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If you could reeally show off a game for another GAF member...


You know how many discussions here at GAF eventually reach the stage of
"just give it more time, then you'll understand its greatness"
"you need to play the game properly, fanboy"
"you don't FUCKIN understand what it's all about do you!!!!! fuck this shit"

Well, let's just imagine for a second that you had this golden opportunity to demonstrate a game for a GAF member of your choice or just GAF members in general. Really showing off the game, showing what you're seeing that they are completely missing.

Which game and GAF member would you choose, and WHY?


I'd grab Paul Bryant and show him how to play Ninja Gaiden. The kid obviously had no clue as to even how to start the game before he reviewed it.


works for Gamestop (lol)
What: Viewtiful Joe
Who: People who suck at Viewitful Joe
Why: To show Viewtiful Joe does not suck, and that it's them who suck


If they don't like, leave 'em be. Why bother with them when there may be plenty others out there that share the same passion for something you like? :D


PhatSaqs said:
I'd grab Paul Bryant and show him how to play Ninja Gaiden. The kid obviously had no clue as to even how to start the game before he reviewed it.


Though Paul Bryant doesn't really exist. But... TO THE CAMERA WHINERS.


What: Samurai Shodown 4
Who: Everyone
Why: Its the best weapons based 2D fighting game ever made, and also my favorite fighter of all-time.

What: Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Who: SSX
Why: I'd pin his eyes balls open "clock work orange" style and strap him to a chair. I'd have everybody on GA line up and play the game one by one until each one of them beat it. Skipping codec, fast fowarding cut scenes and skipping dialouge will not be authroized. I want to see how long it will take before SSX will admit MGS2's storyline is horrible.
BuddyChrist83 said:
Why: Because nothing else comes close.

Please tell me you've put substantial time into music games like Drum Mania, Guitar Freaks, Beatmania IIDX, Technic Beat, and hell, even Donkey Konga before saying this. Cause it's just so untrue. Samba is imprecise (a huge no-no for score-based music games), overrated trash that is good for nothing more than a single night of impressing your non-gamer friends with a zany new type of game. Not to mention that a whopping 2 mixes exist, the second of which rehashes most of the first, so the expensive maracas are a horrible investment.

I do love me the classic Sega songs in 2000, though. And the characters and stuff are pretty cool. It's just such ass as an actual game. :(

Oh, and I love Sonic Team - I was one of Hatcher's biggest supporters on here when it came out, which wasn't easy!


The ghost of Dreamcast past
Everyone should be shown console gaming through VGA proper to understand how much display is holding back the advance of visuals.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Lazy8s said:
Everyone should be shown console gaming through VGA proper to understand how much display is holding back the advance of visuals.

Yeah, you're right...they'll all realize that playing 640x480 console games through a monitor SUCKS. I was stuck with playing Dreamcast that way for THREE YEARS and I hated it in the end!!!! "Oh, it's so clear that I can see how incredibly GRAINY this game looks...just what I wanted!". Until all console games run in higher resolutions, VGA is a bad solution. Everyone will suddenly realize the fact that, as of this generation, WE AREN'T THERE YET. VGA is a bad solution for current consoles (unless you are one of the people who LOVE seeing pixels).

Oh, and I f*cked up my older monitor by switching the cable between my PC and DC too many times. What was I THINKING?!

-rant off-

Anyways, I'd either show off my "12+ million in one trick" in THPS2 -OR- I'd show EVERYONE MGS-The Twin Snakes in order to 1) put to bed all of those that doubt my critiques and 2) show those who aren't in the know what 60 fps REALLY looks like and how awful 30 fps is in comparison. Afterwards, this entire board will become a giant collective framerate whore!!!111 Mwa ha ha ha ha!!! :D


Wario64 said:
What: Viewtiful Joe
Who: People who suck at Viewitful Joe
Why: To show Viewtiful Joe does not suck, and that it's them who suck
I really love the game, but just really suck at it (I can't beat Fire Leo on Adult).

I would say to all of those fighting game elitists to sit down with Super Smash Brothers: Melee, and get good at it. And see that it is an actually deep fighting game. I really need some competition.
dark10x said:
what 60 fps REALLY looks like and how awful 30 fps is in comparison. Afterwards, this entire board will become a giant collective framerate whore!!!111 Mwa ha ha ha ha!!! :D

He's not fucking joking; it's not a nice thing to do to someone

could'a done without the cheapshit laugh though...


:lol yeah show the wonders of 60 vs 30 :)

What: NBA Showtime/NFL Blitz
Who: Everyone who will bow down to my greatness Especially BeOnEdge ;)
Why: To show how superior my skills are in these games and how great they really are.



The ghost of Dreamcast past
"Oh, it's so clear that I can see how incredibly GRAINY this game looks...just what I wanted!".
No, all of the detail would come through more clearly to a greater degree than the imperfections since graphics are, in fact, built from detail and not from its side-effects.

An arcade game on a good monitor shows how much better current games can look.


WHAT: Tomba! (PSX)
WHY: To show people that 2d games can be as engaging, fun, and challenging as 3d games.


force push the doodoo rock
edit: i changed my mind

Game: MK deception
Who: everyone who thinks its good
Why: To show you how god awful it is.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Lazy8s said:

No, all of the detail would come through more clearly to a greater degree than the imperfections since graphics are, in fact, built from detail and not from its side-effects.

An arcade game on a good monitor shows how much better current games can look.

An arcade monitor and a home PC VGA monitor are very different looking. A high quality arcade screen (such as the CRTs used for many recent Sega titles) looks very much the same as my HDTV running a prog-scan game (and looks fantastic in both cases). Both screens are able to display accurate, progressive signals...but they are not so sharp as to reveal too many flaws. These displays are quite superior to standard analog sets when displaying supported games.

An actual VGA monitor, on the other hand, is much sharper looking and reveals current console games to be EXTREMELY grainy and pixelated looking. Why would I WANT to see all of that detail if it looks like crap? I don't know what you've been using, but it must not be a regular VGA monitor.

Using an HDTV is a much better solution for console games than VGA monitors right now, whether you want to admit it or not. Honestly, do you really WANT to see dithered colors forming a sky gradient?


The ghost of Dreamcast past
Arcade monitors are VGA monitors, and even the highest quality arcade displays are only mid-range, for obvious cost reasons, by the standards of what can be bought in the consumer market.


bobbyconover said:
Please tell me you've put substantial time into music games like Drum Mania, Guitar Freaks, Beatmania IIDX, Technic Beat, and hell, even Donkey Konga before saying this. Cause it's just so untrue. Samba is imprecise (a huge no-no for score-based music games), overrated trash that is good for nothing more than a single night of impressing your non-gamer friends with a zany new type of game. Not to mention that a whopping 2 mixes exist, the second of which rehashes most of the first, so the expensive maracas are a horrible investment.

I do love me the classic Sega songs in 2000, though. And the characters and stuff are pretty cool. It's just such ass as an actual game. :(

Oh, and I love Sonic Team - I was one of Hatcher's biggest supporters on here when it came out, which wasn't easy!

Alright, I'll rephrase - just for you bobby.

When I said 'nothing else comes close,' I was talking about the social experience of Samba. True, though it's not the most precise game on the planet (though I've gotten my share of perfects), I just find it incredibly fun - the classic Sega tunes, the wacky visuals and shaking those damn maracas is just one hell of an experience. It's got (near) universal appeal - anyone will give it a go at least once and anyone observing is guranteed a good time.

On the other hand, I see games like DDR and the ilk to be more skill-based. They're not as fun to watch people play - shaking maracas like a madman is far more enertaining. This is where I get to my huge point - I really don't care about score. At all. I play for fun, for the experience. If I happen to do well, great. If not, well, at least I had a good time.

And thus, that's why I like Samba. It's just fun to play. Sure I've got oodles of other music games, including Frequency, Amplitude, various DDR mixes, Gitaroo Man and Donkey Konga, but none of them really grabbed me like Samba did.

True, it's probably because Samba was the first rhythm game I ever put any substantial time into, I'm not going to deny it. After Samba I went on to DDR, but lost interest when the local arcade got really anal and competitive about score. The social atmosphere of Samba is just much more relaxed and carefree, probably because of its non-gamer appeal. Perhaps Samba is my "Kirby Air Ride," so to speak.

As for Konga, well, the gameplay is great, but I found the tracklist to be a little lacking. Hopefully the American version will change that - I've seen the songlist, but I'll have to wait until I get my mits on it to see if the songs really "fit" or not. I'm really excited about Taiko, especially since they included the Katamari track there. I'm also looking forward to Technic Beat, though I really have no clue what to expect there.

Yea, so Samba isn't the best music game on the planet - but it's a great gateway game, a stepping stone to more hardcore titles.



Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Lazy8s said:
Arcade monitors are VGA monitors, and even the highest quality arcade displays are only mid-range, for obvious cost reasons, by the standards of what can be bought in the consumer market.

Well guess what, buddy...they don't look the same as consumer VGA monitors. Playing Dreamcast on a 19" PC monitor is quite a pixelated, nasty experience. It looks vastly different from the best arcade monitors. You yourself just stated that they are lower quality...and that is a PLUS in this case.

The best arcade monitors I've seen look like consumer HDTVs, not VGA monitors.

Have you even played any recent games on a CRT based HDTV? I honestly am starting to doubt that you really have...

For 640x480 console games, arcade monitors and HDTV displays are the best options.


Hail to the KING baby
What: Wasteland.
Who: RPG Gamers of All Stripes.
Why: Give people the opportunity to play imo the greatest game ever, and a truly groundbreaking title with a great post-apocalyptic story, characters, and tons of bloody violence over a decade before it was cool. Reading the "Survival Guide" would be an added bonus, as its easily the best walkthru/hint guide etc. that I've ever read in the sense that it really meshes well with the game and is almost poetic in its epilogue.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
ArcadeStickMonk said:
arcadesticks are good!



The ghost of Dreamcast past
A monitor with the same display as an arcade monitor can be bought for the home. They're exactly the same technology - just purchased by companies like SEGA in bulk, unbranded, from suppliers who are also putting them out in consumer models.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Lazy8s said:
A monitor with the same display as an arcade monitor can be bought for the home. They're exactly the same technology - just purchased by companies like SEGA in bulk, unbranded, from suppliers who are also putting them out in consumer models.

Oh yeah? Where can these be purchased? They aren't regular consumer VGA monitors, by any stretch. Virtua Tennis running on a good arcade monitor looks much MUCH better than plugging a Dreamcast into a regular consumer VGA monitor.

So, which games HAVE you played an actual consumer CRT HDTV?


Still Tagged Accordingly
Wario64 said:
What: Viewtiful Joe
Who: People who suck at Viewitful Joe
Why: To show Viewtiful Joe does not suck, and that it's them who suck
heh, yeah. VJ takes a little bit of time to master; time that some people simply wont put into it, even though it deserves it.


The ghost of Dreamcast past
VGA is just a signal type - one of the superior signals for game graphics due to its specifications. It's possible to view on different kinds of devices including both computer monitors and HDTVs, if one holds more personal appeal.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Lazy8s said:
VGA is just a signal type - one of the superior signals for game graphics due to its specifications. It's possible to view on different kinds of devices including both computer monitors and HDTVs, if one holds more personal appeal.

So what were YOU referring to in the first place? You wanted to show people how "superior" the VGA signal is (and you're right, it is superior to various other output options), but to which output device were you really referring to? If you had a standard VGA monitor in mind, you would convince very few as it does not look particularly appealing with current console games. If you were actually referring to an arcade monitor or an HDTV with VGA input, I would agree with you. The various forms of DVI are a better choice than VGA, though, I'd say. VGA is still an analog signal, but DVI is fully digital. DVI is also gaining more support on the HDTV market than VGA is. I mean, at this point, the difference between component video and VGA is almost null (a progressive signal sent through component cables to a VGA monitor will look roughly the same as VGA itself...and I have seen this before).

So, your statement should have simply stated that you would love to show people the difference between standard interlaced gaming and progressive scan gaming with the hope that DVI (or a similar digital standard) would be adopted in the future. There are VGA boxes available for the current consoles as well as Dreamcast. There are also component cables available for the current three consoles. All of those will provide the same quality display. A VGA box simply allows for an easier connection to a consumer PC monitor, but a PC monitor is perhaps the worst possible choice for prog-scan gaming in low resolutions. Like I've said, the quality is simply too high for current consoles. Connecting VGA/component to another VGA class (or similar) display (such as those aforementioned arcade monitors or an HDTV) is a far better choice for progressive scan gaming. Luckily, the three current consoles provide a fairly easy solution with both cheap component cables available as well as 3rd party VGA adapters.

Dreamcast only provides a VGA adapter, sadly enough, so it becomes a bit more expensive to take advantage of its progressive output through a device other than a monitor. Of course, it's hard to justify spending $100 or more on the device required to pull this off...so I'm stuck using s-video on my DC while the other three consoles recieve full progressive scan support via component cables. Still, I do prefer the DC's s-video output to actually viewing it on a standard PC monitor. Specifically with the DC, virtually all games were rendered in 16-bit color and feature various common display flaws (such as the ultra aggressive mipmapping).

It's interesting. Within the last few months, prior to the add-on pack for Ninja Gaiden, a certain website released various new pics of the additions made to the game. People were found complaining that the pics were POOR captures and didn't represent the game properly. The pics were NOT poor, however. In fact, it was quite the opposite. They were the most accurate pics of the game released to date! The images we were viewing were exactly what we would see on a PC monitor via VGA output. My complaints were embodied in the crowd as these pics were attacked for every reason I attack VGA gaming on a PC monitor. Consoles games are not to the point where this is the best display choice...and that's all there is to it.

Still, VGA is not the future. I expect continued component video support as well as superior DVI support for future consoles and video equipment. VGA is most commonly intended for usage with a PC monitor (though DVI is becoming the standard for LCD panels...a display technology I seriously dislike).

So why DID you say VGA in the first place? There is a superior standard that should show up in next generation consoles (I hope), for one, and component video cables really do provide roughly the same quality. Do you, perhaps, lack experience with modern HDTV displays then? You see, that's what I'm really starting to think. Perhaps it is you who should be shown what the future of console gaming is really going to look like?


What ? Street Fighter Alpha 2
Who ? Everybody who doesn't know it.
Why ? To show them that Alpha series != Alpha 3 and that there is also life behind 3S.


What? Operation Flashpoint
Who? Everybody who buys the complete shit series known as "Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Ghost Recon: Panther Protocol: The Search for Jingoism 5"
Why? So they can see a tactical shooter that's way more challenging, interesting and fun.

What? Thief series
Who? SSX and all other MGS lovers
Why? So they can play a real stealth series that beats the everliving crap out of the MGS series in every conceivable way.

What? Half-Life
Who? All Halo fanboys who haven't played it
Why? So they can see that Halo, while great, doesn't have AI as good as HL's grunts; also so they can see that Halo's writing is basically a mishmash of bizarre drug-induced ramblings, while HL's story is actually rather sublime and intriguing if you think about it as you play.


What: Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin
Who: Hardcore turn-based strategy gamers
Why: Because the depth of the game's strategy, its options for customization, and the ability for users to create their own scenarios all combine to make just about all other turn-based strategy games look like child's play. My attempts to convert others to fans of this game have fallen on deaf ears, though. I started a short-lived thread about it here a while back.
What: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Who: People who never even played it because of the style
Why: To show them what complete IDOTS they've been.

I'm actually making a video right now. It's taking me ages. I've captured loads of video and I'm up to the third dungeon... I'm going to compress the whole game into 7 minutes. It's gonna be ****ing beautiful.
What? Frequency/Amplitude
Who? Anyone who hasn't played it or bought it/Beatmania elitists
Why? So they can see that the game is the best new rhythm-music game yet and that it deserves more sequels.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Samba is imprecise? How come I can get perfects all the time then? And it's not just that I've learned the songs and basically ignore the balls now (which I don't anyway), i've seen people get perfect on lower levels with songs they've barely played.

I don't know what it is, but Samba's just more fun than other music games (with the possible exception of dance games). I guess the music, the on screen action, just the general fun of shaking maracas all contribute to it.

EDIT: Unless by imprecise you mean it gives a lot of leeway either side of the beat rather than what I assumed you meant.


Chili Con Carnage!
firex said:
What? Half-Life
Who? All Halo fanboys who haven't played it
Why? So they can see that Halo, while great, doesn't have AI as good as HL's grunts; also so they can see that Halo's writing is basically a mishmash of bizarre drug-induced ramblings, while HL's story is actually rather sublime and intriguing if you think about it as you play.

You mean the military grunts who kill themselves with grenades?

Personally i wouldnt bother showing off a game to another gaf member to prove a point (though that MGS2 ssx thing sounds fun), i doubt it would do much good.


What: Super Mario Sunshine
Who: Everyone who thinks it's a bad game

I want to show them how incredibly deep, flexible and perfect the control-system is, and how that makes the game one of the funniest, most rewarding experiences in a long time. The story and setting might not be the best, but the gameplay mechanics are unparallelled. You just need to fool around and experiment with it.

What: F-Zero GX
Who: Those who don't get it

I want everyone to see how intense and dramatic it is, and how deep the controls and strategy are. There's so much under the surface!
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