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If we can shame COVIDIOTS then we can shame Fatties.


We were always told that bullying/shaming doesn't work, but we can see now that shaming COVIDITOS is perfectly acceptable.

this is the front page of a major news paper in Canada. We have seen Cuomo and go on the air and shame people at parks. Go on twitter or RETARDERA and you will find tons of people shaming anyone who goes outside. Look whats happening with David Cummings.

While obesity kills 2.8 million people worldwide a year. We have a long way to go to get to that number for COVID. Obesity is always a top underlying condition that leads to death from COVID. Literally being fat is making this pandemic worse. Yet if you put up a picture of a fatty eating a 12 lb burger and called them idiots you would get a defense force on your butt and call you a fatphobe.

I think that if we are going to start shaming people, then fatties should be on the table. We shouldn't be SLAAAAAAYING KWEEEEN or putting out dumb messages like you don't know if that fat person isn't healthy. Well you don't know if that person swimming at Ozarks has COVID yet they are still being shamed.

And FYI this is not an ironic thread. I am not trying to argue that shaming of COVID is bad and using fatties as a counter example. This is serious. Obeseity kills, causes untold other health complications, cost hospitals millions (and the gov't), and is probably one of the biggest reasons that there is so much death in the west (consider that being fat also leads to heart problems and dieabites).

We have COVIDITOS, can we have OBESIDIOTS.
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We were always told that bullying/shaming doesn't work, but we can see now that shaming COVIDITOS is perfectly acceptable.

this is the front page of a major news paper in Canada. We have seen Cuomo and go on the air and shame people at parks. Go on twitter or RETARDERA and you will find tons of people shaming anyone who goes outside. Look whats happening with David Cummings.

While obesity kills 2.8 million people worldwide a year. We have a long way to go to get to that number for COVID. Obesity is always a top underlying condition that leads to death from COVID. Literally being fat is making this pandemic worse. Yet if you put up a picture of a fatty eating a 12 lb burger and called them idiots you would get a defense force on your butt and call you a fatphobe.

I think that if we are going to start shaming people, then fatties should be on the table. We shouldn't be SLAAAAAAYING KWEEEEN or putting out dumb messages like you don't know if that fat person isn't healthy. Well you don't know if that person swimming at Ozarks has COVID yet they are still being shamed.

And FYI this is not an ironic thread. I am not trying to argue that shaming of COVID is bad and using fatties as a counter example. This is serious. Obeseity kills, causes untold other health complications, cost hospitals millions (and the gov't), and is probably one of the biggest reasons that there is so much death in the west (consider that being fat also leads to heart problems and dieabites).

We have COVIDITOS, can we have OBESIDIOTS.

Won't work. Dealing with covid is child's play compared to obesity.

You will get no results.


No one can shame fatties, the fatties shame you!

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Worse would be spreading it to more people, For overweight people to lowering thier chances of survival so it's only making it worse for them.

I have to disagree. If you took out the fatties and the old people you would have a 99.9% chance or better of beating this thing. Now old people can't do anything about being old. Would everyone be freaking out if 99.9% of the people who caught this recovered?


I have to disagree. If you took out the fatties and the old people you would have a 99.9% chance or better of beating this thing. Now old people can't do anything about being old. Would everyone be freaking out if 99.9% of the people who caught this recovered?
I understand now, but it's still the same amount of infections but with a higher death count. If people were not freaking out more people would get infected due to not taking precautions. Covid is not a good thing to catch even of you do survive.


I don’t know how effective calling out obese people would be. Two reasons I can think of for being obese would be emotional issues and bad diet.
In relation to emotional issues, I remember my Mum watching 600 pound life and almost all the people were obese because of child abuse. I don’t know an easy way to undo that kind of damage so calling them out will probably be ineffective.
Then there is bad diets. Kids having parents who are either total pieces of crap at cooking or cannot afford healthy food. The only way to surely fix that would be to have the Jamie Oliver style of school lunches or equivalent healthy lunchboxes for the public at large. When I was in South Korea a couple of years ago you could buy a healthy lunch box at convenience stores for about $5 that would be a meal, maybe the west should adopt a similar strategy.


I don't think it's a fair comparison, really.

Unsafe behavior during a health crisis is a personally selfish choice that puts others in immediate serious danger. Shaming people who act erroneously for brief shortsighted behavior is extremely effective. Moreso if those people choose to value the opinions, health, or safety of others.

Obesity is a far more complicated issue for an individual to address, and it takes a lot more time.

It's also not contact transmissible.
Not really the same thing. One is putting people on blast because they're doing stupid shit. The other is because of how they look, basically.


Lil’ Gobbie
I don’t know how effective calling out obese people would be. Two reasons I can think of for being obese would be emotional issues and bad diet.
In relation to emotional issues, I remember my Mum watching 600 pound life and almost all the people were obese because of child abuse. I don’t know an easy way to undo that kind of damage so calling them out will probably be ineffective.
Then there is bad diets. Kids having parents who are either total pieces of crap at cooking or cannot afford healthy food. The only way to surely fix that would be to have the Jamie Oliver style of school lunches or equivalent healthy lunchboxes for the public at large. When I was in South Korea a couple of years ago you could buy a healthy lunch box at convenience stores for about $5 that would be a meal, maybe the west should adopt a similar strategy.

Got any more info on this? Can't find on google


covidiocy is baked into the system, you aren't gonna stop people with death rates we're seeing
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I'm not really in favor of shaming either group in person to person interaction (I have one caveat).

When we're approaching 40%+ of the US population being obese, you are dealing with a SYSTEMIC issue. The response should be systemic in nature. Individual psychological shaming is not a great tactic and wont get anything done. It should be treated like the government response to battling smoking.

Tax increases on bad foods. Tax subsidies for good foods. And I do support medically driven "shaming" advertisements, such as the anti-smoking ads you see in the United States. But no one shames smokers to their face really, but in broader systemic advertisements - particularly aimed at children, yes I support that.


No one can shame fatties, the fatties shame you!

We can shame fatties, but never shame the big titties or thicc ass.


I could ask:

"Gluttony is a sin but the only thing my government is far more concerned about regulating abortion."

If cost is a concern, some people birth out societal blights, as they are woefully under prepared to address the needs of rasing a child.

Money is nothing compared to the lost time and emotional impact.

In the MURRICA', someone being fat, is pennies, in comparison to the money spent on military.

People know the dangers of smoking, yet still do. A fat person is a temporary inconvenience compared to the smokers whom damage my non-smoker lungs.

Covid can have a immediate danger and effect on me and others, in comparison to obese person.


Mandatory fat camp. National guard goes from house to house and rounds them cows up.
Then we can televise the fatcamp and have weekly bets on which fatty will do best on the forced marathon runs.


You know, I know plenty of people online love to mock fat people because I guess it helps them deal with their own insecurities or some shit, but knowing the vast majority of them wouldn't be brave enough to do it to someone in real life, all I can think every time someone mocks fat people online is:


Seriously, why do we give a fuck? Smokers can affect others negatively if they don't smoke in private. Drinkers can get behind the wheel. And Coronavirus, that shit speaks for itself. Fat people rarely pose a threat to anyone else besides themselves due to their condition last time I checked. And you can have nutritional-related conditions without being obese. My dad got high cholesterol and he's never been obese.

Not to mention insulting people for being fat can easily make one look like a jerk and not for the reason one might think. Not every fat person wound up that way just because "they love food". It's almost like the human mind is a complicated thing or something. I mean, if I got severe depression and heavy eating was just something I did as a means to "feel better", it's nice to know rather than telling me I should talk to a psychiatrist and that there are people that want to help me, no apparently the real priority needs to be some rando mocking me for how my body turned out. Really, all that makes you is sound childish and in desperate need of attention. You don't know each one of these people on an individual level, so you're just begging to make an ass out of yourself every time you mock them for something without knowing the full context.


Seeing all the fat fucks at the beach the past 3 weeks. Yikes. We are all looking, talking, discussing, and laughing at you.


"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
Someone being fat isn't going to kill your gran gran though.

That's the difference. Smokers, fatties, etc are only really hurting themselves. Morons who refuse to take covid seriously are harming us all in one way or another.


You know, I know plenty of people online love to mock fat people because I guess it helps them deal with their own insecurities or some shit, but knowing the vast majority of them wouldn't be brave enough to do it to someone in real life, all I can think every time someone mocks fat people online is:


Seriously, why do we give a fuck? Smokers can affect others negatively if they don't smoke in private. Drinkers can get behind the wheel. And Coronavirus, that shit speaks for itself. Fat people rarely pose a threat to anyone else besides themselves due to their condition last time I checked. And you can have nutritional-related conditions without being obese. My dad got high cholesterol and he's never been obese.

Not to mention insulting people for being fat can easily make one look like a jerk and not for the reason one might think. Not every fat person wound up that way just because "they love food". It's almost like the human mind is a complicated thing or something. I mean, if I got severe depression and heavy eating was just something I did as a means to "feel better", it's nice to know rather than telling me I should talk to a psychiatrist and that there are people that want to help me, no apparently the real priority needs to be some rando mocking me for how my body turned out. Really, all that makes you is sound childish and in desperate need of attention. You don't know each one of these people on an individual level, so you're just begging to make an ass out of yourself every time you mock them for something without knowing the full context.



Gold Member
You know, I know plenty of people online love to mock fat people because I guess it helps them deal with their own insecurities or some shit, but knowing the vast majority of them wouldn't be brave enough to do it to someone in real life, all I can think every time someone mocks fat people online is:


Seriously, why do we give a fuck? Smokers can affect others negatively if they don't smoke in private. Drinkers can get behind the wheel. And Coronavirus, that shit speaks for itself. Fat people rarely pose a threat to anyone else besides themselves due to their condition last time I checked. And you can have nutritional-related conditions without being obese. My dad got high cholesterol and he's never been obese.

Not to mention insulting people for being fat can easily make one look like a jerk and not for the reason one might think. Not every fat person wound up that way just because "they love food". It's almost like the human mind is a complicated thing or something. I mean, if I got severe depression and heavy eating was just something I did as a means to "feel better", it's nice to know rather than telling me I should talk to a psychiatrist and that there are people that want to help me, no apparently the real priority needs to be some rando mocking me for how my body turned out. Really, all that makes you is sound childish and in desperate need of attention. You don't know each one of these people on an individual level, so you're just begging to make an ass out of yourself every time you mock them for something without knowing the full context.
Probably because health related issues like smoking, drugs, drinking and being fat can be reduced if people took better care of themselves. And that leads to less strain on hospitals and taxes.

There's a big difference in giving someone a break for accidentally tripping on the sidewalk while jogging and breaking their ankle, vs. a smoker knowing it's bad and getting lung cancer or a fat guy eating all day and getting heart disease or diabetes.

That's not to say a totally clean and healthy person can't get lung cancer or diabetes, but there's a difference between accidents and out of the blue healthcare needed vs. someone knowingly walking a tight rope doing stupid shit for years hoping they don't get it.
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Fat people rarely pose a threat to anyone else besides themselves due to their condition last time I checked.

What if I’m not paying attention and I accidentally walk close to one and have to take a big whiff?



Got any more info on this? Can't find on google

For the first point an article from psychiatric times regarding obesity and psychiatric disorders:

“Women are more likely than men to eat in response to negative emotions, and women with mood disorders are more likely than men to report increased appetite as a symptom of depression.
Associations between obesity and mood and anxiety disorders may arise from effects of stress on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which responds to stress by releasing cortisol and other hormones that modulate sympathetic nervous system activity.”

For the second point from the US national institute of health ‘Can low income Americans afford a healthy diet’:
“When incomes drop and family budgets shrink, food choices shift toward cheaper but more energy-dense foods. The first items dropped are usually healthier foods – high-quality proteins, whole grains, vegetables and fruit. Low cost energy-rich starches, added sugars, and vegetable fats represent the cheapest way to fill hungry stomachs.”

I am not sure if we can post urls but hopefully the titles to the articles should lead you to the articles in question.


Nice try. Being fat is easier than being stupid.

Source: me.

Well a lot of people are just fucking lazy or afraid of working out because it hurts.

I know a person that avoids anything that could slightly hurt her and thats why she likes to be fat. That way she doesnt have to concern herself with actually doing something to lose weight because she cant stand the muscleache after training lol

But at the same time she always complains about her problems and pains because of her overweight. All doctors tell her that she has to do more but she kinda refuses too.

She was so happy losing weight because she changed medication and due to that she lost weight. She was proud of it... losing weight and doing nothing. Now she is at a point where she gains weight again because she never does something... and now its ok to be fat.

I dont understand such people and i will just ignore them.
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Eh... I don't really have a problem with fat people. Some people just have a problem with their weight and I can't fault them for that. Losing it through diet and exercise is not an easy or pleasant experience.

It's when fat people act smug and think they can give me advice regarding weight management that I think mockery is fair game. Like when Moviebob told gamers to lose it despite the obvious triple chin.

Honest answer, don't play their games. Rise above it and be different. Be like Jesus, man, and be humble. Be the change you want to see in the world, innit.


For the second point from the US national institute of health ‘Can low income Americans afford a healthy diet’:
“When incomes drop and family budgets shrink, food choices shift toward cheaper but more energy-dense foods. The first items dropped are usually healthier foods – high-quality proteins, whole grains, vegetables and fruit. Low cost energy-rich starches, added sugars, and vegetable fats represent the cheapest way to fill hungry stomachs.”

I think that only applies to pre-made foods.
There is no way that the highly processed food, chips and the fast food that these people eat is cheaper than cooking your own food from raw materials.
The latter is a lot healthier and a lot cheaper than what they are eating now.


The only people who say "dont bully/shame" are people who bully/shame and don't want to have someone do it to them.

Just look at the trans crowd. "be kind to me you cunt"


It is obviously not the same thing. If you defend shaming fat people, you defend mocking people in general. If you argue that you really do it to help them, then get a fucking life.
With that said, I think we should treat obesity (and the mindset that you should be proud about being fat) as a disease.
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What a crappy comparison, some people have wheight issues due to health conditions, not becasue they are only fat.

Besides, covidiots kill others, fatties dont.

Next time go to bed earlier.


Obesity is a scourge on our society, Govs must make exercise a compulsory activity of every citizen.

Ive been through phases of size, teens i was a skinny kid, 20s i was gaining a bit, im 31 now and run 4 times a week as i do need to lose some weight but exercise should be enforced on everyone that can do it.

Govs also need to clamp down on food manufactures, you go into any supermarket and majority of end isles are full of crap on sale, so many toxic chemicals in foods now that are addictive and hard to stop eating.


We were always told that bullying/shaming doesn't work,
Making people feel like shit is usually not very productive, no.

but we can see now that shaming COVIDITOS is perfectly acceptable.
Of course, retarded people are too dumb to have feelings that can hurt.

We have COVIDITOS, can we have OBESIDIOTS.
We shall see if it catches on.

Please spoiler such hideous things...
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