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I'm just not feeling the love for the original Ratchet & Clank.


I dunno, the level design is SHARP. I can't deny the goodness of the level design at all.

...the gameplay, however, took a major step backwards. I could stand to go without weapon upgrades, that much was cool. However, the lack of a lock-on/strafe button really hurts.

I mean, it's cool and all, but Going Commando kicks its ass. Gh. :\


I thought the first game was pretty pedestrian and it lost my interest a dozen worlds in. GC was a nice improvement.


Okay, just busted through a little more. The one flying mission so far beats the crap out of the ones in GC...although that's not saying much.

Still, though, the progression from 1->2 is so great...I can only hope that 2->3 is equally as great.
Matlock said:
I dunno, the level design is SHARP. I can't deny the goodness of the level design at all.

...the gameplay, however, took a major step backwards. I could stand to go without weapon upgrades, that much was cool. However, the lack of a lock-on/strafe button really hurts.

I mean, it's cool and all, but Going Commando kicks its ass. Gh. :\

Quit gaming. It's over.


Matlock said:
I dunno, the level design is SHARP. I can't deny the goodness of the level design at all.

...the gameplay, however, took a major step backwards. I could stand to go without weapon upgrades, that much was cool. However, the lack of a lock-on/strafe button really hurts.

I mean, it's cool and all, but Going Commando kicks its ass. Gh. :\

So... you're saying that the second game is so much of an improvement over the first you are having a hard time going back... How is this a problem? If anything it goes to show the blatant idiocy of those that keep calling the games rehashes.

R&C1 was great, and still is great, but GC just completely blows it out of the water. That's why I always recommend them in order or altogether for just $60. :D

LOL @ gameplay taking a major step backward when you're playing the older game second.


Were you expecting the original to be better then the first?! LOL. It's supposed to work the other way, friend. I liked the first, but I thought the sequel solved all of it's problems and supersized the asskicking.


I think that pretty much does it for this topic. R&C2 is just so perfect it hurts all games that came before it. Sorry, other devs. :(


Man, if R&C 1 had a strafe button, I'd probably like it as much as 2.

'course, having a flamethrower at your ready at most times is pretty damn cool, too.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
you can buy lock on mods in the first can't you?

and you can strafe once you get the rocket pack I think.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
R&C 1 started a little slow for me. The first few planets dragged until you built up your arsenal of weapons to the point when you had sufficient variety to make things interesting. GC certainly helped ameliorate this with the experience system for Ratchet and for weapons.
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