UPDATE 28/06:
Full Ilvermorny video here.
Ilvermorny foundation story by J.K Rowling (read this!) here.
There is also a new sorting ceremony for you to be placed in one of the four Ilvermorny houses: Horned Serpent, Pukwudgie, Thunderbird or Wampus, so try that out too.
New video teaser for Ilvermorny (US School) courtesy of Entertainment Weekly.
Also there will be four "chapters" of writing about wizardry in North America by JK Rowling in Pottermore.
First chapter of the series is out tomorrow and they will all be released before Fantastic Beasts launch in november.
Stuff mentioned: Skin walkers (native american tradition), Salem Witches Trials.
Edit: I will be adding the chapters here so that we have a summary of stuff happening in chronological order.
CHAPTER 1: "Fourteenth Century – Seventeenth Century"
CHAPTER 2: "Seventeenth Century and Beyond"
CHAPTER 3: "Rappaport's Law"
CHAPTER 4: "1920s Wizarding America"