We’ve all heard how PS3 was extremely difficult to code for, and how time to triangle has greatly improved over the gens since.
Why is there no developers spitting out PS3 quality games at an astronomical rate?
PS3 graphics were no slouch and would be perfect for the AA space. From Resistance, Warhawk, Motorstorm, Uncharted, inFamous.
ND made 5 games on PS3, 3 Uncharted games, and Last of Us + the DLC expansion.
In a time where development takes forever it seems like that would be a goldmine.
Or the real reason games are taking forever is due to bloated companies, filled with people who don’t know how to code.
Why is there no developers spitting out PS3 quality games at an astronomical rate?
PS3 graphics were no slouch and would be perfect for the AA space. From Resistance, Warhawk, Motorstorm, Uncharted, inFamous.
ND made 5 games on PS3, 3 Uncharted games, and Last of Us + the DLC expansion.
In a time where development takes forever it seems like that would be a goldmine.
Or the real reason games are taking forever is due to bloated companies, filled with people who don’t know how to code.