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If you had sex with a virgin and she didnt pop her cherry

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girls can pop it in a multitude of ways. riding bikes, tampons, running...

But in your case, you've just got a small dick.

J2 Cool

thank you gentlemen for the small penis remarks... well, not actually thank you, but fuck you. Same thing.. And 6 and a half isnt small! And that's what I'd have if I attached a 3 inch pencil with tape.

No, honestly, it's 6 and a 1/2 inches. Maybe I went to slow or not hard enough cause I was being very gentle?


thank you gentlemen for the small penis remarks... well, not actually thank you, but fuck you.

Whatchoo talking bout, Willis?!



Console Market Analyst
Transparent "Guess who scored?" thread which backfired? This is GAF in its purest form. ;)

Anyway, I wonder how many other times the "I'm a virgin" trick has worked for this girl. Did she at least carry on the act during sex, or did she just pull off the mask and ride you Gymkata style?

J2 Cool

aw come on, this is not an "i know who scored" thread. Wouldnt have even mentioned it if it didnt bother me. Bah!
I've had sex with two virgins, and neither of them bled at all, there was pain, but I think that would be a given on your first time. In this day and age, many females break their hymens long before they have intercourse. Plain and simple.


Here's to buttsecks, where there's not supposed to be any blood.

Let's all celebrate this fact accordingly.
Wellington said:

Funny topics are what I need tonight.


Same here, I had my laptop, 72 CDs (but they didn't touch my stereo, so I still have my Shins CD, and my Postal Service CD was in my glove box) and my bookbag full of schoolwork stolen from the trunk of my car, someone must have watched me put stuff in there. That and I can't find a summer job.

Insurance will let me replace everything, but really, steal a student's homework?!?

Keep the laughs coming.


Goreomedy said:
Anyway, I wonder how many other times the "I'm a virgin" trick has worked for this girl. Did she at least carry on the act during sex, or did she just pull off the mask and ride you Gymkata style?

whoa...you dont know how true that is.
i had sex with a "virgin" as well. when...well...when i inserted, and no blood came out, she exclaimed "hmmm, i wonder why there's no blood". and frankly i didnt give it much thought, i already assumed she was lying to begin with. and later on she rode me gymkata style...whenever my dick slipped out she was putting it back in w/o even looking or wasting time...err, anyway thats probably too much info for you guys, but lets just say virgins are over rated.
frankly i wouldnt want all that pressure.
*me has sex with virgin*
virgin: wha! thats it??? thats what i have waited 20 years for???????
me: well...i, uh, you see...hmmm...yeah, that was about it babe...sorry
*hangs head in shame*


distantmantra said:
Insurance will let me replace everything, but really, steal a student's homework?!?
Keep the laughs coming.

shieeeet, i'd probably jump in front of an oncoming vehicle if a whole semester's worth of schoolwork got stolen...im not joking.

evil ways

ScientificNinja said:
Faking orgasms are one thing, but faking a cherry-popping? I'd see right through that shit.

That reminds me of this story about a girl who didn't want to disappoint her husband to be on the wedding night because she wasn't a virgin, so her aunt tells her to go to the store and buy some food coloring then discreetely pour some on the bed during the intercourse. The girl was so stupid that she just grabbed the first food coloring she saw on the shelf and it was blue. Hilarity ensued that night.


You know, she probably already has three kids, but doesn't want to tell you until you're too attached to turn her down.

Kick that bitch to the curb!
Ecrofirt said:
girls can pop it in a multitude of ways. riding bikes, tampons, running...
Using a pogo stick incorrectly...

Cubsfan23 said:
who cares, just be thankful you don't have blood all over you.
"eww, there's blood all over my thighs! I just had them waxed!"

Hawksley said:
Here's to buttsecks, where there's not supposed to be any blood.
There's not??

ScientificNinja said:
Faking orgasms are one thing, but faking a cherry-popping? I'd see right through that shit.
"Ketchup packets... what ketchup packets..."
nitewulf said:
shieeeet, i'd probably jump in front of an oncoming vehicle if a whole semester's worth of schoolwork got stolen...im not joking.

It's the end of the school year for me, so I had already turned everything in, but I had just receieved all my reports (I'm a school psychology grad student, its all about report writing and testing) that I like to use in the future. The paper copies are gone, as are the digital copies that were on my laptop. I found a floppy with a couple on it, so it's not terrible. I have a final exam tomorrow morning, and the textbook for that class was in my bag, but its a comprehensive multiple choice final, so you really can't study for it.

It could have been much worse.
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