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If you had to be stranded on a desert island with one forum member, who would it be?

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I'd be stranded with Olimario. His incredibly rich family and deeply concerned girlfriend would no doubt send a rescue party for him. That or he'd befriend the small little plant people on the island and they would construct a starship for him to get us out of there.
Suerte most likely. We could talk about straight stuff and gay stuff it wud be great.

MAF is an option but i may get bored of the moaning eventually although at least we'd have something to talk about

Or mayb even Matlock and we cud fap over meg


mightynine said:
Lisa Lashes because she's so hot. *ba-dum-dump*

I like Lisa the most out of all female GAF'ers because she seems the coolest. Even just like out of GAF'ers in general, she seems supercool being a DJ and all.

I'm not really into coke though...


But to answer the question...err I wouldn't really know.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Ermm, Sera. For obvious reasons. Catz though if she actually counts as a GAF member anymore, which she probably doesn't.


Unconfirmed Member
Thats not the real Lisa Lashes BTW, Sorry guys, not even the right sex :p

I'd have to say... Raoul Duke, he's the only degenerate likely to bring enough booze for the both of us, and our views seem prety similar.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Actually, how long are we there for? I thought you meant forever initially.

If we're only gonna be there like a year, I'll choose someone I like, like...



A girl for obvious reason though all the girls here are sorry attention whores. I'd need something to cover their mouth with.


goddamit, Griese!
Freeburn said:
Thats not the real Lisa Lashes BTW, Sorry guys, not even the right sex :p

I'd have to say... Raoul Duke, he's the only degenerate likely to bring enough booze for the both of us, and our views seem prety similar.

come along, ham!!! or i'd take mono...... or one of those creepy anime dolls ferrio has laying around...............
edit: oh, and triumph too. or.. *sigh* raoul duke.


You guys have it all wrong. Obviously take someone you hate, then you wont feel so bad when you have to eat them to survive.
Hooker said:

My penis has always done the job very well


females : one of the older females members, not the young chics. so we could have sex!
males: err...one of the pretty gay guys. so we could have sex!


According to bjork her computer bit the dust.

I do recall her saying she uses a Pentium 166 (or was it 266) machine. Of course, I also remember her posting a pic of her desktop with iTunes running. Perhaps Sera is a joke character, after all? Or can you run iTunes with those processors?

If there's anyone here who can fashion a transmitter from coconuts it's FnordChan...
in some ways he seems like the entire Gilligan's Island cast all conveniantly combined.



Unconfirmed Member
Woohoo - Dragona's back. :D

Not a good idea to question moderation BTW, it's against the ToS :p

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Diablos is gone too. presumably not for this anything in this thread, but we're still dropping like flies.
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