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Ign Star Ocean 3 Review.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Still buying it even if supposedly the battle system is flawed, if i went throught Xenosaga for the story, i certainly can do the same for Star ocean 3 :)


you know - it would be awesome if either gmr guy or ign guy would explain why the battle system is flawed or is awesome. the ign review reads like something written in a notebook during an english seminiar class.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I've been painfully waiting for this game ever since I beat SO2 in 1999, so it's nice to see that
it's finally coming out.

To Ferricide: Did you like the second game? How does the item creation and battle system compare to that? Since the 2nd one had my favorite battle system of all time in a game.

Hopefully this game will do really well, tri-Ace is my favorite game company of all time. And, it'll certainly be better than any of Square's releases so far... Square Enix should be less of Square, more of Enix!


ferricide said:
the AI options for your other party members are super scarce -- nothing like as much as TOS -- and besides just generically attacking the enemies the AI never has much use, either. never count on 'em to heal you as much as you need it, for example. it's easy to switch between characters and heal yourself or whatever, so it's not completely horrid, but it would be a non-issue if they weren't so dumb and had decent options.
That was one of my complaints in SO2. The horrid teamate AI.
moreover the middle of the game is a bit of a slog. like scooter says in OPM and EGM they could have taken this overly long and repetitive RPG and whittled it down and made it into a shorter, tighter, more fun RPG without losing much. in fact, i think they'd've gained something.
Another complaint of mine of SO2 was the long, boring dungens, and uninspired level designs. Sounds like they didn't fix these issies with SO3.

Thanks for the feed back, I'm going to have to pass on this one. TOS sounds like the right RPG for me.


efralope said:
why is it that igncube.com is very hard on their reviews (except that one SFA) and glady take out frustrations toward Nintendo in their reviews, but the others (especially ignxbox.com), review games with the perspective of being a fan of the system, etc... If Matt or whoever happen to like Nintendo more and be biased does it matter, wouldn't higher scores than usual be ok (since the other ign sites are doing it), but sometimes igncube.com scores are lower than average...

You are my hero, excellent post!


swoon said:
you know - it would be awesome if either gmr guy or ign guy would explain why the battle system is flawed or is awesome. the ign review reads like something written in a notebook during an english seminiar class.
um, considering i'm the "gmr guy" and i already wrote a long post on the topic in this thread... why not try reading it? =)

djtiesto said:
To Ferricide: Did you like the second game? How does the item creation and battle system compare to that? Since the 2nd one had my favorite battle system of all time in a game.
i didn't. i played it for about five hours and gave up. part of that was because of SCEA's horrible dubbing, but it was also because i found no other aspects of it terribly interesting by that point, which would've kept me hooked enough to put up with it. i didn't even get to the item creation.

djtiesto said:
Hopefully this game will do really well, tri-Ace is my favorite game company of all time. And, it'll certainly be better than any of Square's releases so far... Square Enix should be less of Square, more of Enix!
i love valkyrie profile, but there's no way SO3 is anywhere near as good as FFX. sorry. other square games this gen haven't done a hell of a lot for me (this is typical, i only really like a few on the PS1 as well) but i don't think enix games are doing any better so far. then again, i guess the only enix game i give a crap about from the last gen is valkyrie profile, so shrug.

like i said, SO3 is not horrible. if it's your kind of thing, you're probably going to dig on it a lot. there's always a big element of taste that comes into it when you're playing a game. i tend to try to minimize that when i review a game if i can tell it's bumping up (or down) the score significantly.

i do love console RPGs, and i've been playing them since phantasy star for SMS in 1988, so i feel pretty confident about reviewing them. SO3 is not the state of the art for the genre right now, but it's a nice try.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Yeah, I didn't really like FFX all too much... the story was decent, but I didn't like any of the characters except for Wakka, and the game was waaaaaay too linear, even for me. I didn't like the maps that consisted of me just following the arrow the whole time, with such limited exploration. What would you consider "state of the art" for RPGs? Because I play them a lot, and if you ask me, the majority of today's RPGs are still very similar to the mechanics established in the late SNES/early PSX days (not that I have a problem with this, oh no way...)


Vargas said:
If you consider efralope your hero you should probably get your head checked.

haha, I think you may be right, my friends have been telling me the same thing for years now.

Where can I get this pre-order poster for Star Ocean 3? Anyone have a pic of the full size version? How big is it?
Yeah, in retrospect I agree that I overated Castlevania; I pretty much got a little caught up in the moment -- but it was the first new Castlevania game on consoles in awhile, I had been playing a lot of bad games in a row around that time, (which can often skew your perception a bit when something better comes along), and I'm a sucker for games based on monster and horror themes. But hindisght is 20/20 and obviously I can't take it back. If I were to review it again today, I'd probably give an 8.0 even (as I still liked it). While we're on the subject, I wish I had reviewed Zone of the Enders 2 a little higher -- that game really grew on me even after I had finished it.

As for Final Fantasy X-2, I really liked and stand by my score on that one. But I agree with Christian when it comes to comparing Star Ocean 3 to FFX; FFX is definitely the better game. I just enjoyed SO3's battle system and customization options a lot more than he did. It could have been really, really, good if more effort was put forth in the story and voice acting IMO.
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