Nintendo Ate My Children
Without boring you people with too many details, I'm thinking about moving back in with my dad in order to get out of credit card debt. I'm 24 and am going to graduate college in a little over a year (December 2005). I could have my debt down and have a little money saved in about 6-9 months, so this wouldn't be a long-term thing.
It's just, Christ, I'd be 24 and living with my dad. LOSER. LOSER. LOSER, etc. It just seems like I'd be going backward with my life instead of going forward. There are various pros and cons to the move, but the big thing that's causing me problems is the simple fact that I'd be 24 and living at home.
I don't know, what would you do? Have any of you moved back in with your parents after living on your own for years? How old were you when you moved out? Give me a little perspective.
It's just, Christ, I'd be 24 and living with my dad. LOSER. LOSER. LOSER, etc. It just seems like I'd be going backward with my life instead of going forward. There are various pros and cons to the move, but the big thing that's causing me problems is the simple fact that I'd be 24 and living at home.
I don't know, what would you do? Have any of you moved back in with your parents after living on your own for years? How old were you when you moved out? Give me a little perspective.