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I'm bored, buzzing, and need attention. What do you think of my top 10 bands?

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goddamit, Griese!
1. Tool
2. A Perfect Circle
3. Alice in Chains
4. The Dismemberment Plan (Thank you AlteredBeast, where ever you may be, for showing me the light)
5. Led Zeppelin
6. Pink Floyd
7. Dredg
8. Deftones
9. System of a Down
10. Elliot Smith

Yeah, whattaya think?


1. Tool - Hell no...
2. A Perfect Circle - Same shit as above
3. Alice in Chains - No.
4. The Dismemberment Plan (Thank you AlteredBeast, where ever you may be, for showing me the light) - Yes, very awesome band, but their only notable work are their last two releases.
5. Led Zeppelin - Obviously YES
6. Pink Floyd - Obviously YES
7. Dredg - never heard of it. Probably shit.
8. Deftones - No, never saw the appeal.
9. System of a Down - Yuck
10. Elliot Smith - Yes.

lol that took me 10 seconds to write up :)
I think we have very different tastes in music. But hey, I digged the Deftones when I was 13 and my only source of music was Mtv and radio. I'm down with The Dismemberment Plan though.


mac said:
I think you have good taste.

Alucard, what is Mogwais best album?

It all depends on your taste really. They're all good for their own reasons. I would probably start with Young Team to get a feel for them, and move on from there. Personally, I'm a big fan of Rock Action, but some fans might tell you it's their weakest album because a lot of it is incredibly slow. Oh, and EP+2 totally kicks ass.

way more

I've got Rock Action and I like the slow songs but not the subdued ones with vocals. Thanks for the tip.
2. A Perfect Circle-Should be a lower
3. Alice in Chains-Good Call
4. The Dismemberment Plan (Thank you AlteredBeast, where ever you may be, for showing me the light) - Never heard of them
5. Led Zeppelin-Yep
6. Pink Floyd- Should Be higher
7. Dredg-overrated but still awesome
8. Deftones- one good Album bleh
9. System of a Down-WTF?
10. Elliot Smith- never heard of the dude.

Where are the Smashing Pumpkins?


goddamit, Griese!
etiolate said:
That's a potheads top 10, but no bands of horrific quality to complain about.

Funny, because I've smoked pot only 3 times in my life.

And if you like Elliot Smith, you might like Dredg. they're light rock with fgodly vocals. give 'em a try.


1. Tool --- crap
2. A Perfect Circle --- more crap
3. Alice in Chains --- excellent band
4. The Dismemberment Plan --- another excellent band
5. Led Zeppelin --- rock legends
6. Pink Floyd --- not my cup of tea, i hate pink floyd, but can respect the choice i guess
7. Dredg --- never heard of them
8. Deftones --- ok, liked early material better
9. System of a Down --- ok
10. Elliot Smith --- no opinion


Tool - okay
The Perfect Circle - Neverd did anything for me so : no
Alice In Chains - occasionally great !
The Dismemberment Plan - Excellent !
Led Zeppelin - brilliant, but not really my cuppa tea
Pink Floyd - same as above, love the early works
Dredg - only know the name, never heard anything by 'em
Deftones - I like several songs, but never a whole album
SOAD - same as above
Elliot Smith - Very good songwriter, but not brilliant

My own top ten would be (not including young bands with only 1 or 2 albums out)

1. Motorpsycho
2. Fugazi
3. Pixies
4. Sebadoh
5. Pearl Jam
6. Pavement
7. Sparklehorse
8. Shellac
9. The Dismemberment Plan
10. The Jesus Lizard

Lots of split-up bands in that list :(

EDIT : considering your top 10, you have chosen a very awkward nickname for yerself, Eminem :)


1. Tool - Eh.
2. A Perfect Circle - If Mer de Noms was all they had or Thirteenth Step was actually good, I'd say yes. But... no.
3. Alice in Chains - I guess.
4. The Dismemberment Plan (Thank you AlteredBeast, where ever you may be, for showing me the light) - Cool band (Memory Machine rocks), but favorite? I guess.
5. Led Zeppelin - No.
6. Pink Floyd - Sure.
7. Dredg - WTF, no.
8. Deftones - I guess.
9. System of a Down - No.
10. Elliot Smith - Not really a band but... yes.

Why are you asking people for opinions on YOUR favorite bands?
These are all bands I listen to, but I don't right out love any of them. I like Pink Floyd and the Deftones most out of the list. Honestly, APC has always felt like Opeth-Lite for me.


Unconfirmed Member
1. Tool - I rather like Undertow and Ænima, and I'm mostly indifferent about Lateralus. I would never sit around and jerk off over them, though, which there is a whole lot of. I can recognize them being a good band, even great at some points, but I don't think they're the greatest of all time or anything-- a bit too serious for my likings.

2. A Perfect Circle - How MTV of me is this; I really only like "Judith." :( Mer De Noms put me to sleep, I couldn't make it more than halfway through Thirteenth Step...

3. Alice in Chains - They did some pretty great stuff. "Rooster" is one of the greatest songs ever, same with "Man in the Box." I was way more into Stone Temple Pilots and Pearl Jam when they were all in their hay day, though. I can't dig on this sound too much anymore. It's a goddamn shame that Godsmack sucks so fucking much and is trying oh so very hard to be an AiC cover band, basically. Fuck you, Sully.

4. The Dismemberment Plan - I tried to listen to Emergency & I the other day, and only made it about halfway through... I was not impressed at all. I've been meaning to give it another go-round, because so many people say it's very good, a great chunk of whom have musical tastes that I respect and/or agree with very much.

5. Led Zeppelin - I don't like 70s arena rock in general, and I particularly dislike "Stairway to Heaven." I admittedly have not listened to much of their work, but based on the two things I just said, I imagine that listening to it wouldn't change my opinion much.

6. Pink Floyd - I haven't listened to nearly enough of their stuff. Dark Side of the Moon is the album I've heard the most, though I've heard quite a bit of it in friends' cars, and stuff like that. They were on my list of "Older Bands to Check Out in More Detail in 2004." So, I've got 6 months.

7. Dredg - A dude at work brought in both their records for me to check out. Musically, I thought El Cielo was cool as hell. I didn't like the vox too much, and kind of wished they weren't so high in the mix. Leitmotif had about the right vocal mix, but musically wasn't nearly as cool as El Cielo. I should probably listen to them again, it was pretty cool stuff.

8. Deftones - I purchased Around the Fur after being told I'd totally be into these guys because I loved Helmet. Bzzzzzt. AtF sounded nothing like Helmet. The guy who brought in Dredg at work, he lent me all the Deftones records one day. Adrenaline kind of sounded like Helmet and rocked real hard, and White Pony was really cool, probably because it was so different from their other stuff. I still don't like AtF and thought the self-titled record was poo. I'd definitely see them live, though, if I didn't have to pay too much money, because I don't really want to roll the "Is Chino Going to be Too Drunk to Rock?" dice.

9. System of a Down - My friend played the self-titled record for me when it came out. I hated it (save "Sugar") then, I hate them even more now. Fuck these guys. It's mostly Serj's voice. I generally love weird vocalists, but I can't stand his voice.

10. Elliot Smith - I listened to Figure 8 once and loved the shit out of it, and never really pursued him after that. Seeing as how I've been on a singer songwriter kick, maybe I should go get more of his stuff.

Sorry I got so wordy.


1. Tool - Good
2. A Perfect Circle - Alright
3. Alice in Chains - Crap
4. The Dismemberment Plan - Crap
5. Led Zeppelin - Overrated
6. Pink Floyd - Overrated
7. Dredg - Awesome, best band here
8. Deftones - Crap
9. System of a Down - Crap
10. Elliot Smith - Crap

as someone mentioned.. thats a pothead's top 10


goddamit, Griese!
miyuru said:
Why's your name Eminem? (just curious)

it started way back in like 1999 when i first played ChuChu Rocket! online for dreamcast. my friend set the shit up and randomly picked Eminem as my name. i just said whatever and kept it. I met people on CCR, went to some forums they had set up and just kept the name. never felt like changing it, though i probably should.


in no particular order.

Pink Floyd
The Beatles
Rilo Kiley
The Smiths
The Pixies
Led Zeppelin
Fountains of Wayne
Hot Rod Circuit


1. Tool - Good
2. A Perfect Circle Good
3. Alice in Chains I love you Eminem
4. The Dismemberment Plan Good
5. Led Zeppelin I love you Eminem
6. Pink Floyd I love you Eminem
7. Dredg Good
8. Deftones I hate you Eminem
9. System of a Down Good
10. Elliot Smith I love you Eminem

You have good taste dude! Congratulations!


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
1. Tool -- \m/>_<\m/ -- \m/>_<\m/

2. A Perfect Circle -- \m/>_<\m/ -- \m/>_<\m/ -- \m/>_<\m/

3. Alice in Chains -- They're hit anc miss with me.

4. The Dismemberment Plan -- Eh, never heard much of them.

5. Led Zeppelin -- \m/>_<\m/ -- \m/>_<\m/

6. Pink Floyd -- \m/>_<\m/

7. Dredg -- \m/>_<\m/

8. Deftones -- \m/>_<\m/

9. System of a Down -- -- \m/>_<\m/ -- \m/>_<\m/ -- \m/>_<\m/

10. Elliot Smith -- Never listened to.
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