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IGN review Burnout 3: Takedown


Broshnat said:
Wow!! Very impressive review !!

Yeah, more and more of them should be popping up now, since I believe the game is already released in Australia and the U.K.

Huzza from oa already posted his impressions as well.


I'm loving this game.

When you go on XBL 90%+ of the people playing are in Australia so I'm getting great pings at the moment.

I love how one of the XBL features in BO3 shows players in different countries for example if I go into the American, England, etc server listings page no one is playing but there are 30+ people playing on the Australian server listings page. (This feature will come in real handy once BO3 is released worldwide since it will be easy to find local games..)

Edit: Here are the impressions I posted over at OA a few hours a go.
I picked up my copy of BurnOut 3 today and all I can say god fucking lord thank you Criterion for making one of the best games I have played this year. From the crazy ass speed to the best crash physics I have seen in a game… playing BO3 is like ejecting yourself with adrenaline and once you have a taste of the fast paced hard hitting action you can’t put the game down.

The thing which amazes me the most about this game is just how long the single player game is and to tell the truth if this game did not have XBL support I would have still paid $90 for it because it is so well done.

There are 173 events in the single player mode which is just stunning when you consider how huge the tracks in this game are and how long some events take to complete.

Oh and for the people who are wondering how many cars are in the game I can tell you that there is 67 in total which you unlock by working through the Burnout World Tour (This is the name of the single player mode.)

I had a few games online and it was loads of fun but to tell the truth I have been busy enjoying the single player mode for now.

The graphics are simply kick ass; you have to see the game in action for yourself to truly appreciate how hard Criterion has pushed the RenderWare platform to a new level.

Sound is outstanding through a 5.1 setup. But, I must say that I thought the default soundtrack was pretty weak. (Thankfully the game supports custom soundtracks.)

If you own a XBOX or PS2 and are a fan of arcade racing games or racing games in general I highly recommend you pickup a copy of this amazing game when it is released in your region.


GAF's Bob Woodward
isamu said:
Yeah, more and more of them should be popping up now, since I believe the game is already released in Australia and the U.K.

Huzza from oa already posted his impressions as well.

Not out in the UK till next Friday :( I guess Australia got something first for once!


I did happen to play some Americans who were telling me about how they were in a server playing a guy from Gamespot (Who they said sucked big time.) when I asked them how they obtained their copies so early (Since it does not come out in the USA on the 9th?) they would not say...which I found pretty odd.
Flatbread said:
Another EA game gets extremely high marks, the first 2 games were pretty good, though Im one of the few that preferred the first one.

I like the first one because the traffic was much denser, and had so many moments of crazy dodge sequences that left me thrilled. The second one had too many tracks that were straight aways that I just drove on the shoulder into oncoming traffic and rang up the consecutive burnouts. Everything was better in burnout 2 except the gameplay, but few agree with me about the gameplay.

Since not one review I read took notice of this, I have to wait to play the game, it just sounds like such a hype job. I care very little about graphics when Im driving 200 mph.

Chibbi Brady said:
I much preferred the first as well. I found the second to be rather soulless and an absolute cake walk. The first game was much more of a challenge, although still pretty easy, and felt fresh. I'm hoping Burnout 3 will be everything that everyone is saying it is, but I'll give it a rent to be on the safe side. Fingers crossed.

I really enjoyed the first game too and I think it was a much more satisfying game to play because of the much denser traffic patterns and more interesting and challenging track design.

I too was disapointed that Burnout 2 really seemed "dumbed" down for the masses. And it was. But Criterion even admited that. There's a really interesting interview on IGN Insider with a guy from Criterion who talks about this issue and admitted that maybe it was "easier" but he was still proud of what they accomplished with the first game. He mentioned that many many casuals didn't even know about the boost meter in the first game or struggled to get it at all in most tracks.

I live in Australia and got Burnout 3 today and man it's really awesome. Unfortunately it's still moving more and more away from the first game with more emphasis on speed then complex and dense traffic patterns. I have to say that the game is much more challenging then Burnout 2 though and battling with opponents and taking them out is incredibly fun. The game is very much an EA game now with a much high production values, licenced music (mostly crap) and an incredibly annoying DJ (which can be turned off but I'll keep him on until he start's "repeating" too much).
Also you don't have a constant boost as much like in the second game because gaining boost from near misses and oncoming traffic is worth a lot less and there's much more emphasis on taking out opponents. So you can actually run out of boost quite often even though you are continually driving through oncoming traffic.
kaching said:
Burnout 1 has a special place in my gaming heart for exactly the reasons you express, but I don't dislike Burnout 2 for not simply being more of what Burnout 1 was. The core remains the same from game to game, but Criterion has been successful in making sure that each iteration doesn't feel like a simple "roster update" of the previous outing. It's one of the few game series today where I want to own each iteration because they are all different enough to distinguish themselves as unique and enjoyable gaming experiences.

I can see you maybe saying that about the second game (and that's being generous :p ) but the first game certainly doesn't rank among the easiest racers I've played.


Each game is quite different with each version having a different focus. Burnout 1 was about navigating very complex and dense traffic; Burnout 2 emphaised less traffic and much more speed and more spectacular crashes and added the crash mode; Burnout 3 introduces battling with opponents and improves on everything 10 fold that Burnout 2 introduced.
I can actually see Burnout 2 becoming the "worst" game in the series as Burnout 3 does everything better plus adds so much more while Burnout 1 is still great because it's very challenging with heaps of traffic and awesome tracks (and survival mode!)
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