Odnetnin: Allen Hastings (author of Lightwave 3D) has always told me Hair has been one of the biggest challenges in the past. To see them not only do it perfect, but also have wet hair that looked really good... plus the stuff you mentioned... seeing it in digital projection, it was just amazingly gorgeous.
I think CARS will appeal to the NASCAR fans, which I am not one of. Maybe it's the reason that Pixar/Disney are parting ways?
I didn't like Finding Nemo that much. It looked nice and was ok, but not as good as Monsters Inc or Incredibles. I liked how you had this amazing amount of assumed death (you didn't see people dying, but you read the files on Syndrome's robots and realized how many Supers he killed for each updated version of his robot and kept upgrading them until the person was killed. I have to go back and watch that scene again to see if anyone was able to defeat more than 1 version before it killed them), you have your standard 50's sci-fi bit of the military panicking and shooting first as soon as the robot left the ship in the city... some pretty mature overall themes, and YET - it was still safe to show your kids (I went a second time with a friend & his wife with 4 kids and he's super anal about letting them see anything with any language or violence and he was cool with it). Plus Mirage was h0t. I'd like to see who she was modeled after.
I think CARS will appeal to the NASCAR fans, which I am not one of. Maybe it's the reason that Pixar/Disney are parting ways?
I didn't like Finding Nemo that much. It looked nice and was ok, but not as good as Monsters Inc or Incredibles. I liked how you had this amazing amount of assumed death (you didn't see people dying, but you read the files on Syndrome's robots and realized how many Supers he killed for each updated version of his robot and kept upgrading them until the person was killed. I have to go back and watch that scene again to see if anyone was able to defeat more than 1 version before it killed them), you have your standard 50's sci-fi bit of the military panicking and shooting first as soon as the robot left the ship in the city... some pretty mature overall themes, and YET - it was still safe to show your kids (I went a second time with a friend & his wife with 4 kids and he's super anal about letting them see anything with any language or violence and he was cool with it). Plus Mirage was h0t. I'd like to see who she was modeled after.