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If Mikami leaves Capcom...


If Mikami leaves Capcom... Where should he go?
We all know there's some feuding going on internally at Capcom and we know Mikami is in the fray. If he decides to leave, where should move?

Isn't HAL lacking a lead designer now? That's one possibility.
Another is that he heads to Tokyo to work for Nintendo's dev team there. They're new I'm sure could use some veteran talent. Aren't they focused on making titles not generally seen from Nintendo or is that a false assumption on my part?


microsoft japan. they need some decent designers

phantom dust is good, about the only good game by them


hyperbolically metafictive
retro. they could pool their anti-talents and devise the worst control scheme ever.


I know one thing, if mikami leaves , hopefully it'll mean new resident evil games will actually have good controls.
He can go to Tecmo where he can chill with other self important middling quality game developers.

And it will have the added benefit of developing for a hardware set I have no problem completely ignoring. ^_^

Mikami can eat a phallus.


Definitely should go to Nintendo Tokyo and try and make some more adult-oriented content from within Nintendo.


olimario said:
If Mikami leaves Capcom...
Another is that he heads to Tokyo to work for Nintendo's dev team there. They're new I'm sure could use some veteran talent. Aren't they focused on making titles not generally seen from Nintendo or is that a false assumption on my part?

i think any Nintendo studio in Japan would only be a good idea if Nintendo finally decides to throw out their silly stance on M-rated games, otherwise, Mikami would seem seriously out of place at Nintendo. just because you make more mature games doesn't mean its the end for your family-friendly franchises.



Pretty much all of Sega's lineup is action games, but none are prolific. He make them the Devil May Cry they need.
He and Team Clover in general should just go to Nintendo.

Nintendo has to realize they need dev teams that can do more than Mario/Zelda/DK/Kirby.

Nintendo's published a few M-rated games themselves anyway -- Perfect Dark, Conker's Bad Fur Day, and Eternal Darkness all got the M-rating. I think that might actually be more M-rated games than Sony has published themselves.


Has problems recognising girls
Personally I think he might just create his own company, like so many other frustrated designers have been doing... but of course keep up talks with Nintendo so they can publish whatever he pumps out.

It seems like the most logistical approach for Nintendo if they want to keep chipping away at the original Capcom 5.


Well the obvious answer is Nintendo. Funny thing is Nintendo is stupid and stubborn enough not to make him an offer. Microsoft will probably beg him to come but I seriously doubt he will.
Well if he does leave, Nintendo should make sure he remains a powerful ally. They also need to stop anything like this from completely souring relations with Capcom. Keep them sweet with handheld Zelda, and carry on with partnership. For a userbase a fraction of the size of the PS2, the Gamecube has done alright at selling Capcom games.. but if they're going to be truly platform agnostic Nintendo should make it worth their while to at least get time-exclusives IMO.
I doubt Capcom will ever give Nintendo another big-time exclusive again until they can prove they can get the userbase first.

Seems like their stockholders raised enough of a fuss, and RE4/K7/VJ are all PS2-bound.


The Inside Track
Prine said:
microsoft japan. they need some decent designers

phantom dust is good, about the only good game by them
Considering MGS Japan only worked on 2 1st party games this generation it's a 50% good game rate. Not that bad !
Joking aside, I hope they manage to get some more good designers, especially since I'm pretty sure Yukio Futatsugi is pretty pissed my MS decision not to release Phantom Dust outside Asia. Hopefully he will still be there for a Xenon title, this guy is really good.
As for Mikama, the only good thing he ever created IMHO was Devil May Cry, and it seemed more like luck than anything else. Resident Evil was a complete ripoff of Alone in the Dark so I certainly won't give that guy any credit for creating the survival horror genre like so many people seem to think.


soundwave05 said:
Nintendo's published a few M-rated games themselves anyway -- Perfect Dark, Conker's Bad Fur Day, and Eternal Darkness all got the M-rating. I think that might actually be more M-rated games than Sony has published themselves.

my point with Nintendo isn't so much for publishing M-rated games... obviously, they tried that already, but more to do with their main studios in Japan making something out of it if devs there wish to do it, rather than getting 2nd or even 3rd party companies to do it for them...

also, with developers who leave a company and start their own, most of them don't really amount to much after that, unfortunately.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
I love olimario's assumption that Mikami would only consider Nintendo's stable. Why would he go there? He gave them his full support and in exchange got very little.

Of course, it's not like the other options are rosier. Oh boy, go to Game Republic which puts out games that are Capcom-like in every way but the developer logo. Go to MS and get picked on even more.

Personally I would ride out Capcom or retire and start a farm.
Yeah, but Nintendo hiring more people to do games with furry animals or rainbow colors isn't going to help their cause either. It seems like between Mario/Kirby/Pokemon/Star Fox/Pikachu/Donkey Kong/Super Smash Brothers/Mario Kart/Mario Party/Mario Tennis/Mario Golf/Animal Crossing/Pikmin that Nintendo has that style covered.

Note for Revolution, Nintendo probably at some point will have to do sequels for all the above games (its just too lucrative of a cash mine). I mean please, lets get some new designers in there to do something different.

If they can get Mikami and others from the RE4 team, of course it would be wise. Probably not going to happen though, since its so obvious.


fennec fox said:
Of course, it's not like the other options are rosier. Oh boy, go to Game Republic which puts out games that are Capcom-like in every way but the developer logo.
That almost sounds like Treasure's situation. All of Capcom's fame and talent + creative freedom? Sounds goshdarned good to me.
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