Fleming said:Can i keep my Member instead?
LOLArmy of Gold Shitting Donkeys
Fleming said:Can i keep my Member instead?
LOLArmy of Gold Shitting Donkeys
Suerte said:MrPing1000 and a life sized cardboard cut out of Jake, that's all I'd need.
Dyne said:Willco. He is awesome.
Do I know you, friend?Bruce Vilanch said:Jinx. I could use the tip of his head as a spear and go hunting for exotic game.
-jinx- said:Do I know you, friend?
Face it, there's no female forum members, never have been, and never will be. EVER.Phoenix said:That's easy - any of the female forum members....
Mama Smurf said:Diablos is gone too. presumably not for this anything in this thread, but we're still dropping like flies.
CVXFREAK said:Anyone whose a big fan of Resident Evil
J2 Cool said:Catzgirl or Miguel because he makes me laugh.. wait, is this even a question?? Miguel!
EviLore said:Barring any female choices, so that I can think with my brain instead of my penis:
Whoever I find to be the most interesting. Since that boils down to a popularity contest, I'll call any of the few, true elitist intellectuals.
^-^Boogie9IGN said:Can I take Tritroid and DarthWufei?
Mermandala said:If there's anyone here who can fashion a transmitter from coconuts it's FnordChan...
in some ways he seems like the entire Gilligan's Island cast all conveniantly combined.
mightynine said:Shattering fanatsies here: LL is really Greekboy.
djtiesto said:Lisa so we can throw a massive rave on the island...
Mermandala said:But there is a whole world of transmission variety: disease vectors being one and manga being another.
plus, I'm pretty sure that monkey-tapping two coconuts together counts.
Mike Works said:Dopeyfish, so that no matter how delirious isolation makes me, I'll still feel sane whenever he says something.
HAOHMARU said:I'd want Gaming-Age Battle Royal with the whole forum on my island except I'm the only one with a weapon and it is a samurai sword so I could cut everyone down with its cold steel and I would start with the people I hate most which is really everyone on the board.