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If you call a pizza place and ask for a "normal pizza", what is on it?


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Here in italy they would ask if you want a margherita or biancaneve(snowhite, just mozzarella, oregano and oil) or a basic dry focaccia usually called facci di vecchia (granny's face)

Those are the 3 normal\classic pizzas usually.

In us is probably something like pepperoni an cheese or some shit.

And if you don't order that you get a visit from the mob. Ask for Pineapple you sleep with the fishes.
But everyone in the world knows what pizza is. Maybe they'll politely ask if you mean cheese and tomato but I don't think it's worth getting angry about.
Are you from the U.S.? I'm curious if this is a USA vs world thing.

Around here, if you called in asking for a "normal pizza" people would think you're either trolling them or a complete moron. Also, I rarely get polite customer service anymore especially over the phone.

For those not from the US, a typical pizza place here will at minimum offer different sizes and at least two crust types (Pizza Hut has 5 or more crust types). Asking for a "normal pizza" and refusing to elaborate is just rude.
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I feel like the default pizza should be Pepperoni...
But these days its probably cheese.


Are you from the U.S.? I'm curious if this is a USA vs world thing.

Around here, if you called in asking for a "normal pizza" people would think you're either trolling them or a complete moron. Also, I rarely get polite customer service anymore especially over the phone.

For those not from the US, a typical pizza place here will at minimum offer different sizes and at least two crust types (Pizza Hut has 5 or more crust types). Asking for a "normal pizza" and refusing to elaborate is just rude.
I'm from the uk. I never order pizza over the phone, but I can't imagine anyone being offended by someone asking for a normal pizza. I wouldn't say it's rude. What if you're ordering from a place you haven't tried before? They can't expect every customer to be an expert about the 5 different types of crusts or the 7 different options for the consistency of the tomato paste or whatever.


I guess it's a NY thing, but no pizza place here would be confused by an order for a plain or regular pizza (pie or slice), and probably by extension, a normal one. Granted, no one uses the word "normal" for pizza, but it's close enough to plain or regular which is how people order pizza around here. They would ask if you want any toppings and when you say no, you get a plain pizza - i.e. sauce and cheese on pizza dough, and nothing else, like in the pic I posted.
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I'm from the uk. I never order pizza over the phone, but I can't imagine anyone being offended by someone asking for a normal pizza. I wouldn't say it's rude. What if you're ordering from a place you haven't tried before? They can't expect every customer to be an expert about the 5 different types of crusts or the 7 different options for the consistency of the tomato paste or whatever.
Most people order online anyway but if they call, everyone knows to say something like "large cheese pizza". If you're trying a new place, I don't know why you wouldn't look at the menu first and have your order ready when you call. Don't expect an employee to sit on the phone and discuss it with you, expect them to tell you to call back.

Pizza places around here field dozens of calls during peak hours with only a few employees so being obtuse on the phone prevents them from getting to the next caller or making the food. Also, as someone who worked in food service for years I guarantee as soon as that employee hangs up the phone, they start bitching to the other employees about how "this dumbass called and asked for a normal pizza".


Gold Member
You just lost your italian passport.
We expect you to hand it over at the nearest questura and leave Italy forever.
Did you missed the part when i said "for us"?? United states of america.

Pepperoni is their spicy salame.


I asked my deeply conservative father to make us a normal pizza. Barely any toppings, he said something about avoiding all the colours of the rainbow lest I start kissing my gaming pals?


Back in my hometown, inone of the first pizza places that opened up in the neighborhood when I was a kid the standard pizza meant:
- Tomato sauce
- Gouda cheese
- Mashrooms (cut up in thin slices)
- Green peppers
- Pepperoni

It was awesome.


To me, plain cheese pizza is strictly for finicky little kids, the kind who only want mac & cheese and chicken tenders. It's the bare minimum, not what I'd call normal.

I never even heard of Margherita until a few years ago, nothing "normal" about that from my POV. Way too fancy-schmancy froo-froo. Gourmet for hipster snobs.

In my world (Gen X era SoCal) a "normal" or "regular" pizza would be pepperoni.


Ultimate DQ Fan
I never even heard of Margherita until a few years ago, nothing "normal" about that from my POV. Way too fancy-schmancy froo-froo. Gourmet for hipster snobs.
You see it at Italian restaurants usually. You won't go into a place like "Jimmy's New York Pizza" and find it in there.
Probably just cheese, I don't think that has it's own "regular" order. For example in an NYC bagel place on the corner a coffee regular is milk and sugar.


There are only two kinds of pizza. Plain and pepperoni. The rest of this shit is some type of baked open face sandwich.


Gold Member
For me, my normal pizza I order is either all meat, or if I'm feeling anti-slaughterhouse that day will be all meat except one pitiful veggie like red onions or hot peppers. Creamy garlic and hot sauce as sides.
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Gold Member

Hand over your Italian license.
Fun fact, the first time i traveled into a foreign country and my english was barebone, i was super confused because pepperoni is salame piccante and salami is fucking peperone, i had pizza with peperoni for like the first 3 days :lollipop_grinning_sweat:


Gold Member

I think they trolled you
Nope, they were like 3 different places, me and my friends wanted a pizza with salame (the choice in the menu was poor) and everytime we got a pizza with peperoni even if the pizza clearly said salami.

It was palma de mallorca and we were absinth's drunk 24\7 so who knows...
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