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If you have Nintendo DS displays up, TURN THEM ON


Lyte Edge said:
I usually turn off a kiosk because I get tired of idiots spending 45 minutes playing games in the store and buying nothing.
As compared to nobody playing and those kids still not buying anything?
AniHawk said:
If it was just him, I'd be writing letters. It's not though. Like I said, he has friends. There's a manager at a different store who will always back him up, this girl who knows he does a good job despite his opinions, and the district manager who has no qualms with him. They were all able to get together to get the Nintendo manager fired (his last day is Monday or Tuesday). I will not be one to screw myself over.

That's a damn shame. I'm so glad I do not work in retail. Every retail job I worked in had it's fair share of drama queens with nothing better to do but gossip and go behind people's backs to get higher up on the food chain of minimum wage. Fucking bitches.

Ranger X

kitchenmotors said:
That's a damn shame. I'm so glad I do not work in retail. Every retail job I worked in had it's fair share of drama queens with nothing better to do but gossip and go behind people's backs to get higher up on the food chain of minimum wage. Fucking bitches.

Well, it's like that at EVERY job. lol


Gek54 said:
Wow, what officialy is the Nintendo manager being let go for?

The only thing I heard was not filling out some certain paperwork. The guy told me that he was being let go because one of the managers who already hated him got one of the managers on his side to turn on him. Then they both went to the district manager. He worked for the company for three years, had lots of fans (people who enjoyed his tourneys and contests followed him to this store including myself), helped me get the job (put a good word in for me), and is currently helping me keep it (telling people that I should stay and whatnot). He was about to get a full manager position and be in charge of his own store when all of this went down.

Which store do you work at? I'll gladly do it for you.

Search a couple of Halo 2 threads I've posted in..

Like I said, he doesn't attack anyone's game preferences in front of him. That would be something I'd be prepared to attack him for, because I don't think any manager would condone that.


More good news: I just got my schedule and I'm working 4.5 hours next week (a step up from the 3 hours I've been working the last two weeks- they kept calling me in for more work though). We were supposed to have an increase in hours this week, but apparently some bad stuff has gone down between one of the managers (the one who controls the store), and the district manager, so we're having hours cut.


AniHawk said:
Two kids came in and asked when it was coming in. I told them that it wasn't out on PS2 about three times and they thought I was lying. So I just told them we weren't getting any copies in.
Pfft, just confuse them more and show them this:



Mejilan said:
Wait, you're working 4.5 hours the entire WEEK?

Or each day of the week?

For the week. I was supposed to work 3 hours the first week, but they kept me for 1.5 hours extra, and called me in to work 3.5 hours the next day. I wasn't supposed to work the register until a couple days in, but circumstances forced me to do it in the first 40 minutes of work, and I guess the managers were really impressed (especially since one guy thought I was shy and wouldn't be able to drive sales). I made half the store's money that first day by the time I'd left. :lol

I was supposed to work 12-3 on Halo 2 night, but ended working 10-3, and then was called in later that day and worked 4-9.

fallout said:
Pfft, just confuse them more and show them this:


Haha, it'd give one manager a heart attack, that's for sure. :lol


I stopped shopping at the Gamestop in the mall. Its run by elitist PC gamers who always have to comment rather snobishly on any console game you buy. Its no big deal I suppose but it does get bothersome after the 10th time they feel they need to comment about why EverQuest kills all games out there,bleh.

The new EB and Gamestop shops across town rules though. Plenty of DS pimping and all around console lovin'.


Geez, I'm glad I'm not the only one disgusted with game store employees pushing their biases onto other customers... If I was a district manager I'd fire the lot of them (besides, that in the interview process I'd make them sign a disclaimer basically stating that if you flat out tell a customer not to buy a console, they'd be fired on the spot. Or in the interview itself I'd ask them their console alliegances, if any, if they would sell a product that they personaly disgust... and if they say yes and then do exactly the opposite, grounds for termination).


I few months ago my wife and I went to a GameStop to buy a GameCube for her mom. When we went to ring up for it the guy at the counter wanted to know why we were buying a Cube instead of an XBox. We told him that my wife's mom really likes the Puyo Pop game, and it's only for the Cube. Then he started going off on how we shouldn't base our system purchase just on just one game, and XBox has Tetris anyways and all that crap. So we left and went to GameCrazy instead.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Auron said:
I few months ago my wife and I went to a GameStop to buy a GameCube for her mom. When we went to ring up for it the guy at the counter wanted to know why we were buying a Cube instead of an XBox. We told him that my wife's mom really likes the Puyo Pop game, and it's only for the Cube. Then he started going off on how we shouldn't base our system purchase just on just one game, and XBox has Tetris anyways and all that crap. So we left and went to GameCrazy instead.

Wrong response:

The proper way to deal with this monkey would be to grab him by the sack, squeezing with every word, and demanding that he "sell you his product without further commentary. Sir."

Release only after the wife signs the CC receipt.
AniHawk said:
Manager at my store won't turn on the PS2, GBA, or GC kiosks because he's heavily pro-Xbox.

I'll go back today for my schedule and see if they have DSes in yet- and if they're hooked up.

the EB by me only has an X-box Kiosk


Dang, your Nintendo manager sounds like a nice guy Anihawk, if you want to promote your console doing stuff like giving out games and the like is really awesome. Promoting your console by sabotaging the other consoles is just fucking ridiculous. And then to gang up on someone with another manager just because of paperwork is one of the most underhanded vile thing I've heard of in the workplace. It is a shame that it seems like a genuinely nice guy is getting fired because of a fucking console bias.


ohamsie said:
Dang, your Nintendo manager sounds like a nice guy Anihawk, if you want to promote your console doing stuff like giving out games and the like is really awesome. Promoting your console by sabotaging the other consoles is just fucking ridiculous. And then to gang up on someone with another manager just because of paperwork is one of the most underhanded vile thing I've heard of in the workplace. It is a shame that it seems like a genuinely nice guy is getting fired because of a fucking console bias.

Yeah, that's what I think happened too. He had this thing called the Super Smash Club (website is www.supersmashclub.com) where you could check your points online, check out Nintendo news and reviews and previews and stuff. When he went to the store he's about to be fired from, the one manager told him to stop the Smash Club and the tourneys/contests that go with it because they "didn't see the point."

I had 300 points with that SSC :mad:.


Tha's stupid not to sell what the customer wants or needs. Did they even tell you that this month Nintendo is Vendor of the Month(VoM)? When you sell Nintendo products you get a bit of a commision for each item. You really want to sell as much Nintendo items this month as you can.

I just started about two weeks ago. Assistant Manager left yesterday to become Manager at another store, great guy too. I worked on the registers the very first day and been having 30+ hours a week, until this week coming in where I'm only getting 14 hours. I'm guessing it because now the new Assistant Manager has to be trained and the Manager doesn't want two new people working at the same time. But I'm still working the busy hours/days of the week.

The job is ok, but I'm not too good at the selling stuff. And the Manager really wants you to sell everything you can. It hurts your numbers when you don't sell more than 1 item. They'll probably get rid of me after the holidays even though I know pretty much everything now, just can't sell worth of shit. Oh well, not sure if I still like it though. We'll see.
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