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If you could be teleported to a centuries past time and place for a week with no guarantee for your safety, would you do it?


Nah. The past doesn't interest me enough to jeopardise my safety.

The future on the other hand is a definitely yes.


Going back to the very day to meet the smart motherfucker who came up with the idea for the greatest con job in human history..Religion.

..and telling them just how much misery & human suffering their Ponzi scheme is going to unleash on the World.

..then shoot the fucker, just in case they don't get the message.


There may not be a guarantee for my physical safety, but is there a guarantee/clause that means any actions I make in the past don't affect my present/future?
How are there serious answers here aside from 'no'? 😂

1) Spend time with a survivalist in current time to learn how to live off the land, just in case.
2) Go back with a currency if allowed, such as a small amount of gold.
3) Go back to one of the most recent times allowed, which would likely mean the best chance for safety. Statistically speaking, the old west was supposed to be really not all that violent, for example.
4) Get a job.
5) Buy and bury as much as you can of anything that would be considered antiques in current time.
6) Dig up antiques when you return to current time.
7) Sell antiques for lots and lots of money.

Of course I wouldn't do any of that, because it's not a good idea to go screwing around with time.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
"Wow this place is awesome. Hey by the way everyone, the world is rounddddd. Let go of me!? What ... unhand me you ruffian, what are you doing to my eyes!?!? No .... nooooooooooooo!"


It would be awesome if doing this altered our timeline and there were ancient murals of a crowd of people wearing their normal ancient attire and one dude in there with like a wife beater and jeans.


Nice to see who the romantics are here…for me? Fuck no, I’m sure I’d look like Marty McFly in the first outfit Doc gave him and get strung up even faster than he did.


Can I use the XIX century????
France. I would go with all the now famous Impressionists artists and buy some of works ( back then they barely could sell it, so it would be cheap ) then I would travel to the Switzerland and put all those artworks on safes ( they cannot empty the safes as long as a relative is alive and it is passed down from generation as long as you have the keys.) using the name on my ancestors.

I would be back in the present and voila... I would be all in the news for having unknown or lost paintings by those artists.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Nice to see who the romantics are here…for me? Fuck no, I’m sure I’d look like Marty McFly in the first outfit Doc gave him and get strung up even faster than he did.

Oh we would all die....just the communication barrier would be enough to get us killed, but it would be interesting.


It’s a pretty romantic idea, but oh the consequences. Imagine coming back to the future, a barren land where you learn about the great Covid pandemic of Ancient Greece that wiped out nearly all of humanity 🤪


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Can I take a couple of loaded rifles with me. I would live a lot longer if I could. That might be interesting to have 1000 rounds of ammo a couple of clips and walk into an ancient empire and just wreck up history.

It would be worth going to the Library at Alexandria and collecting a lot of knowledge we lost.


Can I take a couple of loaded rifles with me. I would live a lot longer if I could. That might be interesting to have 1000 rounds of ammo a couple of clips and walk into an ancient empire and just wreck up history.

It would be worth going to the Library at Alexandria and collecting a lot of knowledge we lost.
Hopefully not for your first option.


Fuck no. 2 reasons:
  1. The past was so much worse than the present for people who look like me.
  2. Even English a century ago would be hard to communicate in, compared to modern English. You'd be a mute for a week.
It's strictly future travel for me.


advanced basic bitch
Absolutely. Imagine if you could make Doritos or coke for example. There's more flavor in those than any ancient food. You'd be made a king with a harem.
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  1. Go back in the past
  2. Scratch your feet on a rock
Option 1:

3. Get infected
4. DIE

Option 2:

3. Swear, take the lord name in vain
4. Get mobbed
5. DIE

Option 3:

3. Ask for help
4. "We don't like people like you around here"
5. Get murdered

Option 4:

3. Go see the local Witch Doctor
4. get "Help"
5. DIE
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West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
  1. Go back in the past
  2. Strach your feet on a rock
Option 1:

3. get infected
4. DIE

Option 2:

3. Swear and take the lord name in vain
4. Get Mobbed
5. DIE

Option 3:

3. Go ask for help
4. "We don't like people like you around here"
5. Get murdered

Option 4:

3. Go see the local Witch Doctor
4. get "Help"
5. DIE
What killed you was your grammar.


Everyone wants to travel back in time to meet someone important... Why would anyone important want to meet with you though? Assuming you can even locate them?

Most likely you would end up interracting with regular peasants.


Go back to 1 year ago and buy stock lol, or 10 years ago and buy bitcoins.

I could save millions of life with vaccine and medicine, but I need cash now.

Nevermind, just realized it has to be a century past, I do want to meet Buddha in India, but probably ended up dead.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Let's say I was able to bring an entire collection of camping equipment and gear (including a telescope), food, water + a portable filter to clean more water, and a rifle with ammunition. I would then love to travel to a temperate remote forested location in the UK during a time prior to the industrial revolution and simply camp for a week. Enjoy what the environment must have been like, seeing a night sky completely and utterly unmarred by light pollution. Perhaps sneak near a village to observe the people from afar.

I would never want to spend a week in any centuries old society, however. As romantic as some periods and places seem the world sucked prior to and even during the industrial revolution. Too dangerous, too unsanitary, etc.


Gold Member
It would be worth going to the Library at Alexandria and collecting a lot of knowledge we lost.
This was my first thought. Get in there with a camera and start recording.

Or set up a blind with a bunch of drones and record arial footage of the massive battles of the past. Waterloo, Thermopylae, Hastings, Acre. Just seeing what it was actually like, the diverse range of ethnicities and genders on full display :p would be awesome and well worth the trip, even if you just stayed hidden for all of it. Even flyovers of ancient cities at their height would be awesome. The Colossus, the Pyramids, Hanging Gardens, the Aztec or Incan empires, whatever existed in north america pre-smallpox. So much we really don't know.

NGL, kinda curious how appealing a pre-modern woman would be. Hairy legs and pits, very different make-up and physicality, probably skewing WAAAYY younger than I'd like though. Was Helen of Troy worth it? Cleopatra?


To breathe non-industrialized air for a week in a peaceful setting. Sure. There's lots of isolated places a person could get clean water, good weather and survive easily for a week without much risk. For populated, a multicultural society would, then as now, likely be the safest for a stranger. Where diversity, science, math and music are valued. Ancient Alexandria during the reign of Berenice II. Would try to meet her or at least get a glance. Study up on ancient Greek before going. Visit the library. Provide intellectual curios for access, lodging, and food.


Gold Member
Hel! nah atm, but when I'm an old man and death is at my door hel!z yeah getting eating by a T-rex would be kinda cool

edit: I guess its only centuries and not millions of years. I guess I'd go before there was industry and pollution and the oceans were clean I'd try to eat a lot of seafood hopefully I land in italy or spain
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Parody of actual AJUMP23
You could go meet cleopatra and sire a child. Or find out if Helen was worth all those ships. Convince odiseus to make a wooden kangaroo.


Golden Boy
Difficult question.

What sort of timetravel are we talking about? The one where your sctions change the future, the one where a new future timelin branch is created or the one where the time travel only serves to fulfill the predetermined actions that shape future as we know it?
If it is the first i would think of someone who’s live ended tragically and make a plan to correct that.
If it is the second i would not travel at all.
If it is the third the choice is already predetermined anyway.
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Civilization and rule of law existed millennia ago. chaos and danger exists in many places today. Just know where and and when and who to roll with.


Elden Member
Absolutely. I'd want to try to meet Jesus so I'd aim for Jerusalem like 20AD. Can I bring my phone? It has audio translation software. Dunno if it does Aramaic or whatever though. I'd probably need to consult with some specialists before I go. Maybe learn to ride a horse or something :p
sounds like a scenario where you go back and discover YOU were jesus all along… the technologies and modern knowledge you brought with you to the past make people see you as some mortal god. The roman’s end up crucifying you, and the people spread stories and fill in the gaps of your life, making up the virgin birth story and such.


Reseterror Resettler
I mean, more like that not, I'd go someplace, not speak the language, commit some crime that's incredibly specific and only relevant to that time period, get thrown in a rusty jail cell, and contract a disease from all that old school bacteria that I have no natural immunity to. The crack medical staff would take me onto a dirty cot with dried blood and mucus and saliva on it, and they'd start treating my fever with leeches and blood letting to improve the balance of my humors, before I get sent back to jail, convicted of the crime, and fucking hung in some haybale discount gallows. Townspeople would gather round my still warm corpse to take my clothing or swab cuts of fabric on my blood to have a "souvenir from the strange man," and then I'd have my bemused expression severed head placed on a pike in the center of town to deter would be criminals from making the mistake of disrespecting the king by crossing the street on my right foot first or what the fuck ever. Fuck the past. People were even bigger idiots than they are today, they just didn't have the internet to signal boost it.


In the past 200ish years? Sure.

Any earlier and you'd probably be lynched, or they'd at least try to and you'd just spend a week running from people.
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