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IGN reviews Neo Contra

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I don't get the constant badgering about the strafe lock; plenty of words were spent glorifying Shattered Soldier in that 2-page critique, and yet there was little recognition that it featured the exact same functionality?

[raises fist]SUUU-LIC!!![/raises fist]

Regardless, I am puzzled that Konami doesn't allow plug and play co-op during single player games, and apparently length and difficulty is on the shallow end of the pool.

Anyone able to provide further thoughts beyond the OPM demo?

Oh, and the stats:

5.5 Presentation
No mid-game joining for the second player? No freaking quit option? What the heck is going on here? The extras are cool and the CG is pretty, at least.
7.0 Graphics
The game is gorgeous, but suffers from some pretty significant slowdown at times. The levels are also very small.
6.5 Sound
If only Bill and Jaguar spoke more. They're so horrible that hearing them actually makes us laugh, a lot. Then there's the intro theme... Boy is that ever a catastrophe.
7.5 Gameplay
The new game isn't Contra, but it's not bad. The problem is that it could have been so much better had the controls been scrapped and redone.
4.5 Lasting Appeal
Thirty minutes of gameplay doesn't make for much of a game. Scoring a higher rating is appealing, but even that's only a weekend's worth of play.



After playing the demo, I'm not surprised. Though I'll have to check out the full game for myself. But 30 minutes? Even if that's an exaggeration, and regardless of replay value, yikes.
I found the Demo of Neo Contra good. Alot of reviews o have been having a problem with..form this one, to EGM's review on Demon Stone game to Game Informer's Paper Mario 2 and Monster Hunter review. It seem they don't appreciate games unless hyped or is the big thig these days. Then again..I go by my own taste not the critics.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Wario: Good point, I happened to be playing Super C on Mame the other day myself which messed a bit with the old NES memories.


Hmm, the E3 demo was pretty damn solid. Not as fantastic as SS but still a good Contra experience. It's hard to believe the rest of the game falls apart :(

Also the E3 level was like 10 mins or so, so unless there's only 3-4 levels I don't see how the hell it could be 30 mins. SS was probably about 80 mins total for the 7 level playthrough and it would take you at least a few days -> a week to even get through that in one try. Hmm....


Deku Tree said:
Unless its has mind blowing graphics like Chronicles of Riddick.


This is mindblowing
ly bad looking


The OPM demo was ok, but there's definitely a lot that could have been improved.

30 minutes?! Wow. I can forget about buying it.


It's actually a solid 45 minutes, particularly if you don't get game over early due to a low average rank. :p That's pretty much normal Contra length, no?


The demo at TGS was pretty straightforward/average/boring. The difficulty from past Contras was clearly not in the demo. I'm expecting hardcore Contra fans to rip this game apart when it's released.

I'll end up buying it anyway.
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