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I'm tired of being the nice guy at work.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
I don't know if this is a tag fishing thread or what, but the OP would do well to listen to the advice Kurtori posted earlier.

Your colleagues are all part of your network. They're potential friends and references. Be nice to them and give them a reason to like you.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Your colleagues are all part of your network. They're potential friends and references. Be nice to them and give them a reason to like you.

Are you saying that I'm being childish throughout all of it this?

I don't think so.

It's more likely that I'm just a Sigma male or something.
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Parody of actual AJUMP23
It is much easier being liked at work than being hated. Unless you are the boss? Are you the boss? If not get along and open up.


You don't sound like a nice guy at all. You probably think you're "nice" because you're doing the bare minimum.

Work (and life in general) is way more fun when you treat people like buddies. Try put in the effort to be friendly.

If all you care about is money, then you're completely doing it the wrong way. You're gonna get more money if you up your people skills.
As it turns out, bosses like employees who are pleasant to be around.


*Refreshes biennially
I can relate. When I worked in an office environment, I couldn’t even remember names of most of the people that worked there. After 3+ years. Oops.


Gold Member
I'm pretty anti social and introverted but I learned to be approachable and friendly at the office, and over time you can make some incredibly strong relationships which last beyond companies and geography.

You're saying at 24 years old you are this jaded and closed off? Goddamn that's not good. That's not normal or healthy.

Remove stick from ass.
Stop having resting Vegita face.

You don't have to be a sycophant or play office politics. I've made life long friendships at companies where I pissed and shit everywhere before burning all those bridges.

You can meet some really cool people.


This sounds like one of two things:
You'll soon cut your dick off
Shoot up an elementary school

Sounds like my soulmate

Edit ~ I'm sure those comments aren't meant to be taken seriously fyi.

Hops, I have autism as well but can be very extraverted (to much at times) or introverted depending on the day.

I can choose to be (act) charming and "funny" which helps immensely.

Having humor which you do is a great tool given the right context and to a certain degree ofcourse.
Especially if you give subtle compliments here and there. I bet you have some of that in you.

And hey, autism makes it harder sometimes. At least for me it does. Having to play the "social game" is very tiring; especially if you're naturally introverted and just don't resonate with your co-workers.

There are plenty of good posts ITT so I don't really can help due to which has already been said.

I'm sorry you feel shitty on a daily basis.

Btw don't steal lunches 😂
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You don’t care about anyone at work but you do care enough about what people here thinks about you to open a thread about this, classic.

Here are some steps you can take.

1. Stop talking about your feelings all the time you low testosterone sack of shit.
2. Stop drinking soy milk you lunch thieving bastard.
3. No one gives a shit about you or how you perceive the world around you.
4. You seem like a very emotional person, gtfo and go to the gym.

Ulysses 31

You don’t care about anyone at work but you do care enough about what people here thinks about you to open a thread about this, classic.

Here are some steps you can take.

1. Stop talking about your feelings all the time you low testosterone sack of shit.
2. Stop drinking soy milk you lunch thieving bastard.
3. No one gives a shit about you or how you perceive the world around you.
4. You seem like a very emotional person, gtfo and go to the gym.
5. Stop stealing other people's lunch.

You just think you're superior to your co-workers.
My lunch thread is unrelated to the topic at hand.
I don't know why some of you are bringing this up.

Besides, that was yesterday and today is a new day.

So stop living in the past.

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You don’t care about anyone at work but you do care enough about what people here thinks about you to open a thread about this, classic.

Here are some steps you can take.

1. Stop talking about your feelings all the time you low testosterone sack of shit.
2. Stop drinking soy milk you lunch thieving bastard.
3. No one gives a shit about you or how you perceive the world around you.
4. You seem like a very emotional person, gtfo and go to the gym.


Testosterone. Soy. Gym.

Talking about classic. SMH.

And another thing. I care.

You seem very triggered so perhaps you should GTFO this thread, put on your Gymshark gear and go to do some lifting


Gold Member
Hear me out - maybe you should start TELLING people that youve been stealing their lunches.

Turn full heel.

That should liven up your reputation a bit


Gold Member

What is your opinion on this?
U a beetch :/

Hear me out - maybe you should start TELLING people that youve been stealing their lunches.

Turn full heel.

That should liven up your reputation a bit
Next time someone enters the lunch room crying about their lost sandwich, OP, that dirty thief, should stand up and bellow with as deep a voice as he can "HEY YO.... your ham sandwich was TOO SWEET"
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Testosterone. Soy. Gym.

Talking about classic. SMH.

And another thing. I care.

You seem very triggered so perhaps you should GTFO this thread, put on your Gymshark gear and go to do some lifting
Of course you care.
You're one of those dudes who get friend zoned by other dudes I bet.
Go eat some meat I can smell your vegan farts from the screen.
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Gold Member
You don’t care about anyone at work but you do care enough about what people here thinks about you to open a thread about this, classic.

Here are some steps you can take.

1. Stop talking about your feelings all the time you low testosterone sack of shit.
2. Stop drinking soy milk you lunch thieving bastard.
3. No one gives a shit about you or how you perceive the world around you.
4. You seem like a very emotional person, gtfo and go to the gym.
Everyone that has contributed to this thread clearly give a shit.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Smile GIF
I don't know how I can go through the day without talking to somebody at work. I work on an assembly line and if I just focused on my job and didn't socialize with people it would drive me fucking crazy.

Of course I was kind of like you in my early twenties to where socializing just wasn't my thing and I worked third shift at a grocery store. That was without a doubt the most depressing 2 years of my entire life. I would work 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. go home, sleep, wake up, watch anime, eat shit food, go back to work rinse and repeat and I didn't talk to anybody.

I changed jobs, got married, have kids and I'm much more social at my new job and it's a much better experience. I worked with a lot of older guys who were just massively antisocial dick heads and I didn't want to be that guy at work. Trust me you don't want to be the guy at work to where when people come in and see you they instantly dread their day.


Of course you care.
You're one of those dudes who get friend zoned by other dudes I bet.
Go eat some meat I can smell your vegan farts from the screen.

He's my friend so ofcourse I care.

LOL I made ya mad.

You're more the XXL attire type.

I'm sensing alot of self-projection in your posts? Why are you so angry over someone else's trivial thread on the Internet?

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