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IGN interviews Reggie

They should have asked them how they could launch the DS in the US first, but still have the Japanese 1st party line-up run circles around the US? If Nintendo gets any more passive aggressive towards the U.S., they're gonna start soaking our products in piss before they ship them.


I was wondering the same thing.

Look at the launch line-up: the japanese developers are doing far more intuitive things with their games than, say, EA. EA is doing things "by the book" - multiple camera angles, a map on the second screen, blah blah. So much for American game developer creativity.

The Japanese developers have been at it for longer and seem much more tired of contemporary game design, which is why, it seems, their titles are more inventive. And why there are more of them.

Japan seems more interested in the "new gameplay" aspects of DS than America, which still seems focused on the "ooooh graphics" ideology of gaming.


Well, Japan is in a decline gaming wise, and it's a big deal there. Here in the U.S, and Europe, the status quo works quite well. Japan needs new flavor to get the public back to their products. Thats why they're so eager to try new things. Experiment with ideas.


From the article when REggie is asked about SP/DS/Revolution connectivity with DS:

Could there be interactivity with GameCube? Potentially. Depends on the software and accessories needed from a GameCube perspective. But it's certainly possible. Could there be interaction with the Revolution? Certainly possible. Certainly capable.

Did he just confirm Revolution will have wireless?

Note he says things about accessories for the Gamecube...but then seems to say that Revolution will be ready, out of the box, to communicate with DS.

+1 Revolution.

aoi tsuki

i pretty much expected some form of wireless to be in the cards for Revolution, as well as PS3, and Xbox 2. Nintendo's dabbled with wireless on all of their hardware this gen -- the Wavebird on GC, the wireless adapter on GBA, and of course DS. Since the announcement of DS's wireless capabilities, i had wondered if the Wavebird receiver would somehow be compatible with the DS's assumed Bluetooth capabilities. Guess not, but it would've been interesting, and nifty and somewhat familiar way to link the two systems.

Dave Long

fugimax said:
Did he just confirm Revolution will have wireless?

Note he says things about accessories for the Gamecube...but then seems to say that Revolution will be ready, out of the box, to communicate with DS.

+1 Revolution.

I'd definitely take that as a confirmation. I think with the amount of sales of wireless routers and the like lately, a wireless network enabled console is definitely the way to go next gen. I imagine they'll put an ethernet port on there too, but with DS already communicating wirelessly, it would be silly not to have Revolution do the same.


IGN should have asked him how he felt about Tal creating the username Reggie-NOA and impersonating him on IGN boards for a week....


AniHawk said:
"Oh Reginald!

+1 for Family Guy reference.

Zelda will launch on GameCube because it's built for GameCube. Remember, revolution is supposed to be doing something innovative ala NDS, so there's no real point in shoving a GameCube game over to it when it has a different focus.


IGN: A name like "Revolution" indicates something pretty unique. Isn't there a danger in limiting third-party support by taking such a unique approach?

Reggie: All I cant point to is look what we've done with the Nintendo DS. We've taken hugely innovative ways of gameplay. And what have we seen? We've seen a huge number of third-party developers who want to be involved with the Nintendo DS. We've seen a launch lineup that is full of third-party games. Honestly, we believe third-party developers are embracing our view of the future

I guess he forgot that they don't have a monopoly on the console market and their main console is slowly dying because of a lack of support from nintendo themselves. If they go that route, they'll not amount to anything more than niche next gen.

Kon Tiki

thorns said:
I guess he forgot that they don't have a monopoly on the console market and their main console is slowly dying because of a lack of support from nintendo themselves. If they go that route, they'll not amount to anything more than niche next gen.

It is failing becuase noone wants to buy another copie of 'me too' games. Who wants to develope for 3 similiar consoles? The industry needs a change.
thorns said:
I guess he forgot that they don't have a monopoly on the console market and their main console is slowly dying because of a lack of support from nintendo themselves. If they go that route, they'll not amount to anything more than niche next gen.

I totally agree with this (Although I'd argue it applies to all Nintendo platforms). Nintendo owners are seperated into two groups: 1.) The kiddies 2.) People who love Nintendo published games (And hopefully own another platform). The fact that Nintendo is leaving half their library sitting in Japan has got to piss Category 2 off. This category may be loyal, but even that has limits.


As far as Nintendo being a significant player in the console market is concerned, I think that era is over now. Nintendo will probably never be anything more than a small, insignificant niche of the home market from now on, and I think even Nintendo realizes that.

In the handheld market, though, Nintendo still has a good chance of being a major player both now and in the future, so I think that's why the company is concentrating more there than in the home market. There's really no reason for Nintendo to put any more effort into the home market because the outcome is going to be the same whether they release 10 games or 50 games next year.

Kon Tiki

snapty00 said:
As far as Nintendo being a significant player in the console market is concerned, I think that era is over now. Nintendo will probably never be anything more than a small, insignificant niche of the home market from now on, and I think even Nintendo realizes that.

Thank god the current console market will kill itself off.
snapty00 said:
As far as Nintendo being a significant player in the console market is concerned, I think that era is over now. Nintendo will probably never be anything more than a small, insignificant niche of the home market from now on, and I think even Nintendo realizes that.

haha.. you believe this don't you.


Queen of Denmark
snapty00 said:
There's really no reason for Nintendo to put any more effort into the home market
The millions of dollars of profits they've made off of the GameCube in first-party software sales alone fly in the face of this statement, nevermind revenue from memory cards, controllers, third party licensing, etc.

Nintendo will continue to make consoles, regardless of marketshare or userbase, until it is no longer profitable for them to do so. And considering the money they've made from the GameCube -- which is their worst-performing console to date in terms of units sold -- I'd say they're going to be sticking with it for years to come.

Justin Bailey

------ ------
human5892 said:
The millions of dollars of profits they've made off of the GameCube in first-party software sales alone fly in the face of this statement, nevermind revenue from memory cards, controllers, third party licensing, etc.

Nintendo will continue to make consoles, regardless of marketshare or userbase, until it is no longer profitable for them to do so. And considering the money they've made from the GameCube -- which is their worst-performing console to date in terms of units sold -- I'd say they're going to be sticking with it for years to come.
Profits, HA! You just don't get it do you? Nintendo isn't going to win the race! Sony is going to get the pot of gold at the end of the marketshare rainbow! That's all that matters.


Gold Member
What we've said and what we're trying to communicate is that graphics have been pushed as far as they can go.


Revolution will be GameCube-level graphics that is a wireless WiFI box that downloads Nintendo games from the NES to GCN era over the internet for a small fee. :D

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
ravingloon said:
They should have asked them how they could launch the DS in the US first, but still have the Japanese 1st party line-up run circles around the US? If Nintendo gets any more passive aggressive towards the U.S., they're gonna start soaking our products in piss before they ship them.

Is it not obvious? Look when the PSP is launching in each country. Nintendo have no need to wow us with lots of first party games in the US, early adopters will buy the system regardless. In Japan on the otherhand, the PSP is launching at a very similar time. Nintendo needs to make sure they have the right games so that people buy their system instead of Sony's.

Without this worry in the US, Nintendo can wait until they see when the PSP will hit and release their big games then.


IGN: Will the DS be a standalone unit or will it connect to the GBA, GameCube or even the Revolution?

Reggie: Could there be interaction with the Revolution? Certainly possible. Certainly capable.
i think he may dropping a hint there.


snapty00 said:
As far as Nintendo being a significant player in the console market is concerned, I think that era is over now. Nintendo will probably never be anything more than a small, insignificant niche of the home market from now on, and I think even Nintendo realizes that.

You wish, don't you?
Is the Rev going to have wireless features? That's the hints us devs have been getting. :D

But you know what, I have to give props to whoever did the interview, he actually asked some really pointed questions and didn't softball either.

If this was Matt, then great job on his part.
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