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IGN revises its all-time list and has named Zelda: Breath of the Wild the Greatest Game of All Time


Thankfully the industry disagrees with you.

I dont care.

Breath of the Wild is a nice Zelda game but an bad "Open World" game and my take on Open World games has nothing to do with shitty Copy and Paste content. ;) And that can only be a good thing.

Its not even in my Top 5 Zelda games. But like i said "congrats" to it for being "Game of the year". It just shows how bad the industry is right now anyway if the quality can drop so much and still get praised.

Breath of the Wild just made me wait for reviews of the second game and if they just continue with copy and paste stuff i will just wait for the next Zelda game.

Maybe i will get it later for 50 % off if someone else sells it.
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If the idea of the list is to avoid games that play badly now and have been surpassed then I'd argue Super Mario 64 shouldn't be there and I love Super Mario 64 and not Goldeneye which has been suprassed by most other FPS games since even arguably Perfect Dark released on the same system.

As well as:
Shadow of the Colosussus ( Even throw the remake in there for gods sake)
Pokemon Yellow ( Replaced by Gold or Heart Gold Soul Silver)
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
GoldenEye 007
Final Fantasy VII
Metal Gear Solid

See the list falls apart with this in place.
Yeah, agreed. It would be interesting to see a list without games that are praised mostly from historical context. They suggested that they were doing this. But then they added the games you mentioned.

Also: DOOM, CS 1.6, Halo, Halo 2, Donkey Kong.
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I dont care.

Breath of the Wild is a nice Zelda game but an bad "Open World" game and my take on Open World games has nothing to do with shitty Copy and Paste content. ;) And that can only be a good thing.

Its not even in my Top 5 Zelda games. But like i said "congrats" to it for being "Game of the year". It just shows how bad the industry is right now anyway if the quality can drop so much and still get praised.

Breath of the Wild just made me wait for reviews of the second game and if they just continue with copy and paste stuff i will just wait for the next Zelda game.

Maybe i will get it later for 50 % off if someone else sells it.
Sounds like you have come down with a case of the bad taste syndrome.

Why would you even care how it's sequel is if you have so many issues with the current?
So much butthurt.......

Zelda: BOTW deserves to be the GOAT in anyone, any publication greatest games list. AND it is selling butt loads 25+ millions copies on ONE platform alone!!

The world is HUGE, HORIZONTALLY and VERTICALLY. It is much bigger than Skyrim, Witcher 3 or Fallout or many other of your favourite open world RPGs. And it is layered, many of the mountains can only be accessible if you have enough stamina and cold resistance. I just got a Switch a couple of months back, I've played 85+ hours and only opened 1/3 of the map. Only took on one of the divine beasts.



The world is not boring and bland like Assassin's Creed worlds. Assassin's Creed is trying so hard to be cool and badass assassin, but once you play it, you find the combat sucks and shallow, at least to player like me who grew up with games like DMC1-5, Ninja Gaiden Black, Bloodborne, Demon's/Dark Souls, Nioh, Sekiro.......BOTW doesn't try to be cool or badass like AC. It's about a 100 years old boy wandering a huge world, befriending korok fairies. Sure he will try to save his princess and fight evil eventually, but I haven't got to that point. I'm busy finding korok, (so stupid Hestu can expand my inventory!!!), solving shrine puzzles, hunting for raw prime meat, big hearty raddish, stealing steaks and treasures from stupid monsters

I've played many games but no other games offer the true feeling of adventure the way BOTW does
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Fools idol

even when I really think about it, naming one game as 'best game ever' is so difficult for me on a personal opinion. Objectively speaking the games in the top 10 are surely good but not anywhere near my top 10 as I am sure most here can agree.

of course this is very subjective but it's probably Dark Souls 1, I can't think of a game that has more perfectly nailed everything.
I am not sure if it is the greatest gane of all time, but it certainly created a certain subgenre, which is anecdotally more mainstream TES with less RPG elements.


Gold Member
The sheer butthurt at BotW's reception truly is one of the most fascinating phenomenons I've ever seen in video games and I've been playing for decades. No idea why this game in particular provoked this kind of infantile denial.
No waifus.


Predicts the worst decade for Sony starting 2022
I have a switch and love Zelda but I feel BOTW is highly overated. It's an empty open world game. If it didn't have the name Zelda attached to it I bet it gets an 8 rating by most.

I stopped reading IGN just don't agree with them on most things anymore.
Should have named the thread Legend of GAF: Salt in the wild.

It was worth ign posting the list just to watch people meltdown lolol.

IGN is a relic. They had there place at one time but now they are a bought and paid for shill legacy media site. If i want a critical and honest assessment i watch ACG or a number of other real gamers. I’m not sure why people even visit their site anymore. IGN earned their reputation.
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Breath of the wild was the first Zelda game i found unenjoyable. Dont see how IGN can say its the best game ever. Literally nothing about that game was good/memorable imo besides being portable. Like how the fuck are you going to say its better then Ocarina of time or Majoras mask or a Link to the past. IGN should just uninstall and fuck off.
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Sorry breath of the wild is a good game, but nowhere near the top spot or close towards it, it did nothing on innovation and absolutely wasn't a juggernaut some other games where back in the day.

Warcraft 3 mods basically is the god father of dota's. the mods in the game where so much played it spawned huge franchises like dota / league of legends specially league that has stadions full of people watching championships, it's becoming basically a sport by itself. How is BOTW even comparable towards something like that.

Half life, created counterstrike, while the main game was highly rated, the mods like counterstrike and basically overwatch pushed the market forwards massively and created massive games out of it that are hugely populaire even today if not the top played games on bliz / steam clients for dcade + now.

World of warcraft, huge juggernaut game that countless game company's tried to clone, u had people marry in it, people quit there job for it, company's asked blizzard to stop releasing the games outside of weekends because people would simple not go in to work anymore, i lived through it. People would stop going to school, at work half the people at some IT company simple where sick when a expansion came out, people would build there life around the game for years. It was huge if not gigantic. how if Final fantasy 14 anywhere near close towards that.

Minecraft, a game so big, even schools have it in there lessons all over the world, everybody knows the game. How is some game like the last of us higher then that.

I can go on for a while.

Honestly this list is a sham entirely.
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Greatest of all time lists are more and more going to be filled with recent games because games from the early 3D consoles just don’t hold up. Even games that many would have called the GOAT like GTA3 are pretty bad if you play them now. I’d go so far as to almost call them unplayable with their horrible physics, controls, and especially aiming.

Even a mediocre game these days is generally going to be better in most ways than a top tier game from the mid 90s. Resident Evil 2 was a GOAT, but goddamn playing that now would be a slog with the tank controls and not being able to shoot and walk at the same time lol. Games are just overall getting much better now because the industry advances so much every generation. It’s not like with movies where it’s about the story and the actors.


I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
I completed the game in master mode, upgraded my mastersword to the max (its a pain in the ass) and completed all the dlc.

Tbh....i personally thinks its a good game but not great, or best game of all time.

1. World feels barren.
2. Variety of enemies could be better
3. Loot practically does not exist, all you get are breakable weapons most of the time. I feel like the game world is too big for the "lack of variety" loot system.
4. Breakable weapons. (**** this shit).
5. Korok Seed quest is an insult to gamers.

But I do like the temple side quest, it was fun.


Seems like BOTW is the new OOT. What a legendary franchise.

While everyone is arguing over #1, I'm still wondering how Mass Effect 2 is #6. It was awesome and the best in the series, but it wasn't THAT good.


Gold Member
What a terrible list.

V better than IV or San Andreas?

Hades at 13? Above SoTN?

D II at 49? What?

Also, no way Zelda is N1. That's just a click bait, but hey... I clicked, so um... GG, IGN.
It was probably written by a Zoomer and they're objectively wrong about some of the greatest games of all time so this isn't surprising.


Gold Member
BotW is definitely a great game, but it's marred by too many things that prevent it from being the Greatest Video Game Ever Made.
  • The dungeons aren't good
  • The bosses are samey
  • It's a 50+ hour open world game where you run into every enemy type by the 6-8 hour mark
  • Weapon durability is annoying
  • The world feels empty
To name a few. It's still a wonderful game. However if there's one thing I learned in the 30 years I've been gaming is that for some gamers, if it has Zelda in the title, that's all it takes for them to want to lick it's asshole. Like if Elden Ring sticks the landing, and is everything it sets out to be, then that'll mean it pretty much does everything Breath of the WIld does, but better. But I guarantee you it won't get a 97 on MC. Why? Because it's not Zelda.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
The sheer butthurt at BotW's reception truly is one of the most fascinating phenomenons I've ever seen in video games and I've been playing for decades. No idea why this game in particular provoked this kind of infantile denial.
Avatar is just Pocahantus and BotW is just Ubisoft but empty.

People just like to shit on the #1 thing. That's all it is.


I dunno why these best of lists get such a strong reaction from people. They're almost always filled with good game most people agree at least good. Who cares that that some people think some games are gooder than others.
BOTW is the most overrated game in history at this point

Having felt this way about OoT, a former #1, these comments amuse the living shit out of me.

In addition to System Shock 2 being too low while Bioshock and ME2 are high, Divinity OS 2 barely making the list while the Witcher 3 nearly makes the top 10 is an insult.

Also, Mario 3 deserves to be > World, and SM64 is one of the more dated 3d Marios. (For that matter, why is Mario 1 so high? It's too basic.)

List needed more Castlevanias. SotN wasn't even the best one.
Well, Super Mario World, and 2D platformers in general, aged well because the gameplay of platforming in 2D space is similar to what it was back then. And Super Mario World came around when they finally got save systems.

The reason why there were no checkpoints or save systems before, was because they didn't know how to make them, not because of design. They would never make those games in the same way today.

Mario World was too easy with none of the platform challenge or variety of 3.

So what if 3 had no save system? That's why the All-Stars version exists (not to mention save states).
Sorry haters....BOTW is GOAT

It's bigger, better, has more content, more GOTY/GOTG/GOAT awards, selling more than your favorite games. It's far prettier than most games running on those overpriced Sony/MS/PC machines......the sooner you come to terms with this the happier your life will be

Happy New Year!
Breath of the wild is so bad I can’t bring myself to replay it. It is SO bad that I can’t even see the series bouncing back but I hope it does after botw 2.

To place it not only at the top of a generational list… But an ALL TIME list… well you’d either have to be 14 years old or you just think the latest release is always the best and you’re just going to say the next game is better, rinse repeat. Basically no thinking whatsoever involved.
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hemo memo

You can't die before your death
Weapons break system alone is enough to NOT put BoTW at any “best” list.

Or maybe at #1 if the list was about “Best games ruined by a single feature” then it deserve 1.


What is almost perfect about it?

- The boss battles are reskinned and always the same
- The boss dungeons are reskinned and aside from the riddles part almost the same
- The weapon breaking system was already bad 10 years ago
- Korok seeds are the most useless gimmick of the game
- The world seems dead and soulless aside from the "Physics minigames"
- Putting 100 minigame shrines into the game didnt help it either.
- They took the lookouts from Assasins Creed and put them into the game.

There are so many Zelda games that even have a better "world" to play with.

Witcher 3 was almost a perfect game when it came to the open world.... but calling Breath of the wild an almost perfect game is hilarious and just not true. xD

The only great thing about Breath of the Wild is the "physics" and that only if you really care about that stuff and you want to goof around with it for hours without any reason.

And i normally love most Zelda games aside from Wind Waker and Breath of the Wild. Didnt play Skyward Sword yet.

I hope they will go back to the different real dungeons in Breath of the Wild 2 and less of the boring and bad copy and paste stuff.

I finished Breath of the Wild and never went back to it. Its really forgettable after the honey moon period is over.

Breath of the Wild has so much bad stuff that its almost atypical for a Zelda game.
My thoughts exactly, perfect summary of the game. I genuinely think anyone who says BOTW is the best ZELDA game has not completed any other Zelda games. They are Zelda newcomers, I can't think of any other explanation.


I felt BOTW was an all-timer when I played and finished it, but the lack of story and activities gave me no desire to replay it.

But really, this list is invalidated by the appearance of Goldeneye, which is a complete disaster compared to literally any competent, modern shooter. It's influential, important, and totally unplayable today.


Yeah…no. BOTW is a very good, borderline great game. But as cool as the core gameplay is, its story and side content is too paper thin to be anywhere near a “greatest games of all time” list, let alone #1. It’s like an 8/8.5 out of 10 which I think people would be more comfortable admitting if it was a new IP instead of a Zelda game


Really people are so hung up on #Ranks like we're playing wrestling cards.
Is your favorite game in Top100?, I think it should be enough. I got tired of BotW very early on, nobody got the time and that's personal.

Criteria of the list was :
How fun was it when it launched
How fun is it now to be played
and does it represents the best in its genre.


Mario World was too easy with none of the platform challenge or variety of 3.

So what if 3 had no save system? That's why the All-Stars version exists (not to mention save states).
People are not putting it on lists because of the all-stars version. And if that should count is another discussion altogether.

95% of the people who hype Mario Bros. 3 would never play it because it has no saves. Having to restart every single time is a dealbreaker, not even Tezuka or Miyamoto would go back and play that game now.
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