lame characters sans the bounty hunter duo.

There's some redeeming qualities in this here, but I don't want to force myself through this slog of a game anymore. Worst part is I've bought this game twice.


Gold Member
Hard disagree. I personally loved all of Square's PS1 run, including Tactics.
It's what I call The Golden Age of Square, so many classics from the 3 mainline FF's to the king of SRPG's in Tactics, the darkly magical Vagrant Story, mind-blowing Xenogears, Parasite fucking Eve, Einhander and more.

On topic, Matsuno is responsible for 2 of my all time favourite games: FFT and Vagrant Story. FFXII wasn't *quite* on the same level for me but I loved it nonetheless, remake would be welcome but that sentiment applies to a bunch of games from the PS1/PS2 era.
That game has aged like fine wine. I wouldn't mind a remake despite that since it is my 2nd favourite FF.

If anything I think FF9 needs a remake. It aged like milks in some ways like how sluggish the battle system is and the visuals.
It's been practically confirmed that it's coming via Nvidia Steam Link. Kingdom Hearts 4 and Dragon's Dogma 2 were leaked exactly same way, months ahead of official announcement.


Tears of Nintendo
I would't mind to get Persona 5/Tokyo Mirage combat (the best turn-based combat in 3D JRPGs period) instead of what's in original game, but Square is not ATLUS and don't have what it takes to achieve this.

Visually though, even if it's a bit dated for obvious reasons, it looks mind-blwoing for a PS2 game and PS4 remaster looks even better. But honestly, I don't want for modern Square to touch this game and remake it. Just let it be as it is now, that's for the better.
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I think there is potential here to make FF12 even better in a remake.

-Remove or rework Vaan/Penelo
-Balthier to be main protag
-Add more content to the game
-Flesh out the storyline better
-Espers/Quickening system needs work
-Gambits are fine as it is
-License board is also fine


I thought Basch was supposed to be the original protagonist.


FFXII Zodiac Age is near perfect enough. Puts pretty much all modern games to shame.

As for remakes, I'd like to see IX and X remade.

IX in classic style, like 4k remade pre-rendered background with new CGI and models etc...

X in one technical showcase game, probably akin to the quality shown in VIIR. Spira and all its majesty recreated in UE5 on PS6 would mindblowing.

VIII I'm not sure what style and I think it's very unlikely.
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Sounds more like you want a spin-off. Balthier's great but would never work as the main character of XII.

The current remaster is fine as-is. I'd prefer S-E worked on new things.


Gold Member
The did the Zodiac age, you already got it.

Next big one should be FFV, which could be great on Nintendo’s next console followed by, eventually, FFVI.
Hard disagree. I personally loved all of Square's PS1 run, including Tactics.
Tactics is great. 7 and 9 are classics.

8 is hot garbage. Terrible battle system, draw system was the dumbest idea ever, horrible implementation of level scaling, ridiculous story where every character has amnesia, annoying characters.
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Tactics is great. 7 and 9 are classics.

8 is hot garbage. Terrible battle system, draw system was the dumbest idea ever, horrible implementation of level scaling, ridiculous story where every character has amnesia, annoying characters.
I respectfully disagree with your opinion.


FFV and FFVI got snubbed in both the excellent 2D (PSP) remakes and 3D remakes (DS). It is time to unfuck that decision and get those two remakes.
I respectfully disagree with your opinion.
Well, I respectfully disagree with yours. I just replayed 8 recently when I was marathoning through all the FF games again.

A game where you are punished for getting experience and instead need to stand around drawing spells for hours is not good game design. It's laughably bad.

A story where every character finds out they grew up in the same house raised by the main bad guy, but just forgot because of magic amnesia is not a great plot.
Some people on this board have abysmal taste. No FF needs to be remade, when I see FF IX "remake" I guarantee I'll be furious. Remasters with the x3 speed is how you play these games now.

This medium is the only one where people ask for remakes constantly. Ain't no one watching Goodfellas and going "Damn... This shit needs a remake."


Gold Member
I feel like gamers suffer from a severe lack of imagination which the game companies have caught on to. Or maybe it is the other way around.

FF12 is available on all modern platforms in a polished version, it does not need a remake now or ever. It would just be a waste of time and money to revisit it. All the 2D ones are available too now in a polished version. The only ones that are iffy are 8 and 9 but you can still play them on modern systems if you want to, and remaking those is a massive project.

Remaking games comes with an opportunity cost. Please, new games.
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I am just completely baffled at this thread. A XII remake? Really? Some people want MORE games set in Ivalice? Really?

And I’ll also never understand people who think XII is the best in the franchise. Story and characters are so paper thin, and the combat rarely ever requires adjustments to a basic gambit set up outside of higher level hunts. And the License Board (both versions) is terrible. The game as a whole, outside of its immaculate presentation, is quite bland. But whatever.

Edit: not sure why I’m acting like someone pissed in my cereal but I oscillate between somewhat liking XII and thinking it’s so unbelievably bland that I can’t believe people praise anything about it outside of its visuals and world.
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Well, I respectfully disagree with yours. I just replayed 8 recently when I was marathoning through all the FF games again.

A game where you are punished for getting experience and instead need to stand around drawing spells for hours is not good game design. It's laughably bad.

A story where every character finds out they grew up in the same house raised by the main bad guy, but just forgot because of magic amnesia is not a great plot.
FFVIII is not without its flaws, without a doubt, although can't say I think the same. The overall experience outweighed all of its flaws for me.
I wouldn't mind revisiting that world and its characters again after so long, plus it would provide an opportunity to address some of the original's design flaws.
There are so many moments I would love to see recreated in real-time. The train mission in Timber, in particular, would make a fantastic demo.

Plus it ended up having some of my favorite musical compositions by Uematsu.

So while yes I will agree with some of your criticism, I still think there's a lot to admire about FFVIII, even despite its shortcomings.
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