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IGN: The Top 10 Modern RPGs of All Time


Gold Member
1. The Witcher 3
2. Fallout: New Vegas
3. Mass Effect 2
4. Divinity: Original Sin 2
5. Persona 5 Royal
6. Disco Elysium
7. Skyrim
8. Dragon Age Origins
9. Dragon's Dogma
10. DQ11


Any game released in the last 15 years, ok.

So the list could be dominated by re-releases then? L0l.

If not, I’d go with FF12 and any of its variants.


Arbitrarily making the threshold 15 years means that WoW, VTM: Bloodlines, Fable, and KotOR 2 missed the cut-off by a year. Retarded.
Got to pick some some cut off for the definition of modern and the cut of shouldn't be determined just so that certain games will make the cut. Doing that just makes the modern criteria pointless. Then the criteria would just be "my favourite RPGs of all time".


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
1. The Witcher 3
2. Fallout: New Vegas
3. Mass Effect 2
4. Divinity: Original Sin 2
5. Persona 5 Royal
6. Disco Elysium
7. Skyrim
8. Dragon Age Origins
9. Dragon's Dogma
10. DQ11
Awful list, but not surprised.
No Deus Ex.

Ugh, IGN videos.

Their definition of modern: any game released within the past 10-15 years. They've not included Persona 3 or 4, Final Fantasy XII, Tales of the Abyss or Vesperia, Kingdom Hearts II, Xenosaga III, any of the numerous Pokemon games (it said any games, which includes handheld), Nier or Nier: Automata (too actiony? who knows...), Xenoblade Chronicles, any numerous MMORPGs, NWN2, Xenoblade Chronicles, etc. (all within 10-15 years). Perhaps they considered them, but didn't include them, although I doubt that actually. P5 over P3 I'd say is controversial. I'm also curious on their decision of Skyrim contra Oblivion. I'm further mystified whether they allow improved releases, which they seemingly do, especially considering they include Persona 5 Royal. That complicates things further and should then include remakes or remasters that provide additional elements to the game, which could change it up even further (would Chrono Trigger DS be considered then, due to various new additions?).

Their definition of an RPG: Games that mostly have a "heavy focus on decision making and story elements, coupled with statistical progression." Can't be described by any other genre than an RPG.
Their decision to not include Souls games makes no sense. "Herpderp... Souls is its own genre".

Looking at the list (rough analysis):
Average age of game: 6.2 years. Median: 6.5 years. Mode: 1, 3, 11. Variance: ~14.76. Standard deviation: 3.84.
Oldest: 11 years. Newest: 1 years (technically below).
Hypothetical equal distribution (HED): 7.5 years average.
HED - mean = +1.3 years
It's surprisingly well distributed, though still a bit dubious how the highest frequency is 11, but lowest is 1. Were there just no real good RPGs in the period 2005-2008? So neither Tales of the Abyss, Tales of Vesperia, Xenosaga Episode III, Kingdom Hearts: II, TES IV: Oblivion, Persona 3: FES, The World Ends with You, or the Pokemon games of the period? SoulSilver?

Meh, don't know why I wrote so much in response to a IGN list video.


Unconfirmed Member
Is Fallout: New Vegas really that good?

No. Obsidian quite obviously understand Fallout in a way that Bethesda don't, so the writing is much better & the feel of the world makes more sense than 3 & 4. But New Vegas is just a chore. Somebody was huffing their own farts making that game & I'm looking at Sawyer.

Am I a fool for liking DA:I as much, maybe even more, than DA:O?

Not at all. Inquisition is a great game. It's an ARPG though, with a heavy emphasis on the A, so I can understand why some people find it dull. But for me it's the last great Bioware title. There is so much good Bioware stuff in there. Great characters & fun interactions, endless dialogue & deep lore. & it has one of the most gloriously broken crafting systems I've seen in ages. I love it.
Witcher 3's high accolades continues to perplex me. Is it the open world? Is it something else? Witcher 2 post-patches is the superior, leaner game.

I dunno, I think you gotta be willful to play through that game and somehow think you can come up with coherent arguments to undermine it, short of saying 'it's not perfect', which is not coherent¬ it's a fantastic achievement... so was witcher 2 ofc

ooooh snap i didn't read ur username OOPS forget about it, you're right brah
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No Siralim 3? lol okay

As a fun exercise, I listed all the games that I figured they would include based on popularity and I got most of 'em (didn't think of Divinity: OS2, Persona 5, or Disco Elysium).

Witcher 3's high accolades continues to perplex me. Is it the open world? Is it something else? Witcher 2 post-patches is the superior, leaner game.

It's the amazing combat/gameplay, obviously.
I dunno, I think you gotta be willful to play through that game and somehow think you can come up with coherent arguments to undermine it, short of saying 'it's not perfect', which is not coherent¬ it's a fantastic achievement... so was witcher 2 ofc

ooooh snap i didn't read ur username OOPS forget about it, you're right brah
You seem to get emotionally distressed when your eyeballs graze across an online opinion that you don't agree with. Perhaps an internet gaming forum isn't the best place for you.

It's the amazing combat/gameplay, obviously.
Wrong, it was the golden-orange Batman sight and the horse physics that really made me fall in love!
You seem to get emotionally distressed when your eyeballs graze across an online opinion that you don't agree with. Perhaps an internet gaming forum isn't the best place for you.

Only one person's been as unpleasant as you, only one person consistently tries to target my self respect, a trail of ill feeling which was born from the toxic way that person responded to what i assume we can define as an opinion that differed from theirs, as such in general with regards to this forum i think できます。


Neo Member
Not having a Xenoblade game on this list makes it look bad and unreliable.Even if its just their opinion.Or will they make a seperate list for jrpgs?


1. The Witcher 3
2. Fallout: New Vegas
3. Mass Effect 2
4. Divinity: Original Sin 2
5. Persona 5 Royal
6. Disco Elysium
7. Skyrim
8. Dragon Age Origins
9. Dragon's Dogma
10. DQ11

Fucking casuals.

Pathfinder: Kingmaker makes DA:O look like a fucking prototype some students made. I doubt anyone at IGN could get passed the first chapter though.

And Skyrim. Fucking Skyrim. That's like putting a McDonalds product on a list of top 10 burgers.

Xenoblade? Hello? Someone buy IGN a fucking Switch.

And we're dismissing Souls games but Dragon's Dogma makes it to the list? I love DD but come on. People love it for the awesome combat...not anything else.


What time is it?
Is it me alone think Witcher 3 sucks....three times I have tried...

If you aren't into the story and characters, I can understand the feeling. It's rather dull mechanically and has always reminded me of Assassin's Creed.

1. The Witcher 3 - See Above.
2. Fallout: New Vegas - I was really late to the party on this one and I just can't play games rooted in that engine with those piss poor animations.
3. Mass Effect 2 - Not into science fiction.
4. Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Yet to play.
5. Persona 5 Royal - Only played the first few hours of the first release but it didn't hook me like P4.
6. Disco Elysium - Yet to play.
7. Skyrim - I miss Morrowind.
8. Dragon Age Origins - Yet to play.
9. Dragon's Dogma - Combat is amazing and fun.
10. DQ11 - One of my favorites of recent memory.

Fun concept, fixed for my tastes.
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Hermen Hulst Fanclub's #1 Member
Expected a way worst list from IGN like including FFXV lol
That is alright.
1. The Witcher 3
2. Fallout: New Vegas
3. Mass Effect 2
4. Divinity: Original Sin 2
5. Persona 5 Royal
6. Disco Elysium
7. Skyrim
8. Dragon Age Origins
9. Dragon's Dogma
10. DQ11
Fallout new vegas better than Dragon Quest??? Que no mamen.

Fuck off IGN seems there put occidental games first not matter quality itself


Am I a fool for liking DA:I as much, maybe even more, than DA:O?

You do you. If you had a great time playing/watching/reading something, then you had a great time, plain and simple. If someone didn't have a great time with it, that's fine, but if they have an issue with you enjoying it, that just makes them a butthurt little bitch.


It's insane to think how many people out there are legit like Tycho. Just so fucking mad at the world because they know that they feel differently about a piece of media. Like, Silent Hill Revelations is my most hated movie because of how it treated Silent Hill 3, but I don't have any issue with anyone enjoying it. I mean, Christ, how do people even date if they are legitimately like this?

Guy: Let's face it, Deadpool 2 was a significant step down from 1.
Girl: I actually like the second one more.
Guy: Hah, talk about shit taste! Who would actually think that? Huh, why are you getting up? Oh, you must be going to the restroom.....and I guess it's cold and the restaurant charges you to use it since you took your jacket and purse.....
Fifteen years marks when the Xbox 360 came out, so I don't think it is arbitrary.

The list is fine anyway. How much more do we need to talk about WoW and VTM Bloodlines.

Shite list.

The RPGS which were the best and still hold up much better than the RPGS that came after the launch of the PS360. Those ones are the ones than every modern RPGs had been built off of.

99% of rpgs release after the launch of the ps360 are like action rpgs, FF series being prime example of whats been lost with more focus on gfx over content and actual rpg mechanics.

No Kingdom Come Deliverance? Fuck off.

And all because they made an honest representation of history. Not featuring that game should alone be enough to render that "journalist" unfit to review games. Its more of an RPG than anything in that list.
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Damn straight, really hope we get a good sci fi rpg with more in depth mechanics and character building again someday.


Damn straight, really hope we get a good sci fi rpg with more in depth mechanics and character building again someday.
This is what I have my eye on, as far as sci-fi RPGs go...

"We've submitted the final build to Steam for approval. If everything goes well, the demo will be released on Apr 15"

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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
No Siralim 3? lol okay

As a fun exercise, I listed all the games that I figured they would include based on popularity and I got most of 'em (didn't think of Divinity: OS2, Persona 5, or Disco Elysium).

Witcher 3's high accolades continues to perplex me. Is it the open world? Is it something else? Witcher 2 post-patches is the superior, leaner game.
Witcher 3 sucks. I agree.

I'd put Valkyria Chronicles on there somewhere.
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The Witcher 3 is just the Quran for white people. Most people who worship it never even touched the first game and in an even worse scenario the second game.

Only games I can agree with is FO:NV, Disco Elysium and DOS2. Mass Effect 2 is just a squad recruitment game with babies first morality choice of you pick blue text or red text and good or bad thing happen.


This is what I have my eye on, as far as sci-fi RPGs go...

"We've submitted the final build to Steam for approval. If everything goes well, the demo will be released on Apr 15"

Hmmm, not the biggest fan of that art direction but hopefully its good. Would really want something similar to Mass Effect as far as production quality goes. This is a big ask but it would be cool if games like ME had different modes. Like a casual mode for the scrubs then a more in depth rpg mode for those who like to tinker.


1. Witcher 3
2. Xenoblade
3. YS8
4. Persona 4
5. FF12
6. Baten Kaitos origins
7. Tales of Vesperia remaster
8. DQ11
9. Persona 3
10. Skyrim


Even for a normie-bait list
>Mass Effect 2
Also I wonder if KCD is not on the list because of the controversy. Wouldn't surprise me.
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