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I'm new to Xbox Live.....need game suggestions!

Question: I'm getting Xbox live (I had a free trial I got with Pandora Tomorrow, but traded that in when it expired, and may pick it up again when I get Live), and I was wondering what games are really good on Live that people still play. Genre is unimportant, just not mainstream sports (i.e. no football, baseball, basketball........hockey is good though. I am Canadian.....) :D . I need Xbox Live suggestions! Also, which do you recommend I get with the Live bundle, Mechassault or Crimson Skies?

Please, if you can, more than just a list. I wanna know WHY the games you suggest are fun Live games. :)
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload - awesome game, great price
Unreal Championship - really fun game, and still has a hardcore following
(even tho i'm not a fan) MechAssault - same reasons as UC


Aside from sports and racing (PGR2/Burnout 3) games, there isn't really anything I'd recommend at this point. Wait for Halo 2.

Also, get the Crimson Skies bundle. It's a great game, but not alot of people play it online anymore. Mech Assault is pretty meh.


GameFan Alumnus
Mortal Kombat Deception - there is a TON of competition for this game and fighting games are all about competition. Considering Guilty Gear didn't sell a million copies, I would assume there's more comp in MK. Fun game, it's my favorite Mortal Kombat. If you pick good connections, 95% of your matches should be completely lag-free.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Why not get DoAU next week and fap together online with 7 other players? :p

Edit: oops, looks like it comes out the week after
I'm about to pick up LIVE as well. Does Tiger Woods have online options? I'd be all over that. I'm getting it mainly for Halo 2 and PES4 though.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Apparantly Rainbow Six 3 is the most popular game on XBL and I hear its follow up (Black Arrow or whatever) is pretty good.


Gorilla Jones said:
You must get Crimson Skies, its great on Live. Also Star Wars Battlefront is great. Almost forgot R6:BA!

IAWTP - A nice diversion from all the sports and shooters. The single player is also excellent but a bit short. Also a gorgeous game.


crimson skies - 16 planes, its pure craziness and its awesome.
midtown madness - budget title at this point and is fun as hell on xbox live
Good XBL games for good prices......

You can pick up Rainbow Six 3, Project Gotham 2, and Crimson Skies for $19.99 each at Target! And they are awesome games for XBL!!

Grab Rallisport Challenge 2, Ghost Recon: Island Thunder, and CounterStrike for good pirces as well.


I like Star Wars Battlefront. It's a simple but fun FPS that does a pretty good job of making you feel as if you're in the thick of the huge battles straight out of the movies. Also the #2 most played game on LIVE right now, and you can usually find a few lag-free servers.
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