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If you have Nintendo DS displays up, TURN THEM ON


Time ta STEP IT UP
Those bastards at both Electronic Botique stores in the mall today had Nintendo DS kiosks proudly displayed in the front of their stores... in fact, there were two Nintendo DS machines to each Kiosk so that you can play multiplayer (I assume).

So when I go up to the stand to play my DS, it's not even plugged in. When I asked them to "Light that bad boy up" they at first assumed I was talking about smoking a bowl, then they said "Sorry not right now."

I told them that I would preorder a DS if they turned it on (Of course I really wasn't) and she still didn't turn the machines on.



works for Gamestop (lol)
When I asked them to "Light that bad boy up" they at first assumed I was talking about smoking a bowl, then they said "Sorry not right now."


Clearly your EB is pro-PSP


Manager at my store won't turn on the PS2, GBA, or GC kiosks because he's heavily pro-Xbox.

I'll go back today for my schedule and see if they have DSes in yet- and if they're hooked up.


AniHawk said:
Manager at my store won't turn on the PS2, GBA, or GC kiosks because he's heavily pro-Xbox.

I'll go back today for my schedule and see if they have DSes in yet- and if they're hooked up.

Blast away your manager.


Man, that takes Fanboyism to a whole fucking new level (Regarding Anihawk)

GAF has nothing on that guy.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
AniHawk said:
Manager at my store won't turn on the PS2, GBA, or GC kiosks because he's heavily pro-Xbox.

I'll go back today for my schedule and see if they have DSes in yet- and if they're hooked up.

Jesus christ I hate when store workers do this. Their job is to help the consumer choose what's best for THEM, not force their OWN preferences onto them. Maybe you should take to the district manager or something about this, because it completely contradicts what the employees are supposed to do.


Well he's a manager, but not the main one (she's a lot more open-minded). When it comes to selling games though, he's fair about it.

Customer: What game should I get my son for the Gamecube?
Him: You can't go wrong with Mario. They're all very good games.

Then I would chime in asking what types of games he'd be interested in, and guide them to what they might enjoy (multiplayer, single-player, sports, etc).

It's just when there are other pro-Xbox guys in the store, he goes all fanboy and everything.


Running off of Custom Firmware
AniHawk said:
Well he's a manager, but not the main one (she's a lot more open-minded). When it comes to selling games though, he's fair about it.

Customer: What game should I get my son for the Gamecube?
Him: You can't go wrong with Mario. They're all very good games.

Then I would chime in asking what types of games he'd be interested in, and guide them to what they might enjoy (multiplayer, single-player, sports, etc).

It's just when there are other pro-Xbox guys in the store, he goes all fanboy and everything.

This doesn't save him from being a fucktard who isn't properly doing his job, however.


He also pushes the GC towards the door and the screen facing away from him so he doesn't have to look at it, and the last two times I worked, trailers of Halo 2 were playing in the PS2.


AniHawk said:
He also pushes the GC towards the door and the screen facing away from him so he doesn't have to look at it, and the past two times I worked, trailers of Halo 2 were playing in the PS2.
This guy puts all Xbots here to shame! That's pretty sneaky.


Well there's also an assistant manager who's heavily pro-Nintendo. Before making it to this store, he held contests and tournaments where you could get points and eventually trade them in for Nintendo games (that were paid from cash from his own pocket). He made covers for Metroid Prime 2, Zelda, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, the DS, and posted them around the store. He built a MP2 cardboard thing of Samus and put it in the store across from cardboard Master Chief. He also expanded the GBA and GC sections that had been overtaken by the Xbox and PSOne sections so now they cover the entire front wall of the store (except for the N-Gage games/display).


I've seriously been chastized for my purchasing decisions at EB. Honestly, I'd much rather run into an employee who doesn't know shit about gaming than an employee who clearly defines his preferences.

I remember when I bought Wario Ware: Inc. for the GBA, the conversation went something like this.

EB guy: You're buying this?
Me: Uh .. yeah.
EB guy: Isn't it just a bunch of crappy little kid's games?
Me: Well, sort of. Whatever, I played it at E3 and it was a lot of fun.
EB guy: You went to E3? Cool.

Then he started to ring it up. I've never actually been somewhere where they try to talk you out of buying something. I can understand if the guy knew it was of poor quality, then sure, but he clearly had no clue what he was talking about. Not only that, but if you're going to be having a conversation with me about gaming, don't waste my time with it... at least start ringing up the order.

These people really should be screened more for their customer service skills. It's ridiculous sometimes.


fallout said:
I remember when I bought Wario Ware: Inc. for the GBA, the conversation went something like this.

EB guy: You're buying this?
Me: Uh .. yeah.
EB guy: Isn't it just a bunch of crappy little kid's games?
Me: Well, sort of. Whatever, I played it at E3 and it was a lot of fun.
EB guy: You went to E3? Cool.

N-Gage fans unite!

AniHawk said:
trailers of Halo 2 were playing in the PS2.

The reason for no DVD in the GC revealed!


fallout said:
I've never actually been somewhere where they try to talk you out of buying something.

I've had it happen to me before. The only reason I don't get on this guy's case is because his bias doesn't affect sales/turn customers away (and he's friends with the district manager and two other managers who he can easily convince that I should be fired).


I've been to a clothing store or two that does this, but only because the fit was obviously bad. Otherwise yes, game stores are the only places I've been that say "We don't want your money because I don't like your preferences".


force push the doodoo rock
i got to play the ds today, and i have to say the S style control for metroid prime is pretty great. my comlpaint is that it cramps my hand due to the stylus being so small and my pen grip being as awkward as it is.. ill have to pick up one of the ones that are like real pens


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
sp0rsk said:
i got to play the ds today, and i have to say the S style control for metroid prime is pretty great. my comlpaint is that it cramps my hand due to the stylus being so small and my pen grip being as awkward as it is.. ill have to pick up one of the ones that are like real pens

That's why they have a thumb strap addon. ;)


AniHawk said:
and the last two times I worked, trailers of Halo 2 were playing in the PS2.

It would have been awesome if a ton of people tried preordering the "Playstation 2" version of Halo 2 :p


kpop100 said:
It would have been awesome if a ton of people tried preordering the "Playstation 2" version of Halo 2 :p

Two kids came in and asked when it was coming in. I told them that it wasn't out on PS2 about three times and they thought I was lying. So I just told them we weren't getting any copies in.

Kid 1: So when is Halo 2 for PS2 coming out?
Me: Are you talking about Killzone? (GAF: It's happened before :\)
Kid 2: No, Halo 2 on the PS2. When will it come out?
Me: Uh, it won't. It's strictly an Xbox game.
Kid 1: But it's over there.
Me: I know, it's not coming out on the PS2.
Kid 1: But then why is the PS2 playing it?
Me: It plays DVDs. That's a trailer for the game.
Kid 2: So it is coming out on PS2.
Me: *types on keyboard, not really doing anything* Nope, looks like we're not getting anything in.
Both: Aww.


AniHawk said:
Manager at my store won't turn on the PS2, GBA, or GC kiosks because he's heavily pro-Xbox.

I'll go back today for my schedule and see if they have DSes in yet- and if they're hooked up.

Now that's retarded. He sacrifices sales for all systems just for that?

aoi tsuki

If i were in some of your shoes, i'd be writing a polite, but terse letter to their home office about my disgust of their reluctance to promote products.


aoi tsuki said:
If i were in some of your shoes, i'd be writing a polite, but terse letter to their home office about my disgust of their reluctance to promote products.

If I find out they won't keep me after the holidays, I will. Right now, helping customers and getting money is a lot more important than politics.


You should have someone that doesn't work there come in and go apeshit with it.
"WHAT the hell? WHAT THE HELL?!" (Pointing at the display)
Then he kicks the shell and unplugs the machine as he runs around the store screaming "TEXTURE POP-IN! NO ENDING!" with his pants off.

That kid should come back everytime that happens until the manager realizes that it's undesirable to have PS2 fanboys in the store.


M3wThr33 said:
You should have someone that doesn't work there come in and go apeshit with it.
"WHAT the hell? WHAT THE HELL?!" (Pointing at the display)
Then he kicks the shell and unplugs the machine as he runs around the store screaming "TEXTURE POP-IN! NO ENDING!" with his pants off.

That kid should come back everytime that happens until the manager realizes that it's undesirable to have PS2 fanboys in the store.

Well kids come in all the time and try playing PS2 and GC games. I don't think I've ever seen anyone over at the Xbox kiosk. I even said to him once, "the PS2 controller isn't plugged in, I think we should plug it in" and he said, "Nah, we'll just leave it out for today." It was a demo for ATV Offroad 3 and this little girl wanted to play, but couldn't.


rollin' in the gutter
AniHawk said:
Well kids come in all the time and try playing PS2 and GC games. I don't think I've ever seen anyone over at the Xbox kiosk. I even said to him once, "the PS2 controller isn't plugged in, I think we should plug it in" and he said, "Nah, we'll just leave it out for today." It was a demo for ATV Offroad 3 and this little girl wanted to play, but couldn't.

Couldn't your manager get in serious trouble with Nintendo/Sony because of this?


deadlifter said:
Couldn't your manager get in serious trouble with Nintendo/Sony because of this?

Yes. I just don't want to piss this guy off because he holds my job in his hands. I've made some good impressions so far and he doesn't hate me, and I don't want to get on his bad side.


AniHawk said:
If I find out they won't keep me after the holidays, I will. Right now, helping customers and getting money is a lot more important than politics.

It's all about money, not politics. A manager is there to sell and promote the products in the store, and not cause crap for items he has a personal dislike for. It's costing eb money one way or another so someone higher up might care. If anything just write an anonymous letter sent by snail mail.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I usually turn off a kiosk because I get tired of idiots spending 45 minutes playing games in the store and buying nothing. Bet these guys do the same thing. :p


hooo said:
It's all about money, not politics. A manager is there to sell and promote the products in the store, and not cause crap for items he has a personal dislike for. It's costing eb money one way or another so someone higher up might care. If anything just write an anonymous letter sent by snail mail.

Listen, I really don't care as long as he's not completely shunning customers or I lose money because of it. This is a case where I'm going to be helping others the best I can, but be selfish and care about my well being for once. There's a lot of things I plan on getting in the future soon for my family as well as saving up some cash for college, and I can't screw up my chances at keeping my second job (ever).


Lyte Edge said:
I usually turn off a kiosk because I get tired of idiots spending 45 minutes playing games in the store and buying nothing. Bet these guys do the same thing. :p

Usually it's a parent that comes in with their little kids and buy something. Only a few come in and just screw around. Other people just come in to talk with the employees and never buy anything.


AniHawk said:
Usually it's a parent that comes in with their little kids and buy something. Only a few come in and just screw around. Other people just come in to talk with the employees and never buy anything.

I totally hate the latter. At least pre-order something!

Ranger X

You should care my friend. In so many things we can have some input put we think it doesn't matter enough. WRONG. Even if your move may sound useless, it is not.
If every employees would tell those things to the people in power to change things, it's guys like you who would be the manager and run a clean and unbiased business.


Wyzdom said:
You should care my friend. In so many things we can have some input put we think it doesn't matter enough. WRONG. Even if your move may sound useless, it is not.
If every employees would tell those things to the people in power to change things, it's guys like you who would be the manager and run a clean and unbiased business.

He should do it the day before he quits working, and be very assertive about it.


If it was just him, I'd be writing letters. It's not though. Like I said, he has friends. There's a manager at a different store who will always back him up, this girl who knows he does a good job despite his opinions, and the district manager who has no qualms with him. They were all able to get together to get the Nintendo manager fired (his last day is Monday or Tuesday). I will not be one to screw myself over.


smart move. how much would it suck to lose your job right before the holidays?

don't listen to these nimrods who've probably never had a job in their life -- make your money :p

aoi tsuki

Lyte Edge said:
I usually turn off a kiosk because I get tired of idiots spending 45 minutes playing games in the store and buying nothing. Bet these guys do the same thing. :p
i can understand that. We used to have guys like that all the time at Gamestop. i really didn't care as long as everyone they're weren't completely hoarding the machine, and that they weren't on it all day. If they were, i'd tell them "this ain't a free arcade, guys", and they'd get off and usually leave.


What are wrong with these employees and managers? You got product to move, you sell it. Whether you like the product or not shouldn't matter as long as someone else wants it. You can guide them in a direction, but don't deny or berate someone who is buying a product. My god talk about a good way or instituting buyers remorse at the point of sale.
AniHawk said:
Listen, I really don't care as long as he's not completely shunning customers or I lose money because of it. This is a case where I'm going to be helping others the best I can, but be selfish and care about my well being for once. There's a lot of things I plan on getting in the future soon for my family as well as saving up some cash for college, and I can't screw up my chances at keeping my second job (ever).

Which store do you work at? I'll gladly do it for you.

A couple of my good friends work at the local EB, as well as the manager who I've known far before she was even working for EB. I could care less about some dude who I don't know, but even if people I do know did this, I'd set them straight. It's poor costumer service, and you know, the costumer is always right.

If I'm ever at a game store and the clerk makes a remark about my purchase that is negative, I tell them right off just to shut up and finish my transaction. They get pissed, but I tell them I'm in here to buy a game, not to argue about stupid shit. That's what the internet is for.

Ranger X

AniHawk said:
If it was just him, I'd be writing letters. It's not though. Like I said, he has friends. There's a manager at a different store who will always back him up, this girl who knows he does a good job despite his opinions, and the district manager who has no qualms with him. They were all able to get together to get the Nintendo manager fired (his last day is Monday or Tuesday). I will not be one to screw myself over.

I'm sure it's possible for you to do something anonymously (spell?) that can weight in the balance somewhere. An at worse, if you lose this job, what could seriously happen? You are not in a really important job right now aren't you?


hyperbolically metafictive
Gek54 said:
Wow, what officialy is the Nintendo manager being let go for?

liberties allegedly taken with some of best buy's younger patrons. i can assure you that the allegations are false. he only invited those boys over to play nintendo, and his offer of chocolate bars was entirely innocent. socially awkward though he may be, he's as sexually threating as one of jim henson's cheerier muppets.


Lyte Edge said:
I usually turn off a kiosk because I get tired of idiots spending 45 minutes playing games in the store and buying nothing. Bet these guys do the same thing. :p

Not to be rude, but why is this your problem? I don't understand why your corporate office would care if this happenes unless the people playing the machines didn't allow others to play. I know that game companies and your corporate offices would care because they pay real $$ to put these machines in your store to foster sales, and when they are turned off they are a waste of space and do not serve their purposes.

I managed a game store once and could care less about this unless the people playing hogged the machines and in that case I would just tell them to move on. This seems to make the most sense, doesn't it?

Ranger X

Mrbob said:
What are wrong with these employees and managers? You got product to move, you sell it. Whether you like the product or not shouldn't matter as long as someone else wants it. You can guide them in a direction, but don't deny or berate someone who is buying a product. My god talk about a good way or instituting buyers remorse at the point of sale.

Those employees and managers are there to sell ALL the product in their store and respect specific promotions. They are not there to give advantage or more exposure to something they want. Sony asked them to boot up this machine and put demo on it and not the Halo2 trailer. That manager is complete crap.
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